Friday, 2 December 2022

Anupama 2nd December 2022 Written Episode Update: Dimple’s Culprits Get A Bail


Anupama 2nd December 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Anupama takes Dimple towards dance academy and passes by Shah house. She notices Leela and takes her blessings. Dimple greets Leela, and Leela asks how is she. Dimple says she is fine. Anupama says she is taking Dimple to dance academy as Dimple will assist her now. Leela asks if Dimple will stay with her. Dimple says for a few days as Anupama and Anuj are helping her and her own parents disowned her. Pakhi enters and says same with her, her parents disowned her. Dimple asks if she is Anupama’s daughter. Pakhi says ex-daughter and starts her drama. Neighbors gather and tell Anupama its good that she is helping Dimple, but she should also take care of her daughter and not abandon. Leel a asks who told them. Neighbors say they see Leela and Anupama abdoning Pakhi.

Anupama and Leela warn neighbors not to interfere in their issues and to look into their own matter. Anupama says she cares for her daughter like any other mother. Pakhi says that is why Anupama kicked her out of the house. Anupama says Pakhi’s actions got her out of the house and asks her to concentrate on her studies and career. Pakhi says she will not work or study when Adhik is there to work for her. Anupama tongue lashes her to change her attitude. Pakhi continues to misbehave. Dimple asks her to stop misbehaving with her mother. Pakhi warns her to stay away. Anupama says Pakhi wants to be a burden on other while Dimple wants to be self-dependent and work even in this condition. Pakhi walks away angrily.

Leela warns her to stop supporting Dimple as her own daughters would feel insecure and she may not fulfill other responsibilities trying to take Dimple’s responsibility. Anupama says Dimple is taking her own responsibility and fighting for her rights, she should explain Pakhi instead. Leela says when god can’t explain Pakhi, how will she. She silently asks Anupama not to bring Dimple to her house. Anupama says she will meet Hasmukh and Kinjal later as she is getting late for dance academy and walks away. Dimple apologizes her for the situation. Anupama asks her not to as its not her mistake. She then knocks Pakhi’s house door. Pakhi taunts that Samar and Toshu’s mother has come and calling her aunty asks her to go somewhere else as she is unfit to be a mother. Anupama says pampering a baby is not only mother’s duty, but also correcting a baby when she does wrong is mother duty. She asks to tell at least if she is fine after yesterday’s incident and continues knocking door, then leaves Pakhi’s favorite carrot cake on door, asks her not to open the door to any stranger like she did for her mother, and walks away from there teary eyed.

Anuj meets inspector who informs that the culprit boys are from a highly influential family and are using political powers to get out of jail. He further informs that he is under tremendous pressure and may get a transfer and a new officer may support the culprits. Anupama takes Dimple to her dance academy. Samar joins them. They all 3 interact and laugh. Anupama and Dimple leave dance academy chatting when Dimple feels pain and misses Nirmit. Anupama comforts her and cheers her up. Goon boys after getting bail walks to them. Dimple gets afraid. Anupama says Hasmukh’s house is nearby and there is a crowd around, so goons can’t harm them. Goon frigthens Dimple.
Anuj gets inspector’s call that the goon boy got anticipatory bail and rushes for Anupama and Dimple’s house after informing Ankush and Barkha about it.

At home, Leela yells at Anupama that she unnecessarily took trouble on herself by adopting Dimple. Anuj calls Samar, asks about Dimple and Anupama, and asks him to go and check on them soon. Samar informs same to family. Vanraj asks him to call Anupama. Goon boy dances around Dimple and frightens her.

Precap: Dimple gets a panic attack after goon’s threat. Anupama takes her to Shah house. Pakhi emotionally blackmails Leela that both houses’ doors are open for Dimple, but not for their own daughter. She asks Vanraj what if goons attack her.

Update Credit to: MA

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