Monday 28 September 2020

Akbar Ka Bal Birbal 28th September 2020 Written Episode Update: Akbar decides to marry Naagin

Akbar Ka Bal Birbal 28th September 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

The episode starts with Lal Langot and Trilokma having draped Akbar in iron clothing and shoes. Birbal says this looks like a cage. Lal Langot corrects his face piece. Birbal was appreciative of their attempt to turn this imposter to Akbar. The man stammers and was unable to speak clearly. Birbal says he is now Akbar. He has to go to Guru Ji’s house for breaking his fast as Akbar. The man was terrified and not ready to leave the palace.

The Sadhu passes by the forest discussing that Akbar will surely come here. He does not care for his life. Nagin overhears the conversation and thinks once Akbar moves out of his palace and she would marry him or kill him.

Akbar was in the room with Maharani and Vijay. She was upset as he was draped in chained steel dress. They receive a note from Birbal that Akbar will not go to Guru Ji, and instead his imposter will. He must safely stay in the palace. They will wait for Maharani, Vijay and Sheikhu there. Sheikhu brings iron gloves specially made for Akbar. Akbar says he will not wear these, but Maharani says these are for his protection.

There, the imposter was not ready to go at any cost. Birbal compels him that they will take him in a coffin. The man was not ready. Birbal was irritated and tells Lal Langot to prepare him anyway. Nathu Lal, the imposter dodges Lal Langot and runs from the room. Lal Langot and Trilokma following him.

There, Akbar had taken a flee from the room while Sheikhu chased him in the corridors with Trilokma.

Birbal, Maharani and Vijay were in Guru Ji’s house. Birbal says Maharaj will soon be here. They have prepared to bring Akbar here in a secretive manner as a Nagin chases him. Guru ji says not even a spider can weave its web without his permission, Akbar will be safe here.

Amidst the confusions of chasing, Lal Langot and Trilokma now carried a coffin in which real Akbar sat. He was furious and scolded Lal Langot for enclosing him and warns him of dire consequences. Lal Langot does not pay head. Lal Langot and Trilokma finally reached the hut. Lal Langot warns Nathu Lal that if he tries to move, he will severely beat him. They unlock the coffin. Trilokma screams at once, recognizing Akbar. Lal Langot trembles with his hands joint in apology. Akbar threatens to punish him for his act. He tells Lal Langot to pull him outside and inquires about Nathu Lal. He deliberately steps over Lal Langot’s foot and then walks inside Guru Ji’s hut.

Inside, everyone recognizes the real Akbar. Birbal signals Lal Langot but Akbar calls him a stupid friend of his sensible minister. He apologizes to Guru ji for being late.

Naagin had arrived outside the hut. She was determined to frighten Akbar to death and marry him. Akbar and Maharani break Guru ji’s fast. Guru ji boasts that no Nagin can reach his hut. All at once, a snake comes inside the hut. Everyone screams. The snake tries to bite Akbar but due to iron shoes it was unable to sting and goes back. Guru ji says whether she is an imposter, or a real powerful Nagin. Birbal follows the hole outside and looks for the snake. Nagin appears and challenges them for tomorrow, she will marry Akbar on Amawas, day after tomorrow. She says she will come to apply turmeric on Akbar tomorrow, if Birbal is able to stop her she will leave. Otherwise, she will marry Akbar tomorrow. She leaves with a huge laughter. Akbar decides to marry Nagin for the sake of his Sultanate and subjects.

In the room, Akbar brings a plate of sweet and bowl of milk. He sits with Nagin in a veil. They both enjoy milk and sweets together, then perform Nagin dance together. Akbar wakes up from the nightmare. Tara Bai hears the scream and runs towards the room. Trilokma stops her at once. Tara was thankful of Trilokma. Vijay overhears this secretive conversation and wonders what big secret they can be hiding.

PRECAP: Tara Bai and Trilokma perform Nagin dance. Vijay blames them for being Nagin. Birbal tells Maharani they can not be. Maharani questions why not. The real Nagin calls from behind Akbar, that she is the real one. She had applied Haldi on Akbar’s face.

Update Credit to: Sona

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