It was one month since everything fell back to normal in there life , they were happy , they were contended , they enjoyed all the times they were together , going out for small family outings to playing together in parks !!!!
Late night long drive to watching movie together , though everything was normal but the void between TWINJ started melting , the efforts kunj did to win her back , her trust , her faith her love back for him melted her and now she was ready to confess it all to him !!!!
Today was KUNJ’S birthday and she knew this could be the best gift she could give him , what’s better than to give him the right of being her husband once again without holding the grudges from the past and she had set things accordingly !!!
Advik was sent at Karan’s place and she knew what she had to do , she first of all baked his favourite cake for him and all his favourite dishes foe the dinner , she then decorated the hall with flowers and balloons and set the dinning table !!!
She moved to there room , and decorated with secented candles , flowers and few balloons here and there , she placed I LOVE YOU sticker on the wall behind there bed and when she was pleased with the arrangement she went to get ready !!!!
After a while she came out dressed in a strapless black colour gown , she wore a diamond stud and a bracelet in her hands , she was looking etheral !!!!
After sometime kunj entered the house , he was shocked seeing the arrangement , after scanning the place he moved ahead but found no one , he was goinv to call out for twinkle when he felt someone back hugging him , he smiled as he felt the known touch , he was about to speak when twinkle spoke –
He was shocked would be an understatement , he never in this 5 years celebrated his birthday because it was her who used to do all this , he jad tears in his eyes , he brought her in front and hugged her tight , she knew he was emotional , she broke the hug and kissed his forehead and he just smiled !!!!
They moved ahead , and he was surprised to see the arrangement , it was exactly the way twinkle used to do before when they were together , he was not expecting it from her not at this point when there was so much void between them , he looked at her and she just nodded her head and smiled , he couldn’t be more happier , he knew his efforts resulted and he got everything back !!!!
They then cut the cake and fed each other followed by the dinner , they talked to each other about one or the other thing as they used to do and were at peace , twinkle then took Kunj to there room but he had a blindfold on and he knew his not so innocent wife was upto some mischief , he would never admit but he loved when she would go bold and do things for them !!!!
She then removed his blindfold and wishpered in his ears –
“I LOVE YOU MR. SARNA ” and with that she bite on his earlobe and when she was about to run so as to tease him she was caught in his love embrace , he had back hugged her , he leaned forhead and spoke huskily in her ears –
She blushed a hue of dark red and he started placing kisses on her nape to neck followed by her chins to cheeks and all the while she was blushing due to his sweet tortures , he turned her and looked into her eyes , it was full of love exactly how it use to be 5 years back , while maintaining the eyelock they leaned in and there lips met, they kissed each other showing all the love they had , the kiss was slow yet filled with passion , it showed there pain , longings for each other , they kissed for what felt like eternity and pull apart when they were out of breath !!!!
Kunj picked her up in his arms and placed her on the bed and came on top of her , they again started with there sweet torcher and soon there clothes were discarded from there bodies and were scattered here and there , he kissed on her forehead to and caressed her hairs to soothen the pain and soon the pain turned into pleasure with her giggles and moans as the night passed while kunj made love to her !!!!!
*********THE END ******
HERE , I end this story !!
Thank you for being a part of this story and supporting me !!!
I hope you liked it , as i dont know what exactly i have written , hehe dimaag ki ek upajh ( thought ) thi jo maine likh diya !!!
Well will be back soon with another story , tilk then keep supporting my other story DREAMY LOVE !!!!
The post DIL HI TOH HAI ~ TWINJ SS SHOT 15 appeared first on Telly Updates.
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