Next day elders were up early. But purab and bulbul took their own sweet time to get up.
Prerana: purab why are they not up till now. It is 9 already.
Purab: mom, check their room. If they are there it is okay if not (he gave a smirk and left the place)
Raghuveer: let us check their room.
Bulbul: they won’t be there. They will come at 6.30 sharp. Hope they come back without a fight ( saying this she went along with purab)
Elders were waiting for them, when purab and bulbul were playing chess.
Bulbul: make a move faster.
Purab: let me think
Bulbul: every time abhi was there support you. Now he is not there so you are going to lose.
Abhi: I will never let you lose jeeju. (Came from inside house)
Prerana: abhi when did you come in?
Pragya: just 15 minutes back mom. I will get coffee for us.
Abhi: baby my favorite coffee with extra sugar.
Pragya: I am not going to give you come and make yourself. (She left, abhi sighed)
Purab: what happened today?
Abhi: I said no to her holiday.
Bulbul: you will always say no to enjoyment. Come on have some fun.
Abhi: what were we doing for past 6 years is fun.
Purbul: what!!!!
Abhi: nothing was serious for past 6 years.
Purab: past 6 years is fun means. Next ….. Omega I am quitting. Please leave me I cannot.
Abhi: I said it before jeeju. Once you get in till we stop there is no quitting.
Bulbul: there is no quitting, but at least halting
Pragya (came back with coffee): if we halt we don’t know we will be alive to continue again.
Purab: means
Abhi: we will take care of everything you need to take care of our family.
Bulbul: how many days.
Karan: 2 months. (Who came just then)
Arjun: high security should be arranged.
Pragya: his plan is to get caught. (Everyone looked worried).
Abhi: don’t worry. There is no worker in the house except us. Not even in quarters. I shifted them to guest house.
Pragya: high power jammer is on. It disables all cameras or any other device in radius of 500 meters.
Abhi: above 500 meters they cannot hear us and no one come in without me allowing them into the radius of 500 meters.
Pragya: we are all safe for now.
Abhi: prags please my coffee.
Pragya: oh, you cheated me. So, punishment no coffee for week.
Abhi: what for a week. I cannot please I am sorry. I will never repeat it again.
Pragya: pakka ( abhi nodded like An obedient kid) okay I will get it. (She left to make coffee for him)
Abhi: guys I am so happy that you both forgive me.
Karan: how can we not forgive you after knowing the truth.
Abhi: I am sorry for hiding it but I was forced to do it.
Arjun: don’t worry, we will always support you. We trust you completely now. More than our self.
Purab: abhi, help me man I should win this game otherwise out of bedroom for first one month after my marriage.
Abhi: you are dumb head jeeju. Who will bet on so complicated issues? ( He made a move)
Bulbul: it’s not fair. Okay but still (she made a move)
Pragya: abhi your coffee. Oh playing chess after long time I will join too.
Arjun: okay lets restart it 2 verses all of us.
Karan: means
Arjun: abhi and pragya one team. Rest of us in one team.
Abhi: in simple words 2 vs. 4
Prerana: we need answers to our questions.
Pragya: play and win the game to get answers.
Abhi: if you win I will give answers to all questions, but if you lose you have to wait till we give answers our self.
Raghuveer: oh nice bet. We will definitely win.
Prem: I am national champion in chess.
Depali: okay we are ready for it.
Pragya: all the best for loosing.
Prerana: don’t have over confidence.
Abhi: let us see it’s over confidence or confidence.
Purab: let us see.
Karan arranged the board. Abhigya took white, while others took black.
Pragya: abhi, I will get dinner ready for you.
Abhi: yep, get yours also here. Let’s have it together.
Prem: tensed asking dinner.
Abhi: come on dad. Let us start the game.
They were playing the game. Pragya went to cook their dinner.
Abhi: baby, I am hungry come fast. (He tapped on the desk)
Pragya: coming (she came back with 2 plates)
Prerana: what are you both seeing in your tab. No cheating. Don’t try to play with computer and win us.
Pragya: mom, we are not kg kids to cheat grow up.
Karan: they must be playing their game.
Prem: their game???
Arjun; ha dad. They are playing it for past 2months don’t know who will win.
Pragya: checkmate.
All in unison: what!!!!
Prem: no it’s impossible. There is no way of escaping than losing.
Arjun: that is them no way of escaping other than losing. It may be chess or life.
Pragya: I am leaving I have an important work so, excuse me.
Karan: go, none can say no to pragya abhisheik prem mehra after all.
Abhi: I am also coming wait.
Arjun: I understood the work now. Go on we don’t have any problem. Give us the good news soon.
Pragya left the place unable to stand. Abhi went away without talking.
Purab: what is the need to talk like that. Look what happened
Bulbul: don’t scold him he did the right thing. How many days they will be like this pragya needs to know the truth. I know abhi’s words hurt her but not these many days.
Karan: her heart is broken. It takes time to mend. Let it be.
Prerana: okay let us their love story.
Arjun: mom, do you have split personality disorder.
Prerana: why?
Karan: till now you were confused and angry. Now you are cool back again
Depali: we were feeling bad that abhi married a girl without us.
Prem: we always wanted abhi and pragya to be together from we meet pragya.
Raghuveer: finally they are together but they are having problems so worried.
Prerana: we missed the best moments of their life.
Prem: so we are angry and we should ask their forgiveness especially pragya’s we thought wrong about her without knowing completely.
Depali: now I trust our children. They are more mature than I thought or knew.
Raghuveer: so now all problems cleared tell us of their love story.
Karan: their love story without love birds. Let me call them.
Arjun: they left their belongings here. I will go and call them.
Other side in pragya’s room.
Abhi: pragya I know my word hurt you but
Pragya: ha what now. I never thought you will think so low about me.
Abhi: baby just listen to me once. What happened is…………….( he told something which was muted)
Pragya: why didn’t you tell me before abhi. I am sorry I hurt you a lot without knowing the truth.
Abhi: hey baby look at me. Whatever it is it may be love, anger, hatred, or jealousy or anything else everything you should show on me only.
Pragya: why do you love so much.
Abhi: because I got a wife who loves more than this.
Pragya: is it so how do you know………… (Before she completed he kissed her on lips.)
Abhi: I know like this ( in between the kiss. He pinned her to wall and kissed her again. She responded with equal pleasure. He trailed kisses down her chin and neck. He was giving wet kisses. She started moaning in pleasure. He pulled her to him and took her in arms and went to bed. He placed her on and bed and was about to kiss her when Arjun barged into the room.)
Arjun: I am sorry I thought…… I did not see anything.
Abhi: stup up turn spoiling my romance and telling I did not see anything.
Pragya: aju why did you come. Tell that.
Arjun: nothing much we are telling your love story to our parents so thought it will be good if you both join us.
Abhi: we heard it enough times. More than 5 times so you guys carry on. Come baby let us continue our romance.
Pragya: I am going if you want you carry on abhi.
Abhi: what whom will I romance with if you go away.
Karan: Ritu, Rachel, lina, or maybe piyali.
Pragya: what you have these many girlfriends.
Abhi: no they are not my girlfriends.
Karan: yes these are some among them.
Pragya: what does that mean Mr. Mehra
Abhi: I mean….
Pragya: you are joining Arjun and karan in sleeping for next one month. ( She walked out saying that)
Abhi: karan ki bachha I will see how will enter your first night room. I swear you will remain celibate for first one year.
Karan: what….( abhi walked out without minding)
Arjun: messed up wrong person.
They went down to see. All were seated with cokes and snacks around campfire.
Pragya was sitting on one sofa with abhi on her lap sleeping. All elders in one big one and purab and bulbul on bean bags.
Arjun: what an arrangement. Where should we sit.
Prerana: you are going to tell us the story.
Prem: punishment for hiding their truth from us.
Karan; but …..
Raghuveer: no but and no if.
Arjun: let purab bhai start. Then we will continue.
Karan: perfect he was there from beginning. We joined in middle.
Depali: chalo start purab.
Purab: okay then ( he and bulbul got up and went to tell while karan and Arjun occupied their places.)
“One early in the morning. Abhi was sleeping peacefully when he was getting a dream”
Abhi: stop jeeju tell truth. If you tell you will change the story itself let me tell them. Come sit. Baby you sit on my lap
Purab; oh abhi you are in garden with your family and not in your room.
Abhi; what is wrong in that I am making place for you
Purab: we can make place if you get up and sit. (He smiled sheepishly while pragya hugged him in embarrassment. Purbul sat next to them.)
Abhi’s pov
It was in my 10th holidays. That I went with Arjun to spend my holidays. He took me to his grandmother’s place Mumbai.
Pragya: stop…stop… I never visited Mumbai before I came with you for first time.
Abhi: I never said that I saw you in Mumbai. I still remember. You in your dance dress such cute fuggy you were. Now became like a lady mogambo.
Pragya: how dare you to call me mogambo you brainless monkey.
Abhi: I am brainless monkey you are makeup gorilla.
Pragya: you are hippo
Abhi: you are rhinoceros
Pragya: shut up you eke number key gad he.
Abhi: tum………… tum kya… ha yadh ayii kutha.
Pragya: how dare you ………….
Abhi: I am sorry maff karo na mujhe.
Pragya: so that’s like a good boy you should ask sorry from me after all.
Abhi: oye don’t over except I am asking sorry to all dogs in world for comparing you to them. They should not get extinct by committing suicide for comparing you with them.
Pragya: what do you mean?
Abhi: I mean dogs will feel bad for comparing them with you.
Pragya: yes a dog can talk with another dog right
Abhi: you mean I am dog…..
They picked up their Tom and Jerry fight. Elders shouted “stop it”
Depali: continue the story.
so what is there love story??????
thanking you all
signing off…………
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