Friday 20 March 2020

Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 19th March 2020 Written Episode Update:

Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 19th March 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Ram ji asks Ram ji if cleaner has not come today. Ram ji denies. His Seth wonders why people are so careless. I wonder why Bhaiya hires such people. He will be fired once Bhaiya returns. Ram ji requests him to talk to the cleaner. He might change himself. It is wrong to fire someone like this. Seth says I tried many times but he isn’t ready to understand. Not everyone is as dedicated and honest as you. A lot many people are not in decent condition but they aren’t willing to work hard to fix their situation. I will find someone else from outside. Ram ji requests him to hire him for this job as well instead of hiring someone else. You can pay me whatever you think would be fine. Seth says we respect you a lot. You are retired Subedar. How can I make you do all this? Bhaiya will not like it. Ram ji says I don’t back out from work. My elder son has left the house. He thinks his Baba cannot earn enough money which will be enough to raise his kids or get his wife treated. I couldn’t make him understand this that his father is capable of managing all his responsibilities. I will do everything to earn a little more. I will be forever indebted to you. Seth ji says I will increase your wages but don’t do all this. You know how Bhaiya and I perceive you. We wont like it if you will do all this. Ram ji says I need work, not pity. Please find someone else. He folds his hands politely. Seth is taken aback. Seth ji says now I understand why Bheema is so famous. His father has so much self-respect. He will learn it from you after all. Don’t do it in front of me though. Let me know once you are done. I will return after that only. You will handle Bhaiya yourself. Ram ji agrees. He picks up the broom as soon as Seth leaves.

Bhimbai comes to a guy’s house seeking work. He recognizes her as Sakpal’s wife. I cannot let you work inside my house. She requests him to give any other work that can be done outside. He asks her if she will pick cow-dung and throw it in Ambedkar ji’s fields. She agrees. He hires her.

Ram ji thinks I will give my best and Bala will one day realise his Baba never turned weak even for a second.

Bhimbai also vows to do whatever she can for her family. Screen keeps shifting between Ram ji and Bhimbai. They both think of the situation at home and how their kids have become smart and responsible.

Dhruv tells Bheema that the girl who wanted to study came to school to meet you but you had left by then. He is clueless about the reason but tells Bheema that she wants to meet him. He tells Bheema the location. Bheema asks him to come along but Dhruv tells him to go ahead. I have some work. I will join you there directly. Bheema nods.

Ram ji finishes cleaning and calls the Seth inside. He asks Ram ji to have lunch with him. Ram ji is reluctant but Seth makes him sit with him. Our Baba was a very simple and innocent guy. Villagers used to trouble him a lot but he never retorted to any taunts. He taught us the same thing and later passed away. People from higher community started troubling us brothers then. They started beating us for no reason one day. This infuriated us and we beat them back. We understood that day that they will be a danger to our family when they will gain conscious. We left with our family and came here. we vowed to lie as much as we can but not to be nice to the people or they wont let us live. We ended up acting selfish, cruel and shrewd. See how we are living our life today! I still don’t understand whose method of living life is right – Baba’s or ours. Ram ji smiles it is wrong to bear everything like your Baba. It is equally wrong to lie and use violence. Getting rid of one bad thing using another bad alternative isn’t justified. I just said what I feel is true. Seth tells him he doesn’t mind. One should speak honestly.

Few villagers notice Anand and Bheema in their area and get curious. Sakpal brothers meet that girl in a farm. She shares that Baba tore her books and hurt her and her Aayi. How should I study? I am eager to study. Anand advises her to stop studying but she refuses. I came to meet Bheema to find a solution. Anand says what Bheema can do. The girl smiles. Only he can do something. He has fought with many difficulties and managed to study. I will fight if he will guide me how to. Bheema says Baba says one must struggle during the times of difficulties. Your opponent may be very powerful but stick to what you decide to do! She says even Aayi cannot say anything in front of Baba. How will I do it? He advises her not to back off. Just keep crossing all obstacles. You will surely win one day. She smiles. Thank you for encouraging me. She gives him kheer. I got it for you as shopkeepers dint give you the ingredients the other day. Bheema refuses politely. She says consider this your Guru dakshina. Anand readily accepts it. You don’t refuse when someone is offering you so politely. She thanks them and leaves.

Anand says kheer of people from higher community might taste very different. I cannot wait anymore! Bheema suggests him to eat it with Tulsa and Manjlua at home. Anand runs towards home. Bheema smiles. He cannot stop himself when it comes to food. He calls out after Anand but stops in his tracks upon noticing 3 men. A pot is hanging in front of their chest and broom is attached to their waists. They notice Bheema. He gets tensed as he has never seen them before and starts running. They chase him. Bheema meets his Baba on his way and hugs him tight. Ram ji is shocked to see those 3 men. Ram ji asks Bheema why he is so afraid. Bheema asks him who these people are. One guy says what your Baba will say. Don’t be afraid. We recognized you the moment we saw you. We realised you need to know about us and chased you. Another guy says someone else will replace us tomorrow. It can even be you. Don’t run away like this. This is the truth of your society. You or your Baba will have to be dressed like this only if you visit the house of people from higher community. Bheema refuses to do it ever. He asks his Baba to tell them. They tell him why they are dressed like this. This pot in front will hold our sweat as we move while the broom behind us will clean our footprints. You too will have to pass from there like this. Bheema outright refuses. He runs away. Ram ji asks them if they are mad. Why did you tell this to my son? He is unaware of any of it. They ask him if this can continue for life. He will have to go from there one day. Our life is filled with thorns and they will hurt him one day. Ram ji refuses. My son will never do it. He is a fighter. He will have to fight against all this. He will never fall into any of this. He will fight to end all this. I will prepare him for this war. They mock him. Don’t dream with open eyes. The sooner you and your son accept this, the better. Why don’t you tell him that we are worse than the spit of people from higher community?


Update Credit to: Pooja

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