Tuesday 17 August 2021

Being with my so called kidnapper # episode 34 # Feelings


Hello peeepies aagyi me..

I am soooooo happy rrahel the awards.. indeed they are best and for us..they are best jodi also😍

U guys bashed my vanshu alot yesterday. But he is innocent i am cruel😎..

I am not in favor of domastic violence..but sometimes some things happen without our will..

The case of domastic violence is quite different..but here..vansh is facing something which he can’t reveal.. when u pressed the wrong nerve be ready to face the consequences also..

I can say there are two types of people..one is who fight with tongue and another is who retaliate with their actions..

Ps : “Utna hi bolo zibaan se jitna sun sako kaan se “

Nobody is right nobody is wrong..but the worst situation is when u are helpless..

Lets start

Scene 1

Vansh’s pov

I slapped her and turned my face banging my fist on wall

How dare she..how dare she to insult my feelings..only i know what i am feeling right now..

How suffocating this things are for me and here she..is trying to provoke the hidden beast inside me..

I was mulling in my own thoughts suddenly i heard some sobs..

f**k!! I slapped her..how can u vansh..

I turned my face to her.. she is lying on floor holding her cheek crying..

My eyes soften seeing her crawling on floor..

Pov ends

Riddhima’s pov..

After slapping me .. this dumbass raisinghania is showing me his so called care..

He came and tried to make me stand up..but very next moment he is lying on floor like me..but unfortunately i can’t see my finger marks on his cheeks..

I am still in shock..i pushed him and he kissed the floor..

“Stay away from me “i yelled at him holding my cheek..

Was he had dhai kilo ka hath..my cheek is still paining..

“ri..riddhima sweetheart look at me..i am sorry ” He didn’t even complete and i jerked his hand from my shoulder..

” U showed ur true colors today vansh..now i am 100 % sure..that your love was a facade..u were just planning to kidnap me like this..and i being second most idiot creature of this universe.. believed u.. first is still u ” I shouted at him crying..

Pov ends

Vansh’s pov..

Indeed i am guilty..but what she is saying is not true..

I never planned this..i even didn’t know that she is the same riddhima whom i am searching like mad person..

I tired to calm her down but seems like some horror movie’s chudail posseed her..

“IF u want to see me alive then leave…”.. she yelled at me..

I understand what she is feeling right now..i should give her space..

Things are indeed difficult for both of us..but i am facing this since so many years but she is not as strong as i am..

I kissed her forehead and leave latching the door from behind..

Pov ends..

Riddhima’s pov

As soon as i saw him leaving i thudd on the floor again holding my cheek..

He slapped me😭..my Vanshu slapped me..

I will prefer to die instead of slapping u.. his words echoed in my mind..

Was that all facade..but even after seeing so much..my heart is not ready to accept his this behaviour..

It’s not like I don’t have some self respect..but his love was facade not mine..

The single mistake can’t end the love of this much time..in a second

I cried hugging the floor..cried hard..till i drifted into deep slumber..

Pov ends

Scene 2

Angre’s pov..

I was waiting for boss in study.. suddenly the door of study opened with thudd..!!

And here comes our god.. holding a bottle of wine in his hands with blood shot eyes..like a perfect devdas

He is god..but i wish he could be that strong..

I am with him since so many years..

He can say lie to bhabhi even but not to me..

Only i know how fragile my boss is..

Only bhabhi can handle him..and if she hurts him he looses his senses..

The same person who hurts u is the same person who can heal u..

In 2 minutes all the things of our study was lying on floor..

Gosh!! How will i handle him now..

Pov ends

Vansh’s pov

Noooooo…nooo..i can’t..i can’t hurt her..

I slapped her..how can i..

But what should i do..the more i try to mend things the more she entangled them..

What she thinks..is it easy for me..nooo… it’s not..

She can still cry..shout vent out her anger and frustration..but what about me.. I can’t do that even..

I started throwing all the things shouting like a maniac..

“Riiiiidddhhhiiiiiimmmmmaaaaaa!!! ” I shouted on top of my voice imagining her red crying face..😭..

Pov ends

Angre – Boss..boss..plz try to understand..calm down.. don’t hurt yourself..

Vansh’s pov

Hurt myself..😭how can’t i..

I hurted her..i hurted my jaan..😭 what she must be feeling..right now.. she must be crying..her cheeks must be paining na..i was so harsh on her..

But why can’t she understands..i am forced..😫..

She has to understand this.. I can’t let her go..she can’t go..

I can’t soothe her pain but i can hurt myself..yes..yes..i can hurt myself..

I don’t have any right to slap her..but some things happen even when we don’t want ..

When shree krishna couldn’t be able to stop the war in Mahabharata being a god himself then who am i..i am a mere human ..in the facade of god..

I deserve punishment to hurt her..

Pov ends..

Angre’s pov..

He left latching the door on my face..

I ran behind him but i know..even god can’t stop her.. somewhere he is god himself..

I ran as fast as i could behind him..

I can heard the voices of broken things from his room..

I wanna live more.. and I don’t carry those guts to put my hand in wounded lion’s den..

I peeped from outside what is she doing..

And to not my surprise he is venting out his anger on those lifeless things..

Wait shit..no..he can’t do this..

I can’t see him like this..he is not my boss only..he is my everything..a father figure a best friend a brother a companion and what not..

I know it’s useless to stop him…only she can stop him..

I know she is hurt but she can’t see him in pain .

I ran holding my breath to her room..

Pov ends

Riddhima’s pov..

I was sleeping until i heard some screaming..

Who the hell is screaming my name

“Bhabhi..bhabhi” Angre’s voice came from other side..

Getting all the energy i had..i tried to get up as my whole body got numb after enduring so much emotional torture..

I opened the door..with trembling legs..

But seeing the sight my heart skipped a beat ..

“Bhabhi..bhabhi plz save him..” he cried folding his hands..

“I don’t want to see him” i retorted weeping my fresh tears..

“I know u are hurt..but plz save him.. only u can do this..not for u then for me plz..” he begged falling in my legs..

What happened that angre is begging in front of me..

A sudden fear crept in my heart thinking about the possibilities..

I know how vansh is in his anger..a reckless jerk..

I hold angre by his shoulders making him stand..

” What happened” i said maintaining an emotioless face..”

“plz come with me we don’t have time” he said almost dragging me towards vansh’s room..

I ran..i literally ran.. whatever he is..but i am a human my feelings can’t change in a blink of eye..

Pushing the door of his room my eyes widened in shock and my heart almost popped out from my ribcage..

“Vannnnsssshhhhh” I shouted in top of my voice .

Pov ends

Done done Dana done ✅..

Hope u like it..

Comments tapka dena

Lob u all

The post Being with my so called kidnapper # episode 34 # Feelings appeared first on Telly Updates.

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