Vansh: idc if its a diamond or not u r the most prized possession to me , I can’t imagine my life without you .
Riddhima : will u marry me ?
Vansh: yes
Then they kissed their lips moving rhythmically it was their first kiss they were engrosed in it soon they broke as they needed to breathe vansh kissed riddhima’s collar bone with full possession.
Riddhima : vansh do u wanna dance
Vansh : why not sure
They danced on qatra hi to maanga hai …..
After the dance they went towards the tent and slept in each other’s arms
Next day they woke by each other’s side smiling they played for a while in the beach they reached Riddhima’s home
Riddhima: goodbye vansh
He held her wrist making faces indicating her not to go Aaryan came out to collect the paper while they kissed .
Aaryan : ( fake cough) Morning
Riddhima blushed and buried her head in his chest Aaryan left giving them some space
Vansh: riddhima come to my house with Sejal and Aaryan for breakfast
Riddhima : why
Vansh : just come
Inside her house
Riddhima: guys we are going to Vr mansion
Aaryan: we go their everyday
Riddhima : ik both of u get ready quick we have breakfast at thier place .
Sejal : yes ma’am , btw how was ur date
Both noticed Riddhima blushing and started pulling her leg.
They soon got ready Riddhima wore a berry lush pink backless strapped mini dress with those silver heels with wings in the back the ones vansh had gifted her she left her hair open with one sided Dutch braid .
Sejal: so should we go
Riddhima : ya one second
Aaryan : riddhu fast
Riddhima came out and thier jaws dropped
Sejal: I need to confirm my gender,or no need.
Aaryan : wow riddhu u look I don’t have any words to describe.
Riddhima: thanks both of u .
Meanwhile in VR mansion
Vansh : everyone listen please Riddhima,Aaryan ,Sejal are coming for breakfast.
Angre: boss don’t they kinda live here
Ishani : ok I’ll go get ready
Dadi: wow finally Riddhima is coming here with a smile I’ll make something good .
Soon they arrived
Aaryan, Sejal and Riddhima got down
Ishani and sia went running towards her and hugged her
Ishani: riddhu im so glad to meet you
Sia: u look amazing .
Kabir : breathtaking ( he said while looking towards Aaryan )
Aaryan noticed it and smiled as gesture for thanks.
Sejal: see u all forget me
Ishani rolling her eyes : u r so melodramatic.
They soon went inside vansh came he was wearing blue denims with a white shirt he hugged Riddhima
Vansh : u r going to kill me someday gorgeous.
While they were having breakfast vansh and riddhima sat next to eachother vansh got up
Vansh: I have to make an announcement today he showed his ring Riddhima proposed to me
Kabir chocked on his food Aaryan offered him water they shared an eyelock
Vansh : and we are planning to get married soon .
Ishani : wow
Sia : yesss mission accomplished
Sejal : I thought so
Vansh: which mission
Riddhima who knew everything
Riddhima : nothing
Dadi: thank God vansh beta u have given me a very good news now finish this marriage quick I need to go to shridi for some peace of mind.
Vansh : yes dadi
Sia: marriage i would prefer staying a bachelor my entire life
Ishani: oh shut up sia none asked for ur opinion.
They all laughed
Vansh slid a VR ring in riddhima’s hand
Vansh : ( whispered) forever mine.
Riddhima blushed
After breakfast they all were planning for what to do today
Ishani : let’s watch a movie as few movies have been released and if we don’t like them we can watch the re- released ones
Aaryan : sounds great.
They reached the movie theatre
Aaryan : bhai me and Kabir have decided we want to go for tenet.
Sia: I am going for wonder woman anyone wants to join?
Ishani : me
Sejal: I want to go for t and f
Ishani: srsly Sejal
Sejal : what
Vansh: Sejal u cannot go alone
Angre: vansh I’ll go anyways I’ve no interest in any of the movies
Sejal : ok
Riddhima and vansh went for malang which was re-released
Riddhima: u know I missed this movie last time. I was in Paris doing my course.
Vansh: u can watch it now.
All of them enjoyed thier movie except
Sejal: Angre u snore soo much u know what bhai he was sleeping the entire duration of the movie .
Ishani : so Sejal how was ur movie did u enjoy
Sejal: a lot infact I had a Dolby extra sound speaker right next to me snoring ( sarcasm)
They all burst out laughing
Kabir and Aaryan also joined them
Riddhima : Sejal even u snore
Sejal : really
Riddhima: yes thats the reason I don’t sleep next to u
Vansh : what about lunch
Kabir: let’s eat out !!
Vansh : can u guys go together and me and riddhu go somewhere else.
Ishani: privacy ppl.
Sejal: see everyone forgot me
Sia : oh shut up Sejal everything is not about u stop ur drama
Aaryan : ya bhai sure u guys carry on we’ll hit the gaming zone and eat at the food court.
Kabir: sounds good
Ishani: cool let’s go
Angre : I wish I joined u both for tenet Sejal bored me to death that I went into a slumber
Kabir : lol we enjoyed a lot
Aaryan: ya it was a movie which had concurred physics
Ishani: ok u guys go to the gaming zone meanwhile we go for shopping.
Kabir: i knew it
Aaryan : come lets go , angre do u want to join them.
Angre : srsly
Meanwhile they reached a cafe
Vansh: Riddhu did u enjoy
Riddhima: yes
They sat on a two seater table everyone’s eyes were on riddhima
Vansh : riddhu u look so gorgeous that every one is looking at you .
A man of vansh’ s age got up and went towards Riddhima .
Unknown: hello beautiful would u like to have a dance with me.
He ignored vansh
Riddhima: I’m sorry I’m here with my fiance.
Vansh : exactly why don’t u go and enjoy with whoever u came with or with urself .
Vansh was burning with jealousy the unknown person left the cafe.
Riddhima : I’ll have a mocha with a chicken cheese grilled sandwich
Vansh : I’ll opt for the same
The waiter took thier order vansh whispered something in the waiters ears .
Riddhima: what did you say
Vansh : I just told him to get the food hot last time he gave us cold
After a while the waiter bought the coffee and kept it in front of riddhima she saw there was a heart
Riddhima: is it so, ig last time he forgot to make a heart.
Vansh smiled
After they were done with lunch Ishani called
Ishani : bhai come fast otherwise Kabir,Aaryan and angre will finish the whole food court.
Vansh : ya coming
Cuts the call
Ishani : will u three stop eating now !!
Aaryan: shit guys I forgot desert
Angre: I’ll have a Belgian waffle and a brownie
Kabir: I’ll have 2 popsicles
Aaryan : and I’ll have a brownie and a popsicle.
Sejal : how much do u eat ??
Kabir : what! u girls wasted a whole hour and bought only 1 shirt
Angre: atleast we are doing something productive.
Vansh and riddhima came by that time
Vansh : so, good to go ?
Angre: wait we didn’t have our sweet dish yet.
Vansh: ok take ur time . Meanwhile me and Riddhima are outside. They went
Sejal: no one…
Ishani: oh shut up Sejal since riddhima came u have started behaving like sia I cannot handle two monkeys and it’s not funny we are sick of ur dialogue.
Sejal : Ishani I was saying no one ate pizza especially you.
Sia : oh shit
They all bursted out laughing
Ishani: oh sorry
Sejal : it’s ok
Vansh : Riddhu do u want to buy something
Riddhima: no vansh thanks . Wait I’ve something for you.
she took out a mini sketch book from her purse
Riddhima : here , open it
Vansh opened it and he was surprised
Vansh : you made them they are amazing
They were sketches of vansh .
Vansh : wow Riddhima this is the best gift.
Riddhima : happy valentine’s day
Vansh : happy valentine’s day .
They hugged eachother
Ishani : can we go now
They broke
Vansh : ya
It was evening they reached vr mansion
Dadi: come fast all of I need to tell something
Angre: yes dadi tell
Dadi: Riddhima ,vansh we need to finish ur marriage in this month because after that there is no auspicious moment the month is over almost.
Riddhima vansh ( unision ) : ok
Ishani : yass so jm taking riddhu for shopping tomorrow
Sia Sejal ( unision) : I’ll join
Soon they enjoyed a movie night and slept
Precap: woah srsly.
That is it for today guta hop eu enjoyed it please comment and tell and if u are in twitter I have a blog acc – lifebay3 please follow me bye thanks and happy valentine’s day once more .
The post Swipe of love : Valentine’s Day : Episode 12 appeared first on Telly Updates.
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