Saturday, 16 July 2022

Meet 16th July 2022 Written Episode Update: Manjari decides to stay again


Meet 16th July 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Barfi leaving Ahlawat’s mansion. Ragini pray to god for Isha’s marriage. Barfi outside and remember she forget umbrella and walk back inside to get.
Masum walks to Babita says Manjari is packing her bag and leaving. Manjari come down with her luggage. Meet Ahlawat try to stop her says atleast wait for dad she started recovering so please don’t punish him because of me you can punish me, but please don’t leave dad. Manjari says I don’t want to do anything nor I’ll punish you because this means I’m trying to forgive you hut I won’t do that. Barfi behind main door listing everything says outside people are valued more here that’s great, what is going on.
Masum scolds Manjari. Babita stop Masum and try to convince Manjari. Manjari says this time I won’t wait because you don’t know what your son have done,he still thinks I’m your daughter in law and he left me with goons they misbehaved with me, don’t know what could have happened to me. Babita shouts at Meet Ahlawat and ask what is wrong with you. Manjari says I won’t stay here where girls are not respected so I won’t stay here for anyone. Barfi says to herself I believe god is with me without any efforts she will be out of my way. Babita pray to God for Manjari and says if she will go then my Raj won’t be healthy again. Masum text from her phone Manjari is leaving house. Raj walks to corridor and ask where are you going daughter in law. Everyone in shock after seeing Raj standing. Babita walks to her says why did you come down you could have called someone. Raj ask her again are you going somewhere and ask everyone what happen tell me where is she going. Babita says there is nothing big our kids were saying to want to go out in rain so I said no so they are upset and you know Meet how stubborn she is. Raj says because of this behaviour our house is still happy and says to Babita if they want to go so let them, after how long they got time to be together let them go, says to Babita do you remember how we use to be in rain for hours and says to them go have fun but when you will be back Manjari will make tea for me and we will snacks too. Babita says come you should go and rest this much exhaustion is not good for your health. Raj says no need to worry when my kids are here. Manjari walks to Raj. Raj ask what happen you both are not going out. She says no raining stopped when they will thunder again then I’ll think. Babita pray to God. Barfi says she should have gone but atleast I got to know about there feelings, this will help me.

Manushi dancing in her room. Kunal walks to her says I have a great news Manjari was unable to fight with your goons she was crying infront of them. Manushi says the way you explained I’m sure she is Meet. Kunal says they try to misbehave with her but she was unable to fight back and you know at shooting also she was about to die, I don’t think she is your sister. Manushi says she is my sister and calls Masum says you have to do small work for me. Masum says I cannot risk myself last time was a narrow escape for me. Manushi says listen to me, you have to keep and eye on her and fix a spy camera on her jewellery to keep so that we have every information about her and disconnects call.

Manjari in kitcywith Babita. Babita says you will be the first girl in world who smile while chopping onion. Manjari says why to waste tears on onion we have other lot of reasons to cry for. Babita says your anger was right even decision of leaving this house and I know you decided not to go because of Raj. Manjari says yes because your kid didn’t left me a choice sometime I think how Meet Ahlawat could be son of Raj. Babita says my soywas not like this he was soft hearted and fun loving guy and next level husband he use to take good care of Meet and both of them use to love eachother because of these two my house was always cheerful but afterwards he become stone hearted and he could he stone hearted forever if he didn’t listen to Raj and start looking for Meet and the day he went out to look for Meet he found you, you are lookalike of Meet, after seeing same girl whole day make him remember what he had lost and my heart stop beating after thinking about his condition from inside so for atleast one time you try to feel his pain then you will understand why my son is so rude, I know you won’t forgive him but your anger against him may get less.

Manjari walking in mansion thinking about what Babita told her about Meet Ahlawat. Masum looks at Manjari thinks I’ll hide this spy cam in her jewellery. Masum waljs towards hershe stumble and hide spy can in her earings. Manjari save her from falling and ask are you alright. Masum says yes I slipped. Manjari says no worries you didn’t hurt yourself. Masum see mom and dad together walking and ask are you going somewhere. Raj says yes we are going on a ice cream date. Babita says you dad wants to go on outing but I said no so we are going on ice cream date in garden and ask them to join. Manjari says no you both go and enjoy. Masum says I’m tiered so I’m going to bed. Manjari start walking. Raj ask her where are you going you left your room behind go Meet Ahlawat might be waiting for you. Masum says how can she go in his room. Raj says they are husband and wife and they share only one room. Masum says but these two are. Babita give cold look to Masum. Masum says they both are separated. Raj says every husband and wife fight but this doesn’t mean they are separated, you and Hoshiyar also fight on some or other reason, husband and wife are like body and soul bot are incomplete without eachother and Manjari to leave and rest. Manjari start walking and thinks how will I go in his room.


Update Credit to: Tanaya

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