Well episode starts here without any bakwas today so ya..
VR’s pov : I was about to going towards my car but something snatched my sight nd I saw it was a ring of that girl just who bumped into me nd dare to talk in rudeness tone with VR nd unknowingly to my mind I just picked up it nd u can say that I took it or I stole it bcoz it also attracts me just like its owner ya that girl only. So its weird I know that the VR that nothing is there which I can’t afford or buy though that ring insisted me plz keep me with u, 1 day my mam will definitely come to u. Ohk so now I m going nd sat my car nd driver has started our journey but the time I went inside car there is something new – abnormal, I felt sweet fragrances so I just stopped it in mid way nd checked out nd opened the dicky..nd there is 1 note,I picked it nd read nd it says
Note(chit): first of all thanks to help unknowingly nd u must be thinking that who m I or m I mad bcoz literally no one so this that i doing it right now.
I know u have luxurious life no need of anyone anything but yet u help me so whenever u need u ask me for help on this add(email). Take it as chirag ka jin asked for 1 wish to fulfill that doesn’t cross any limits of humanity. Trust me bdi kam ki cheez hu me. I will definitely help u nd ya don’t underestimate tiny creatures like me nd if u do so then u must have to read the story of lion nd rats how that tiny rats help the big lion. So here I m ended ya I know handwriting is not that good bcoz road is not that smooth so ya.. May god bless u with so many happiness have a great success nd many more ya specially may u get ur soulmate too Bye Mr.Helper
VR’s pov : I have a smile on my face u can say after a long time that surprised me less shocked me more that I have a smile on this silly things nd suddenly stopped smiling bcoz Angre somehow reached there with our that car which stopped
Angre’s pov: I just came nd thinking that boss must have angry bcoz of all this mess up nd being late but what I see nd moreover it was so shocking for me but at the same time I m happy bcoz after long time I saw him smiling nd he read some note in his hand nd as he realized my presence nd that too that he is smiling he stopped nd turn to that rude one only nd told for leaving to deal so as usual we are going
Scene changes to vansh to ridhima
R: did u do what I say(on call)
The person: yes done it. No need to worry. I handled it now come fast bcoz someone’s anger is going about to peak
R : ya. I m coming till then handle him otherwise I m gonna food soon nd he will swallow me for sure nd that person hummed nd end the call(later will reveal)
Sejal : thank god u here nd that too with safe in 1 piece. Yaar ridhu u r too risky I told u how dangerous they are though u have to help her nd invite problems for ur self.
R : relax yaar. Well all is fine now u r taking too much stress yaar
Sejal : yes. She is reached on place u told nd here pur full payment is also done but what about CCTV I mean
R :(cut her in between) I will handle it no worries now wait my ring seju.. where is it( looking here nd there)
S : how do I know but ..
R: it was so special to me dadu gave me nd .. wait I think I missed it in that car oh no shit yaar now what shall I do
Sejal : think about it later but now it is too late bcoz I have go our office for some work nd vaise b nothing is in our hands now so for now I m going nd u too .bye
R : but.(see the msg on phone from that person come fast) ohk bye I m going. Take care seju nd she hummed nd said u too ridhu
Nd both parts away….
VR’s POV: after long fighting between mind nd heart I told Angre to get each nd every details of that girl nd that also who was in my car. Don’t know why but I have strong feelings that both is same maybe it is right or maybe not so I told angre for it nd he as usual said don’t worry boss I will find it out
Scene change
Ridhima’s POV:
after getting assurances that none is here nd all guards are far away from me, I took it as a chance nd climbed over wall nd reached inside the mansion. Thank God none is here also, I can go now.But in speed I again bumped into someone nd afraid that I m now going to die nd so that I covered my face with my palm in fear u can say. Nd after sometime on no moment I saw whom I bumped now only nd…..
Sorry to disappoint that all who thinking that it is vansh. Now let’s see who is this man
the person (is the same who is on call) : u r too late
R : ya I know nd so sorry for that I know I m late but doess he know that what I have done(in fear of getting scold)
P: perhaps no. Now go fast I put the step ladder at window of ur room go fast man
R : ohk. Thank u so much Khanna other wise if he I mean dadi get to know about today’s blunder then he will surely eat me raw. Nd how many times I have to tell u not to call me mam just ridhu or my name only. Next time keep it in ur mind Khanna
K : ohk ma..sorry ok ridhu
R : ya good. Bye
Khanna’s pov...
I really loved my mam oops ridhu she is like my sis nd that’s why I always keep an eye on her bcoz she has magnetic power that attracts too much problems towards her as she did today only. She is different from all. Literally no one likes to live middleclass life but she is something unique she has lot of properties though in eyes of world she is middleclass nd she also hides her real id. Nothing is there which she can’t buy but…let it be dadi is on the way I have to go nd to handle situation
…….Well here let me introduce Khanna is the 2nd Angre but he is for ridhu only he loves ridhu as his sis nd always protective towards her, he is her PA of hidden I’d, the one nd only who knows all the things regarding to her, nd she also share all to him, nd he can do anything for her just like Angre to his boss VR
After getting freshen up Ridhu came down to hall of her mansion where dadi is waiting for her with suspicious look on face that she is becoming nervous that dadi will pakka scold her for blunder of today nd she gulped nd stand in front of dadu greeting him good evening nd going about to dining table but
Dadu : what have u done today (anger yet calm)
R : aa.. a.. no ..nothing dadu. Coughing nd said again why r u staring me like this with fake confidence
Dadu: u know that 1 bride ran away from wedding (still angry nd about to come out in some seconds)
R : achcha oh no shit. So sad. Poor groom. But dadi maybe she doesn’t want to marry what u say khanna(giving cold stare to stay on her side only)
K : yes dadu. Maybe she doesn’t want to do so
Here I stopped it became too long I guessed
Again riansh meet nd their little bit cute argues.
Punishment for ridhu
Someone take an entry in VR mansion
Comments down do u like khanna the new character nd what opinion about her dadu?! What will dadu do if he got to know her blunder in wedding
Who will punish ridhu nd for what
Nd who will enter in VR mansion someone new or old characters
Nd also let me know how many of u liked today’s this episode as there is no riansh moments so..
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