Saturday, 2 January 2021

Teri Meri Baaki Hai Kahani Twinj SS Shot 6


Teri Meri Baaki Hai Kahani Twinj SS Shot 6
The Episode starts with kunj and twinkle standing opposite to each other while twinkle was shocked seeing his condition kunj wasn’t in his senses he was totally under the effect of alcohol …

Just answer me twinkle I don’t wanna hear any of your excuses I am fed up fed up of living with this life why twinkle why you did that with me we were so happy together then why you decided to apart us why twinkle …

What was my fault ?????????????????
what was that small soul fault ??????
Just tell me kunj said stepping forward while twinkle was shocked with his outburst she stared stepping backwards seeing kunj coming forward ….

Tell me twinkle kunj shouted and broke the vase making her shiver …

Kunj stop you are not in your senses I promise we will talk tomorrow about this twinkle added cupping his face ..

No you will again leave me shattered broken and devasted I know you will again kill my emotions like you did last time kunj added joining their foreheads letting out a sign while tears were rolling down from twinkle eyes too …

You knew how much I love you you were my everything 😭I didn’t expected this from you I am tired twinkle my soul is not at peace I daily get bad vibes a vibe of guilt I get nightmares about you I still don’t know what’s right and what’s wrong please I beg you twinkle free me from this guilt tell me the truth kunj added with a low voice and soon he blacked out twinkle held him before he fell down and helped him land on couch properly while he was just murmuring for her to tell him truth …

Twinkle settled him properly sitting on floor seeing him she tried to get up when her right palm landed on the broken vase piercing through her skin ..
She kept her left palm on her lips to prevent herself from shouting due to pain …

Soon she cleared the mess and sat beside kunj on floor seeing him sleeping
Tears rolled down her eyes seeing him..

I am so sorry kunj I never wanted to be the cause of your pain but nothing was in my hands I am really sorry 😭 she added going down the memory lane again…

Flashback shows
After kunj left for chandigarh twinkle and amaira went to pass sometime as her flight was late the duo had fun together and then amaira left for airport and twinkle went back home …

It was 2 days twinkle was missing kunj badly though they used to talk every second while kunj told her that he will be busy and won’t be able to call her and she should take care of herself ..

While twinkle wasn’t feeling well she went with Nancy for check up ….

Mrs sarna ???? Doctor is calling you inside the nurse told twinkle who went
Ahh come Mrs sarna doctor said..
Doctor is everything fine ??? Twinkle asked

Yup no need to worry infact it’s a good news for you…you are expecting doctor told twinkle while her eyes widen in shocked soon she was happy …

Really doctor ??? She asked while her doctor nodded in yess …

But twinkle you have to take care of yourself as well as you might have some complications too doctor added ..

Ohh ok doctor I’ll take care of myself 🙂 twinkle added and screamed in joyy she was on cloud nine …

She decided to call kunj and let him know but then thought it will be good to tell him face to face ..

She went back home and tried to call kunj but as he was busy he didn’t took her call …

She didn’t even told Nancy anything as she wanted kunj to be the first one to know about it …she decided to visit gurudwara and thank God for his blessings unaware of the upcoming storm in her life…

Nancy I am going to Gurudwara will be back soon twinkle added
I will come with you Nancy added ..

No no I wanna spend sometime with myself twinkle added assuring her that she will be fine …

Soon she went and prayed for her her baby and kunj to keep their small family happy forever ..

She was going back home when she bumped with rt ..she looked at him and was shocked …

Twinkle twinkle my girl meri bachi rt said he engulfed her in hug …where were you this month’s how much I looked for you he added faking his tears unaware of the fact twinkle had heard his talks with kunj that day …

I….. Twinkle started to say
Meri bachi 😭you don’t know what happened after you left your mom your mom is not fine she is so serious she just wants to see you twinkle come home beta she is dying rt added making twinkle shocked she thought of leela and her moments now that she is going to be mother too she can feel leela emotions for her she decided to see leela and then go back to sarna mansion …

Maaa I wanna meet her she added while rt smirked and took her with him …
Twinkle went back to her home after so much time she ran towards leela room to find her in serious condition …

Maa twinkle called her out while leela who heard her voice after so much time woke up ..

Twinkle you came leela added weakly while twinkle ran towards her and hugged her tightly

Twinkle where were you 😭koi aise jata hai kya you know how much i was worried about you I used to miss you everyday every single day twinkle leela added pecking her forehead and crying she really loved twinkle because she never had any child and she accepted twinkle wholeheartedly …

Maa how shall I tell you twinkle added
How you came twinkle ??? You shouldn’t have returned leela added ..

What are you saying maa what happen ??? I came here for you papa brought me here Twinkle added ..

Shit leela added she tried to get up while twinkle helped her in sitting ..

You shouldn’t have come they are not good people’ ??? But tell me where were you since these months ? Leela added..
While twinkle narrated her everything how she married kunj how much he loves her …

I am happy to hear that twinkle I pray you stay happy always but now I have seen you you have seen me you should return back to your heaven as soon as possible without your papa and randhir chachu notice escape anyhow or else they won’t let you go leela added with unknown fear …

Maa I am not getting anything ok I’ll go back but you don’t get hyper twinkle added while leela asked her to go back ..

Twinkle hugged her again and went out of her room she was going from their when rt stopped her ..

Twinkle where are you going ??? Rt asked her again faking his emotions
To my home twinkle told him sternly …
To your home ? What does that mean ??? Rt added

Yes my home I am married now to kunj and so I am going back to my home ..twinkle added

No puttar kunj ?? That kunj sarna he is a bastard you shouldn’t go back to him rt added …

Don’t say anything about him he is very good unlike you who left his own daughter his own blood who didn’t wanted her and what you told that day you never wanted me ??? Seriously twinkle said while randhir too came ..
Oh you were their too that day 😐that bastard kunj played well huh randhir added …
Chachu pls twinkle shouted ..

Huh twinkle 😐 yes we didn’t wanted you more and yes no one does that with their own child but I did you know why ??? Because you are not my daughter but unfortunately we share the same blood rt added sarcastically
Whattttt ????? Twinkle was damn shocked hearing him

Yes puttar ji don’t be shocked you are like your father Rajvir Taneja my elder brother an emotional fool it was so easy to make you come here for which I was waiting since long …

Rajvir Taneja ?? Twinkle murmured
Yeah and that’s why we didn’t wanted I just adopted you rt added …

Is their any reason behind you adopting me ???? Twinkle asked
You are very smart twinkle randhir added …

Yes we have our very own reasons which you will know soon but but one thing I want to tell you my child you are in my den now and their is no escape rt added ..

I will go from here and you will see it twinkle added angrily turning around to go while both rt and randhir laughed seeing her courage …

Pls pls save me
Who are you all
Why did you kept me isolated
What the hell you want from me
Twinkle heard someone voice she turned around shocked ..

Amaira twinkle added
Yeahhhhhhh your very sweet sister in law who is in our cages since 2 days ..randhir added ..

Do you think twinkle we are that mad that we will let you go so easily I thought you will care about your mom(leela’s health) and will stay and I’ll act for some more days but you brought us to this extent that we have to show our real personality to you rt added …

Now if you want your sister in law to reach her home soon you have to forget about kunj and live with us for few days ..randhir added..

You both are so mad 😭 twinkle added
You didn’t know us twinkle 😐 you will hate us in few days rt added …

But we promise you if you don’t do any stupidity we will leave your sister in law and you then you can live your life peacefully ..

But what you guys want from me ?? Twinkle added …

You will know it soon 😉 both the brothers laughed and snatched twinkle phone too and left from their …

Twinkle having no option went back to leela room …
Leela after seeing her face understood what must have happened ..she cursed that because of her twinkle came back to this hell …

You ar..en’t my …real mo..ther ??? Twinkle asked while leela was shocked ..

Twinkle she sighed ..Yes she added asking twinkle to come close to her …

I am sorry twinkle you had to come back because of me 😭 but puttar trust me I loved you like my own child I knew I’ll not conceived but after you came in life I felt babaji fulfilled my wish leela added ..

Maa who are my real parents ???? Twinkle asked
Rajvir bhai sahab and Ragini bhabhi leela added ..and told twinkle everything  except rt and randhir planning their murder …

They were very good people leela added
But how did they die ???? Twinkle asked while leela coughed badly and Twinkle got worried for her and decided not to talk further seeing her condition…

On the other side :::
Kunj saw her missed calls and called her back but she didn’t picked up his call as her phone was with rt and randhir…
Ohooooo hero is calling is herione randhir added ..

Yeahhh we would have left twinkle happily but this kunj sarna he hadn’t done good destroying our company and he will pay for it rt added …

But bhai sahab first we have to take his signatures too on the property papers to claim our ancestral property 😐 randhir added ..

Yesss this rajvir was so smart he named everything on twinkle name and kept a condition that the property will be transfer to twinklee only when she gets married …first we have to get that property on twinkle name then we will snatch it from her …rt added ..

Days passed by twinkle was trying every way to get herself and amaira out of this she prays that kunj soon gets any info about her …

But she was unaware that rt and randhir already sent text to kunj from amaira mobile that she reached London ..

Kunj had no clue he was trying to call twinkle but she wasn’t picking it soon he returned back amritsar and went to his home

Where Nancy informed kunj that she is missing since few days she went back gurudwara but didn’t came ..

Kunj was now hell worried about her he decided to find her and he lodged a complaint of her missing soon he was going from his room when his eyes went on her reports he was shocked happy surprised ..

Twinkle is expecting ???? But where is she now ??? Is she fine ??? Is that a reason why twinkle is not here ??? May be she got scared seeing it ??? Many rubbish things were going in his mind …

While rt and randhir went to talk to twinkle …
Pls leave me ?? Let me go 😭 twinkle cried …

Nooooo we can’t let you go … randhir added
Please if I am not daughter but atleast I am your brother daughter twinkle added ..

That’s why we hate you more 😐rt addded and he told her everything about how his father did partiality with them ..
And then we killed your father along with his best friends usha and manohar sarna rt added ..

Twinkle was shocked she remembered kunj words and felt he was right they really did that but more than that she was shocked that they killed her parents too ..

Now you know we can go to any extent to get our work done and we kept you because you father named our ancestral property on your name which is my and randhir right rt added ..

So you want that property ?? Twinkle asked ..
Yes ??? For that you have to stay with us till we get it on our name ..rt added ..

Ok I’ll sign where ever you say but please let me and amaira go twinkle added
Ah ah ah not so easily you have to make kunj sign on those papers too and he shouldn’t know anything about this randhir added ..

Yes so you will make him sign on it with divorce papers …rt added making twinkle shocked ..

I am not doing that she shouted
I knew it he added and called someone torcher that girl more he said while twinkle begged him nooo

I’ll do as you say she added …
While rt and randhir made twinkle call Taneja house …

Hello kunj twinkle said as soon as he picked up…
Twinkle where are you ??? Are you fine you know how much I am worried about you kunj spoke from other side ..

Come to Taneja house asap I need to talk to you twinkle added ending the call …

Very good rt and randhir said
Remember everything we said any mistakes you will love your sister in law and we will not spare even kunj too randhir winked at twinkle and left …

Twinkle thought about telling everything to kunj so that he can take any action but she didn’t wanted to risk amaira life at any cost …

If I have to save amaira then I have to break kunj heart sorry baby ..she spoke keeping a hand on her tummy …

Flashback ends ..

Twinkle slept while thinking about it in sitting position beside the couch kunj holding her left her …

It was morning and sunrays fell on kunj eyes he blinked his eyes and tried to get up he sees he was holding twinkle hand who was sleeping in sitting position …

He got up quickly twinkle too woke up sensing him …she looked at him ..
While kunj was shocked on seeing himself at her place he didn’t remember anything …

How did I came here ??? He asked twinkle slowly ..
You don’t remember ?? Twinkle asked
Yeah kunj added ..

I don’t know you were drunk twinkle added
Ohhh I am sorry kunj added he looked at her right hand which had still blood stains ..

How did this happened ??? Hope I hadn’t done that ?? Kunj said worried ..

No no you didn’t twinkle added…moving back I think you should leave she added
Kunj hummed in response and left from their …

Soon the day passed and it was pissing off kunj ..he decided to talk to vir directly …

Bhai you here is their any urgency ??? Vir asked
Yes it is I wanna know about twinkle kunj added …

Twinkle ?? Who twinkle ??? Vir asked
Your new patient kunj added
But why ??? Vir asked ..

Because she is my twinkle vir 😭 my wife twinkle kunj added while vir was shocked ..

Her reports come last night and I was going to call her today vir added
What happened to her ??? Kunj asked worried

She is suffering from brain tumour vir added…
To be continued

Helloooooooooooooooooooo ppl how are you all ??????
Here is the first post of 2021 😉😉😉😉
So how’s the episode ?????
Yes Taneja brothers is behind Twinj separation …
Thanks to all who commented on last one…
Waiting for your reviews on this one ..
Comment and get the next epi soon I might post it today itself …
Soo see yaaaa
Ignore errors no proof read ..
Sayonara 💖💖💖

The post Teri Meri Baaki Hai Kahani Twinj SS Shot 6 appeared first on Telly Updates.

1/02/2021 05:14:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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