Happy birthday princess attractive user.likha to yeh aaj hi h..let’s see when it get posted.
Episode starts with Vansh sitting on bed and Riddhima sitting on headboard with her hands resting on Vansh’s shoulder.
Vansh was turning the pages of sketch book in which he had made Riddhima’s sketches for past 12 years.
Riddhima: How fast time flies na…it feels that yesterday we came to this city. And see , today, 12years have passed.
Vansh nodded smiling and remembering what they all faced.
Riddhima remembered thay whem she was 12 years old, she was once seeing a photo shop,
Vansh : Come Riddhima.
Riddhima while on bicycle , sitting behind him.
Riddhima: Vansh…I have no photo of mine. Does it mean that …I will have no memories of mine ?
These words striked Vansh hard, unable to buy a camera, although he tried much but ended on buying a sketch book and pencils.
He was really good at portrait drawing even from his one hand.
One hand, they remembered that how Vansh managed those 4000 rs to take room on rent for them and could not go to doctor.
And when they went , it was late.
His hand had developed gangrene and had to be cut apart.
But from that day, Riddhima promised to be his other hand.
Out of flashback ,back to reality…
Vansh: Should we ?
Riddhima nodded and they both headed towards a bicycle.
Holding that Vansh , who was now a tall , handsome guy. And Riddhima who was looking no less than fairy.
Vansh sat on seat and Riddhima sat behind him on a small seat
The bicycle was small, but not that much.
Vansh and Riddhima remembered how in their childhood, Vansh used to drive Riddhima to school in the same way on it.
They remembered that when they reached city. ..
It was too much difficult for both of them to find a place to live.
They struggled, could not go to orphanage because that would have lead to their identity disclosure and their cruel families reaching them. Finally , they found a small room, on the assurance to their lady land lord that they will pay rent on time.
Out of the flashback they both , sitting on the bicycle , continously glance their room from road. That room, had all their childhood, their phase of growing from a child to mature persons , that room was, their.
Perhaps the emotional attachment had led that even after becoming a successful business owner,Vansh only buyed that house and room for them, instead of any luxury flat.
Vansh bowed down his head , Riddhima rested her cheeks on his back looking down, both were smiling. Vansh started paddling.
They were seeing all around. Every little thing their , was opening a complete different world of memories for them.
Memories, which , some were sweet. Some harsh.
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