Here we start:-
He went out after instructing her to be in car at any cost.
He was knocking down the men but didn’t noticed chang sitting in the car and aiming at him.
But ridhima saw (baaz ki nazar) and immediately came out ran towards him.
Ridhima:-vanshhhhhhhhh(shot near collar bone and neck region)
Ran towards her.
Vansh:-what the hell! Why do you torture your self always you won’t leave me please keep your eyes open!
Ridhima:- don’t be sad. Life is very big…I am ready to die in your love (she faints).
Vansh:- (shouting fiercely) Ridhimaaaaa
Calls angre and messages his location and hospital he his heading towards.
In car,
Vansh:-Ridhima keep your eyes open …(patting her cheeks.)
In hospital,
Doctor was operating ridhima while he was telling everything to Kabir and angre.
Kabir:-She is like this from childhood, ready to sacrifice her everything for her dear ones. (Crying)
Angre was trying to calm vansh as he has seen him crying for the time.
Vansh (with his hands on his head) :-It’s all because of me, I shouldn’t have accepted her love . (Blaming and guilty)
Kabir:-she would have died without you, if have done that. (Calming him)
Vansh:-(shouting) Noo…… Atleast she would have been fine, she would have been alive I wouldn’t have let her do anything to her only the word “love” for her would have died but she would have been alive.
Doctors come out.
Doctor:- Mr Rajsinghania we need O negative blood urgently and we have a but it’s not Suiting I need a body …I mean is not accepting it .If anyone ok and of of you can donate it, if you?
Angre:-mine is B+.
Vansh:-mine is O+
Doctor:-and you Mr. Kabir, there are chances it can match yours as you are her brother!.
Kabir:-yaa…. Aa. I have O-.
Just save her take mine..
Doctor:-ok, come!
After he donates the blood he comes back and waits for doctor to come and say something.
Doctor comes.
Doctor:-For now she is stable, but needs to gain conscious in next 6hours.
Doctor goes and the trio sleeps on each other’s shoulder but vansh was not able to sleep he was hoping for ridhima to gain consciousness.
After 3hrs,
Ridhima gains consciousness and sees no one in her room
Ridhima to herself:-where am I?
Tries to turn her neck to figure out where she is but ends in pain and screams ouchhh.
Vansh runs in and sees her.
Vansh:- what happened ?are you ok? let me call the doctor!
Ridhima(in pain and stammering) :- just listen….I don’t think I….will be able to make it out …just remember I loved …you limitlessly …(faints down) .
Vansh:(-cupping her face) nothing will happen to you sweetheart!
(Calls the doctor)
Doctor changes her dressing and says
Doctor:- Mr RaiSinghania she is fine now .It happened because she is strained her neck ,just take care that she should not get up and strain her neck now.
Vansh comes out and tells everything to Kabir and angre. And they all sigh in relief.
Kabir calls and tells everything to sejal and aryan and asks them not worry as she is fine and would be home soon.
That’s all for today’s guys..
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The post Our Limitless Love (A Riansh FF….) Shot!… Ch-12 appeared first on Telly Updates.
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