Friday, 2 December 2022

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 2nd December 2022 Written Episode Update: Vibhu tells the Truth.


Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 2nd December 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Tiwari tells Vibhu that he’s forgetting that he has this only for a week. Vibhu says, we will find that, and calls Happu. Happu comes in and greets everyone. Happu asks Vibhu for the permission to sit down. Vibhu tells him to sit down. Angoori asks Happu if he wants tea? Happu says, sure, but Tiwari tells Angoori to not bring anything for him. Vibhu tells Happu that Tiwari has given his property to him for a week, and asks Happu to tell every about the clause. Happu reads it and says that it’s written that, Tiwari is naming his property to Vibhu, and thats it.
Tiwari gets confused. Angoori gets emotional and thanks Tiwari for giving all of his property to Vibhu. Tiwari tells Angoori to shut up, and asks Happu, what was he talking? Happu says that he red whatever was written in the contract. Vibhu tells Happu to give the contract to Tiwari, so that he can read it. Tiwari reads and realises that Saxena has missed the clause. Tiwari gets furious and calls Saxena. Saxena shows up and sits with Happu. Saxena asks Tiwari, what happened? Tiwari asks Saxena about the clauses he wrote. Saxena tells Tiwari that he intentionally missed that clause, so that he can beat him now. Tiwari gets scared. Saxena goes inside with Tiwari. Tiwari starts beating Saxena.

Anu and David are drinking coffee together. Tiwari shows up with a bag and his belongings. Anu asks Tiwari, where is he going? Tiwari says that he was coming her only. Anu asks Tiwari, why? Tiwari starts sobbing and tells Anu that Vibhu took all of his property. Anu asks Tiwari if he didn’t put the clause which stated that he will get all of his property back after a week? Tiwari starts crying. Tiwari tells Anu that he told Saxena Saxena to put that clause specially, but he didn’t. Anu asks Tiwari, why did he gave his case to Saxena? Tiwari tells Anu that he has given advance to her. David stares at Anu. Anu tells David to stop starring at her because she paid all of his bills with that money only. Tiwari tells Anu that she can only control Vibhu. Anu says that David is old, and he will convince Vibhu. David agrees with her. David tell Tiwari to get stressed, he will help him. David and Tiwari leaves.

Prem, MasterJi and Dr. Gupta are sitting at the tea stall. Teeka and Tillu shows up and tells them to clear the place. Tillu and Teeka starts forcing them. They sits on the other bench. Tillu brings a royal seat and places it. Gupta asks, who is coming? Tillu tells him that he very special person is coming. Tillu announces Vibhu name and calls him. Teeka cleans the seat for Vibhu. Vibhu shows up and sits on his seat. Tillu and Teeka are acting as his servants. Vibhu tells everyone to have “Samosas” as much as the want because it’s his father’s money. Tillu tells Teeka that if they have father’s money, then everything is possible. Vibhu tells them to enjoy. Gupta says that he has seen a lot rich people, but he has never seen someone like Vibhu. MasterJi that says that nowadays every rich person is greedy. Prem asks, who is he talking about? Teeka says that, you. Tiwari and David shows up and David tells Vibhu that he has lost Mishra family’s trust. Vibhu calls David. David tells him that he never thought that he would end up like this, he tells him that he should be ashamed after doing this. Vibhu starts laughing. Teeka and Tillu also starts laughing. David asks Vibhu, why is he laughing? Tiwari slaps Tillu. Tiwari asks Vibhu, why is he doing all this? Vibhu tells Tiwari that he just helping poor people, and doing holy work, so that Tiwari can go to heaven. Tiwari tells Vibhu that he’s wasting his money. Vibhu says that it’s his property. Tillu says that he cannot believe that he’s having this much money. Vibhu asks Tillu, how will he believe him? Tillu and Teeka says that they need party. Vibhu tells everyone that he’s organising a party tonight and everyone is invited. Vibhu says that they should donate food at other places too. Vibhu, Tillu and Teeka leaves.

Angoori asks Tiwari that why is he treating Vibhu so rudely? Tiwari tells Angoori that he took all of her property and will make her beg for money. Angoori says that she’s ready to beg for money, but in different city. Tiwari and Angoori goes to Vibhu. Vibhu, Teeka and Tillu are dancing. Angoori tells Vibhu that he can have all of the property because Tiwari and her are leaving. Anu shows up and tells Angoori that she doesn’t need to go anywhere. Tiwari says that nothing is left in this city for them. Anu tells Tiwari that she has the original documents of the property, and it says that the property belongs to Tiwari. Anu tears the agreement in front of Vibhu’s eyes. Vibhu gets shocked. The pieces of the contract scatters everywhere. Anu comes downstairs. Vibhu asks Anu, why did she done that? Anu tells Vibhu that he deserved that. Vibhu starts laughing and says that he was about to do the same. Tiwari asks, what? Vibhu says that he was acting because he wanted to take revenge of those slaps that Tiwari gave him, and now he had his revenge and now he doesn’t need any of his property. Angoori gets a call from AmmaJi. Angoori picks it and puts it on speaker. Ammaji tells Angoori to abort the previous solution, now she has to adopt a girl older than 21 years old. Angoori tells Anu that she wants to talk to her. Tiwari gets scared. Anu calls Tiwari her father and asks for 10 percent again.

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Update Credit to: Tanaya

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