Friday, 15 July 2022

Tere Bina Jiya Jaye Na 15th July 2022 Written Episode Update: Krisha decides to stay in the basement


Tere Bina Jiya Jaye Na 15th July 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Dev is trying to massage Krisha’s head so she can sleep. She says you should sleep. Dev says I want you to rest. Maharaj Virendra comes there and panics. He says Krisha came to my room and tried to kill me. Jaya comes there and says he is imagining things. I was keeping an eye on his room and no one went to his room. Dev tries to calm Virendra down but he says I am sure Krisha attacked me. Jaya takes him from there. Krisha looks on.

Jaya and Vamika sit with Virendra. They try provoke him saying that Dev doesn’t trust his words against Krisha. He kept saying that Krisha attacked him but Dev didn’t listen at all. He didn’t even question Krisha. Vamika says this is all Krisha’s drama, she wants to trap Dev. She will kill Virendra and no one will find out. Jaya says I have a way to save him. Virendra asks what? Jaya says just do as I say and don’t tell anyone. Virendra nods.

In the morning, all are at the breakfast table. Krisha goes to find Virendra but he is not in his room. She finds a letter there and brings it to Dev. He reads that Virendra doesn’t trust anyone in the palace so he is leaving. Dev and others are shocked. Dev says how could he leave the house? Krisha says don’t worry, we will find him.

Dev and Krisha are in the car, they are looking for him. Krisha says he thinks I want to kill him. This is happening because of me. Dev says he was tortured by someone, it’s not your fault.

Kach tells Ugra that if Virendra is not found then Dev will give the wealth to the charity, we have to find him. Jaya says I will stay in the palace and wait for him. All leave. Jaya tells Vamika that soon we will rule this palace. Vamika says where is that old man? Jaya says where he should be.

Dev and Krisha are looking around for Virendra. Krisha cries and says this is happening because of me. Dev says we will find him, I know where he would be.

Jaya has kept Virendra in the basement. She comes to him and says you are safe here. You know what you have to tell Dev to be safe from Krisha. Dev and Krisha arrive there. Dev tells Virendra that you shouldn’t have come here. Let’s go back. Virendra says I will go back but I have a condition, Krisha won’t stay in the palace with me. Either she stays there or me. Jaya smirks and thinks he is saying what I told him to. Dev tells Virendra that I will keep Krisha away from you but I can’t ask her to leave. Virendra says then I am not going back. Krisha says I accept his condition, I won’t stay in the palace. Dev says I promised to protect you and always be with you. Krisha says I free you from that promise, you have to be a son right now. Jaya says where will you? Krisha says I will stay in this basement so Virendra can stay in the palace. Virendra tells Dev that if I see Krisha in the palace then I will leave forever. He goes from there. Dev looks on.

Rati asks Minakshi to help Krisha. Minakshi says I have an idea. She goes to Ugra and Kach. She tells Kach that if you help Krisha then Dev will be under your favors forever. You can convince Virendra to bring Krisha back in the house. Just think about it, Dev takes all the decisions so if you help him then he will be forever grateful. Minakshi leaves. Kach tells Ugra that Minakshi’s plan is not bad.

Vamika comes to Jaya who is eating sweets. She says I separated Krisha and Dev using his father only. Vamika says you are a clever woman. Let’s see when Krisha is out of the basement and I will be happy that day. Jaya says I will celebrate fully when I own this wealth completely and Dev dies in front of me. I can’t more. I have to complete my revenge now.

The episode ends.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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