Thursday, 1 December 2022

Harphoul Mohini 30th November 2022 Written Episode Update: Mohini gets kidnapped


Harphoul Mohini 30th November 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Scene 1
Everyone enjoys the bus. The driver stops the bus. Someone starts shooting toward it. Devi stops smiling at home. The goons get into the bus. Devi says to Harphoul let’s go to Mohini. He says are you crazy? Mohini says you also miss her. They blindfold everyone. Haprhoul gives her milk. She says to bring Mohini back first. SHe doesn’t talk to him. The goons take Mai and Mohini outside the bus. Saroj callsHarphoul and says they have not reached them. Shalini says their phones are off too. Harphoul says I have not to go find her. Shalini says take Devi too. Haprhoul takes her.

Harphoul comes to the bus stand. There are families there, their phones are off. The bus is missing. Mohini says what do you want? Let the kids and old people go. He says shut up. Sukha says don’t talk to her like that. He hits Sukha. Mohini holds him. She says please don’t do that. Harphoul thinks about Mohini. Harphoul says we have to find the bus. Devi says don’t worry, someone must have seen. See around black eyes. He says you mean CCTV?

Scene 2
Everyone is detained in a dark place. Mai is scared. Mohini says don’t worry I am with you. Mai says where are we? Harphoul sees CCTV footage. He says the bus left where did it go? The goons take off their blindfolds. Mohini asks the kids not to worry. The goons put guns on them. The bus stand officer tells Harphoul there’s no footage. Devi says there is some work in progress outside. We have to go there. Devi and Harphoul go there. Shalini calls Harphoul. He says don’t worry I will bring them back home. Shalini wonders who did this when Balwant is sick.

The mastermind comes in. He says stop crying. You all have one day left. Don’t cry, recall your God. Kids cry looking at his mask. He says shut up. You are bothering me. Men don’t cry. Mohini says let the kids go. He says you’re my guests. Mohini says who are you? He says my name is Mahesa. I don’t want money or anything. I want you all here for fun. Kids cry. He throws water on them and says men don’t cry. Don’t cry or I wi. A woman says let me go. My dad isn’t well. Please let me go. They say we can shoot him. Mohini says don’t do that. He says to hoot her first, she’s trying to be the leader.

Episode ends

Update Credit to: Atiba

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