Tuesday, 1 December 2020

#Enmity to Love #Riansh #2 Riddhima keeps conditions

Hi everyone..I am really happy with the response you all gave to Episode 1 ..Keep supporting ! 


Episode begins with:

Riddhima : But, I have 3 conditions..

Vansh : Conditions ? See Ms.Ahuja ..

Riddhima (interrupting) : Mr. Vansh , I am Ms. Riddhima Ahuja..

Vansh  : Ugh ! Huh ! Ms. Riddhima Ahuja ..Seriously ..Conditions ?

Siya : Bhai , first listen naa ..

Vansh : Siya is saying ..then only ..Say 

Riddhima : Condition No. 1 – You won’t bring any personal issues in this. 

Vansh : Ok ..

Riddhima : Condition No. 2 – Vansh won’t fight with me during these. 

Vansh : Uff..You are complaining like kids..

Riddhima : Ok …Bye..

Siya : Bhaiii

Vansh : Ok..I agree..Continue

Riddhima : Condition No. 3 Don’t be late , Time is 11:00 am to 12 :00 noon.

Vansh : Okay..We agree

Riddhima : Thank God , you agreed on my saying.

Vansh : Ugh..This girl is annoying, man ..

Siya : Riddhima , I will come ..

Riddhima : OK..

They both leave .

Riddhima too finishes her work and goes to her home. .


VR mansion  (Vansh RaiSinghania ‘s mansion ) :

Siya and Vansh reach . 

Siya : Mom , Mom !!

Uma comes.

Uma : Yes beta..

Siya : Mom , I have joined physiotherapy classes..

Uma :  That’s nice…But where ? 

Siya : Ri…

She is about to speak , Vansh interrupts –

Vansh : Raichand’s ..

Uma : Ok ..By when are you joining ? 

Vansh : Tomorrow morning..

Uma : Ok ..Take care.

Siya : Yes mom , I will . 

Uma goes. 

Siya : Bhai, why didn’t you told  Riddhima’s name ? 

Vansh : If I would have then mom would say that she is my enemy and I… 

Siya : Hmm..Got it ! 

Vansh : Now let’s go and freshen up !


RA Mansion ( Riddhima Ahuja’s mansion) :

Riddhima reaches. 

Aarohi : Riddhima , you have come..

Riddhima : No mom , I am on the way..

Aarohi (slightly hitting her on her arm) : This is the way you talk..

Riddhima : Accha sorry…Where is dad ? 

Aarohi : Anand ..He has gone to a club..

Riddhima : Uff…He always does it..

Aarohi : Ya , right ! 


VR Mansion : 

Vansh : Mom , Mom ..

Uma : You come here..I am busy..

Vansh : Hmmm

Vansh goes near Uma 

Vansh : Mom , where is dad ? 

Uma : As always , club..I am fed up with him now ..

Vansh : Still club ? 

A voice comes : Bhai , he is always like that ..

A girl comes and she is : 

Vansh : Ishani , you are right ..

Ishani : Hnaa..

Meanwhile, RA Mansion

Riddhima is in her room , looking at a photo and sobbing ..

Riddhima : Why did you deceive me ? Why ..I am feeling alone now..Aryan..I didn’t 

expected this from you ..I loved you and you..

Someone knocks., she hides the photo and wipes out..

Anand : Open the door , Riddhima !

Riddhima : Yes dad , coming..

She opens it. 

Riddhima : Yes dad..

Anand : I have brought something for you ..

Riddhima : And that is..

Anand : A dress

(hands over)

Riddhima : Thanks dad..It’s pretty .

Aarohi comes.

Aarohi : And for me ? 

Anand : Are you Riddhima ? 

Aarohi : Uff…You didn’t bring anything..

Anand : Of course yes..

He hands over Aarohi’s present.

Aarohi : Ring ..Woah ! Thanks .

Anand : Your welcome.

Aarohi notices Riddhima.

Aarohi : Riddhima,  are you crying ? 

Riddhima  : No , just missing Kunal .

Aarohi : I am also missing him ..

Riddhima : Now go ..Let me study

Anand : Hmm..

Riddhima closes the door.

Riddhima : Kunal , I am missing you also..Love you so much..

I hope you liked this part..Comment your views down .. 


Question Time : 

Who is Aryan ?

How he deceived Riddhima ? 

Is Riddhima hiding this ? 

Who is Kunal ? 

The post #Enmity to Love #Riansh #2 Riddhima keeps conditions appeared first on Telly Updates.

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