Friday 14 May 2021

Twinj: Meant to be: Episode 12


Greetings all you lovely people! Thank you so much for all your love and appreciation for the story, I really, really hope that I won’t have to stress too much to keep your responses coming in anymore. Happy reading! 

Twinj: Meant to be: Episode 12 
A quick recap: Twinkle struggles to deal with her thoughts regarding both her family and Kunj. While she and Kunj set up a date for Yuvi and Aditi, they seem to grow comfortable around each other, until Kunj mistakenly overhears Twinkle’s conversation with Leela. 
Twinkle was welcomed into the seating are of the café by sounds of warm laughter and cheerful chatter. She realized that she had just missed Yuvi and Aditi’s reaction to the entire setup, making her groan internally. Just as she was about to greet the couple, she heard an utterly unexpected “Don’t tell me you decided to take things into your hands and make your advance towards her Kunj!” She recognized the voice too well – it was Yuvi. Who was this mystery girl he was talking about? Did Kunj have a girlfriend too? ‘Or a fiancé?’ Her mind tricked her into thinking, and she gasped. The trio however didn’t seem to notice, for right then she heard Aditi add, “I agree with Yuvi on this one, Kunj. He should be given some time to analyze the situation at her end first. We can’t end up committing an error that would later cost us heavily!” Aditi had spotted Twinkle by the time Kunj refuted their claims and explained that he was doing nothing of the sort.   
The couple had thanked Twinkle profusely for their surprise, and she had sincerely deflected most of their praise to Kunj, but not once letting her eyes linger on him for more than a couple fleeting seconds. She didn’t really know why she had been feeling a tinge of disappointment apart from her issues with Leela, but she was definitely not liking it. “I could drop you!” She heard Kunj offer her as she picked up her belongings and prepared to leave. Her eyes widened of their own accord at that, she didn’t want that. She wasn’t exactly proud of her current living conditions and didn’t want to invite anyone there. Even Yuvi hadn’t ever been there. After a lot of his failed attempts at persuading her, he gave up finally.  
Kunj watched Twinkle walk in the opposite direction in his rear-view mirror just as he started his car. He smiled softly to himself as she cast another glance in the direction of the café, presumably with the intention of making sure Yuvi and Aditi were doing fine. Yuvi was to lock the main door and return her the keys the next day, for she had refused them returning it at her home later that night. She had also insisted she would manage with Maya’s set of keys, so she was in hurry to get them back, and Yuvi had not pushed her too much, surprising Kunj. The latter just didn’t seem to understand what all the secrecy in Twinkle’s life was about. Watching her break down over the phone call had only put his mind in further shambles. He wasn’t sure he would be able to restrict himself to doing nothing until Yuvi lifted his ‘restraining orders against trying any smart tricks with Twinkle’ as Yuvi had himself put it. He quickly reminded himself of the name ‘Mrs. Taneja’ nevertheless, probably he would try and do something about it. 
Twinkle sighed as her thoughts now reverted back to all that she and Leela had said to each other earlier that evening. She couldn’t believe she had given into Leela’s ridiculous demands owing to her thought having gone haywire and emotions that were totally out of control. She had managed to keep her mind carefully off the topic so far, but now, as she walked alone down the dimly lit streets, she couldn’t help but compare it to her life. As if to make matters worse, the street lamp right over her head went off exactly then, leaving her in pitch darkness. She tried to breathe deeply and stay calm as she thought of the consequences of agreeing to Leela’s terms. How was she to get married then of all times? And to whom? And what on Earth had she landed herself into that made her worry about Kunj so much so soon? 


Twinkle smiled at Yuvi as he excitedly recounted the previous night to her. He then presented her the list of dishes that Usha had finalized for the wedding and related ceremonies, narrating inanimately about Bebe being impressed by her, and that Usha didn’t seem too annoyed either. One thing had led to another, and soon they were discussing Twinkle’s family. It inevitably boiled down to Twinkle hesitantly confessing that she had accepted Leela’s terms, never daring to raise her eyes to look at him. What had she done?  
“What now?” Yuvi asked after what felt like an eternity of silence to her. “I don’t know.” She mumbled, fidgeting with her fingers tensely. “You don’t have to actually go get married because you said you would, right? I hope that option’s still open, given that she didn’t care once about your life before this?” He ventured, but she only sighed in response, and he got his answer. Defying Leela only meant that her visits to the café would become more frequent, perhaps the calls would too. And Twinkle’s life would be miserable yet again. No, they wouldn’t want that. 
“Do you have someone in mind?” Yuvi asked next, making her look up at him accusingly. He already knew the answer to that, she hadn’t thought of this ever before. “Twinkle, is there something I can do for you? Please let me know! I just feel so annoyingly helpless!” He beseeched, and she nodded understandingly at him. Of course, she understood that he was in a fix. But what could he do, really? She also knew his wedding was only a week away and hence put on a mask of having the circumstances under control, and proceeded to convince him of the same too. He hadn’t bought it obviously, but what troubled him a little more, was that the recent developments only meant he couldn’t probe her to figure out her thoughts about Kunj. Kunj, for one, would feel let down by that. What was he going to tell Aditi? 
“Yuvi?” Twinkle called after him as he got up to leave, bringing herself to say what she had been meaning to for quite some time now. And so, the minute he turned back to face her, she blurted out, “I’m sorry about strictly forbidding you from turning up at my house ever.” He bent his head a little and looked at her weirdly. “What?” He asked, looking as confused as he sounded. She repeated herself, assuming he hadn’t heard her the first time, but he quickly shook his head at her. “No! That’s absolutely alright. I mean, the last couple of years of knowing you has made it clear to me that you never do anything without a solid reason backing you for it. Besides, this might not really be as big a deal as you think it is!” He grinned widely at her, earning a genuine smile. 
“I’m sure as hell that you understand, Yuvi! I just hope the others didn’t misunderstand me.” She said slowly, hoping she wouldn’t have to explicitly mention Kunj. She didn’t think she could take too much of thought right then, and Kunj always meant her fluttering mind and concrete reasoning had a lot to argue and disagree over. “Diti wouldn’t, you know her!” She heard Yuvi say, and nodded in agreement, perking up to listen to what Kunj had to say, but Yuvi didn’t seem to have any intention to bring him up at all. Little did she know that he had figured she had something to say about Kunj and was waiting to hear it! 
Twinkle cleared her throat a couple of times before mustering every ounce of courage in her and gushing, “I’m sure Kunj – Mr. Sarna thought I was stupid, weird and whatnot.” Yuvi bit back a smile before viciously questioning “How does that matter?” She shot him a pleading look, but for the first time, he didn’t catch that expression at all. “What if Kunj actually thought so? He’s just Usha aunty’s son, so it shouldn’t be a big deal, right?” He added, making Twinkle cringe. “He’s a customer, Yuvi. It won’t be too good for the café.” She answered smartly. Yuvi had definitely not seen that one coming. He shrugged, choosing to now hold his silence and let her do the thinking. For, he didn’t really know if she was aware of what he was getting at, or just playing safe without any specific reason. 
Yuvi had left shortly after, and she realized that the conversation with him hadn’t really given her the answers to any of the questions that had been threatening to eat her mind up. And here she was, standing in front of Leela again, the luxurious car parked just a few footsteps away. It had to be the first time Leela had got off her car, and she was positively beaming, while Twinkle had to fight herself so that she wouldn’t end up crying. “I’m really happy that you finally understand why I’ve been insisting that you got married, Twinkle!” Leela exclaimed, hugging Twinkle out of the blue. But somehow, Twinkle couldn’t bring herself to even bring her hands up to her touch her mother, let alone hold her close. She didn’t recognize the embrace anymore, it seemed to have lost its warmth altogether. 
“Who is the groom?” Leela asked as they parted. She had either not noticed how unreceptive of the hug Twinkle was, or she had, and chose to ignore it. “I don’t know yet. I haven’t had the time to … go out and meet people. I -” She began, struggling to get a single coherent sentence out. Leela looked at her, a speck of concern in her eyes. “Should I find you a suitable boy?” She offered, but Twinkle shook her head immediately. That was the last thing she wanted in the whole world. She didn’t want to be labeled an ungrateful, unworthy daughter again. She knew that marrying into a family that knew the Tanejas too well only meant she would be forced to go through it all again. And again. And then yet again. In an endless loop. She wasn’t sure she would be able to survive that. “I’ll need some time, but I’m not going back on my words, if that is what worried you so much that you came running today.” She said harshly and watched Leela flinch. “That’s ridiculous, you’re my daughter and I’m happy for you!” Leela tried reasoning, but Twinkle simply held her hand up, indicating her to stop, and walked away. She didn’t believe that anymore after all. 
That’s it for now, guys. I hope you all had a good read. The bonus chapters of My Lifeline will be sidelined a little for now, this story needs to pick up pace and reach its central plot soon after all! I’ll bring the bonus chapters back once this story had made decent progress. Stay tuned! Much love!! 

The post Twinj: Meant to be: Episode 12 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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