Monday, 24 May 2021

The nights we spent together (Chapter 18)


Episode starts with Riddhima keeping all the dishes prepared on dining table ,and Vansh helping her ,when they hear the door bell and Vansh opens the door and welcomes Mr Dsouza and his wife.

After all the greetings and dinner when they four sat for talk than Mrs Dsouza stared Riddhima. Mrs Dsouza was a fashionable lady and her attitude was clearly visible in her personality.
Mrs Dsouza: So Mrs Riddhima,what is your educational qualification.
Riddhima politely replied: Mcom,
Mrs D.: What you did before marriage?
Riddhima: I was a school teacher.
Mrs Dsouza smiled arrogantly as if about to say something rude.
Mrs D: You know, I am an enterpreneur. One of the most successful businesswoman of our country ,our company is really doing well.
Riddhima: Yes…Vansh appreciated about you yesterday.
Mrs D (smirking): Dont you think Riddhima that you should stop eating on your husband’s money.
Riddhima’s smiling face turned a bit serious.
Mrs D: I might sound rude but dont you think that it is not the century when woman will just sit and eat up on the money of their husbands. You should step out of these four walls and try to create your own identity ,when four people will know you from your name ,not from your husbands name. Till when will you stay on your husbands pity ? Look at me,even if my husband throws me out …I am self dependent enough to earn money for me.
Riddhima gave her a smile after all this .
Riddhima: Thanks for sharing your views Mrs Dsouza, But I would like to share mine too.
You told me that I am eating on my husband’s money. I think that the meaning of marriage is not yet clear to you. Marriage,is a partnership,,relation where both the partners have equal right over everything. You see my husband earning money, dont you see me making his house a home ? Dont you see my duties  ? He bring money and I use that to build his world. See any relation ,wont work from one side,  if I leave my duty of creating his world from his money, than I dont think he will be able to survive..In that sense you can say that I am changing his money to an eatable form.Mrs Dsouza,it’s really very easy,to put yourself in front,to demand your name to be highlighted. But it’s really very difficult ,to stay back ,your husband,and to highlight his name.
I spend my whole day and night ,in taking care of his every need and in turn, he is building up. His career,has the hand of two people. Mine and his own. And I am lucky enough that he dont forget to give my share in front of all. You know how are we managing all this? Not by pity,but this is called LOVE. The very next thing you said, Mrs dsouza for me,it doesn’t matter that four people recognize me or thousands. The thing is ,in how many people hearts I reside. And when I see myself in my husband’s heart ,its much more than any recognition in world.
And the last thing you said.
If he leaves me than what will I do?
(Riddhima laughing) Mrs Dsouza,  if he leaves me then he will lose his homemaker , his support  ,his backbone. If he can manage without all that,wont i be able to manage about money?
Mrs Dsouza: So you think that woman should still stay back at home?
Riddhima : No,I think that everyone should be given the right to do the work of their choice and their roles should be respected.And I,had chose this role for me,I respect my role,of a homemaker, a lot,because I feel,that there is everything in this role. Sacrifices,devotion, strength, maturity, love. I dont think that any money can be offered for my role.Its above all that.
Riddhima smiled ,and so did Vansh looking at him proudly.
At night,
Vansh: Today the way you replied Mrs Dsouza, I felt really proud.
Riddhima smiled.
Riddhima:  She was questioning the role of a housewife,,I respect working woman a lot, but the work of a housewife,can never be questioned.
Vansh smiled and kissed her forehead .

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