Monday, 8 March 2021

Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 8th March 2021 Written Episode Update: Pakhi Insists Virat To Stop Devi And Pulkit’s Marriage


Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 8th March 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Virat turns his face nervously when he sees Sai coming out of bathroom drying her hair. Sai says he can turn as she has changed. She then dries her hair with a hair dryer. He gets mesmerized with her beauty and stands looking at her. Serial’s title track plays in the background. Sai notices that and asks why is he looking at her so carefully. He nervously says no. She says he was looking at her and laughs, then says she will not laugh now. She then asks how will they arrange Devi tai’s wedding. He says it would be very simple. She asks how can it be and showing Pulkit’s arrangement says they are from girl’s side and shouldn’t leave any stone unturned. He asks if she is really from girl’s side, then she considers his family as hers. She says she considers Aayi and tai as her family. He asks what about him. She stands silently. He says he enjoys shutting a police officer’s mouth and jokes. She asks him money for Devi tai’s shopping. He asks why should he. She says she will gift her saris and jewelry to Devi tai. He asks if she will give her Aaba’s given gifts to Devi tai. Sai says her Aaba would be happy and will bless her. He says she has a golden heart. She says his family hates her though and informs how Bhavani and Ninad threw Pulkit’s sent gifts for Devi and are determined to stop Devi and Pulkit’s wedding. He feels bad hearing that. She requests him to convince them for Devi and Pulkit’s wedding. He says he already told Pulkit and Devi are adults and don’t need anyone’s permission just like he didn’t take anyone’s permission to marry her. She says that is why he got a jungli wife and laughs. He also laughs with her. She insists to give her money or else she will twist his ear like Aayi. He says Aayi taught her this, very smart. She says if he doens’t give her money, she will go to Gadchiroli and draw money from Aaba’s account. He says he will give her money. She asks why he doesn’t want her to go to Gadchiroli. He says he doesn’t want her to go. She asks why. He thinks because he is habituated to her presence and cannot see her going away from him. She asks him to reply her small question. He says sometimes its better not to answer.

Pakhi knocks door and asks if she can come in. Sai says she need not ask and can enter directly like always. Virat asks her not to start fight now. Sai says Pakhi always enters room without even knocking door. Pakhi enters and tells Virat that she needs to talk to him alone. Virat asks her to speak in front of Sai. Sai tries to leave. Virat says she needs not go as she is part of the family. Sai says Pakhi wants to speak to only him. Virat asks Pakhi to speak in front of Sai. Pakhi says she thought he respects him, she wants to talk to him something important, but Sai’s presence is more important than family issues to him. Virat says he didn’t mean that and wants Sai to know all the family issues as she is part of their family. Sai walks away saying she doesn’t want to listen to the issues which others don’t want her to hear. Virat asks Pakhi what she wants to say. Pakhi says he shouldn’t agree for Devi and Pulkit’s wedding as elders have years of experience and must have thought a lot before taking this decision, so he should accept their decision and not his immature wife’s who takes every decision in a hurry and doesn’t think a bit before doing anything. Virat says Sai doesn’t take any decision in a hurry, she knew about Devi and Pulkit before them, and after enquiring well about Pulkit and his family, she let Pulkit visit their house, so he doesn’t think Sai didn’t do anything wrong.

Usha sees Sai on terrace and asks what is she doing here at this time. Sai says its a cool environment here. Usha asks her not to lie. Sai says Pakhi came to her room to talk to Virat. Usha says she should be there then. Sai says Pakhi wants to speak to Virat alone maybe about Pulkit and Devi’s wedding and must be opposing it. Usha says Pakhi opposes Sai’s every decision. She laughs and says she doesn’t care as she knows until Virat is there, Devi’s wedding will happen for her. Usha smiles and says he was against marrying Virat and now they both are getting Devi married. Sai says Aaba used to tell they shouldn’t back off from doing good, tomorrow her scholarship money will come and she will buy a good gift for Devi. Usha says she should seek money from Virat as she has right on his money. Sai says she already did and he agreed to give her money, even then its good if scholarship money comes. Usha says Devi must be very happy. Sai says a a lot and hopes there won’t be any hurdles in Devi’s wedding.

Pakhi yells at Virat that he always blindly supports Sai. Virat says he is not supporting Sai but praising her truth and brave nature, Sai is not the one who will do something to impress others, she just helps others and thinks of others’ happiness before her happiness, he is sure Sai would have helped even Pakhi if she was in Devi’s place. Pakhi asks her to stop praising his wife and says she is not against Devi’s wedding, but if its a right decision seeing Sai’s mental condition. Virat says if family had taken a right decision, Devi’s mental condition wouldn’t
have been worse and she would have been fine if she had married Pulkit, he doesn’t think anyone should interfere and he will try to convince family for Devi and Pulkit’s wedding. Pakhi says he is not ready to listen to her at all. He asks if its her decision or Bhavani’s. She asks if he thinks she is part of a family and her opinion matters. He says she can. She says its not a wise decision. He asks how does she know.
She says common sense and asks if he thinks why Pulkit returned after many years and wants to marry Devi, what if he disowns her after marriage, Devi’s mental condition will worsen more if that happens. He says he doesn’t think Pulkit would do that. She asks how does he know. He says common sense, Pulkit didn’t marry even after so many years and after knowing Devi also didn’t marry yet, he came to her and is ready to accept her even after her mental condition, he is sure Pulkit is a good man since the beginning. Pakhi asks what if Pulkit has remarried and hid it from Sai and them and has returned to take revenge from Bhavani. He asks her not to use trouble her brain and to forget this issue. She yells that he wants this marriage as Sai wants it, Sai is controlled his mind completely. He asks not to keep such a wrong opinion regarding Sai, he is not supporting Sai as she is his wife but because her decision is right. She thinks he doesn’t want to listen to her at all.

Precap: Pakhi over phone tells Virat that she head Bhavani and Ninad telling that Pulkit is already married to someone else. Virat asks if Pulkit is already married, then why he wants to marry Devi. Pakhi asks what if Pulkit is really married. Virat says then he cannot marry Devi. Pakhi reads fake letter from a woman that she is Sangeeta Deshpande, wife of Dr. Pulkit Deshpande. Family acts shocked hearing about it.

Update Credit to: MA

The post Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 8th March 2021 Written Episode Update: Pakhi Insists Virat To Stop Devi And Pulkit’s Marriage appeared first on Telly Updates.

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