Monday, 24 May 2021

Riddhima’s parents mystery..#Riansh OS by Aayu..


You know today is something special…
A special day for someone special..
Who is special to me…
Who gave me courage…
And does not mind my age..
Is so kind..
Full of mind..
Is a great writer…
With a lovely heart..
Who does not love art…
But is a great artist…
Making other’s life full of colors…
Menna di
Happy Birthday..
It’s your day..
Enjoy fullest…
Who is gentlest…
I never met you..
But I can bet..
You are a great person..
A small gift from my side…
A very Happy Birthday menna di…
You know I was waiting for this day…
You are the first friend of mine whom I made in TU..
You encourage me with your Lovely words….
Happy Birthday!!❤❤🎂🎂
One more….
Another one…
A dear reader of mine..
Who loves my stories..
Made my day with her lovely words..
Happy Birthday!!❤❤🎂🎂
I don’t know much about you..but you are really a sweet girl…
Have a nice day.. enjoy fullest…
May you achieve a lot in your life!!
Okay so done with wishes…I was really waiting for this day… waiting to wish menna di and Tanya..hope you both are reading this….I hope I have brought a smile to your face…🙃 coming to update…
Sorry for not posting yesterday..I was not ready with the update..

This OS was requested by Tanya K..

Riddhima’s parents mystery..This one was I have to plot the mystery..
Note:- Part 2 of last two OS will come.. actually I wanted to gift posted this one first..hope you are reading this…do tell me how you find it..
Let’s start..
Riddhima was pointing gun at Vansh…(hope u remember after vansh rescued her)
Riddhima:- You are a murderer…u killed my parents..why u saved me.. I don’t want  to live with the person who is the reason of being mine as a orphan…
Vansh was hell shocked..
Vansh:-Riddhima what are u saying??
Have you ever think what are u saying..
You are accusing me!!
Are u in ur senses??
Riddhima:-Yes!! I am in my senses..I heard you  talking with Angre and that’s why you were in juvenile center for 4 years..
Don’t try to lie…
Vansh:-Are you gone nuts??(In anger)
Realising the condition..
He take a deep breath…
Hold riddhima from shoulder..
Vansh:-Riddhima relax..see I can explain you are misunderstanding me..listen me..
Riddhima:-No I will not come in ur influence…
Vansh:- fine!!
Saying  so he left the room..
Riddhima was broken..
She collapsed in floor..
Riddhima:-What I did I hurt him…😭..
What if he is right…
Scene shifts to a dark room…
Only source of light was a bulb which was half open..
A man:-RIddhima now you will be only mine..I have successfully executed my no one can come between us..(guess karo..kar hi liya hoga)
He went towards the bulb..and the face is revealed as kabir…
Infront of him there was a huge cut out of riddhima..
Kabir:- you will be mine..soon to be Mrs kabir..
Saying so he kissed her cut out..(bichara I feel bad for him)
Temple area:-
Dadi:- Riddhima beta today is your first day after
Siya:- Dadi second Marriage..😌
Dadi:- Yes..but it’s her first day do she will make sweet for everyone..
Siya:- Dadi I have an idea..second Marriage so new twist..bahi and bhabhi both will make sweet..
Dadi:- Nice idea..
So Siya call vansh where he is..I haven’t seen him since morning..
Riddhima u know?(Dadi ko kya pata that she was going to kill her Vansh)
Riddhima:- No Dadi!!
Dadi:- Accha u go I will send him..
Riddhima face was happiness..and dadi and Siya sensed that..
Dadi:- Siya pakka something has happened between them..
Siya:- yes Dadi…
Scene shifts…
Kabir:- Step one completed..
Saying this he tore the photo of Riansh from the middle..
Flashback starts..
Kabir was seen bribing the warden of Riddhima’s hostle..
Kabir:- I have paid will say what I have told you to Riddhima..
Warden:- ok!!
Flashback ends…
Kabir:- This was the very first step…
Flashback starts..
Kabir is shown keeping chits in Riddhima jewellery box…
Flashback ends..
Kabir:- And then Vansh has made my plan simple by bringing the another part of locket…
Flashback starts..
Kabir is seen giving parcel to currior boy… keeping the locket in box..
Flashback ends…
Kabir ( smirks):-And then bichari meri Riddhima ..has done my last step…she joined all the dots and then booommm!!!!
Scene shifts..
To be countinued…
Sorry I was busy with my assignments…
It seems to be easy seeing OS..but I was hell disturb now..My brains are dead..thinking how to compromise the whole story in just a go..I mean in one short..
And the consequences are in front of you..I am pending with three OS 2 part…
Will try to complete….
And yes I remember all your just have to wait…
So done with my rantings!!
Bye..Take care!!
I Will try my level best to post asap…  handling online classes….too..they have started from I can’t promise for regular updates..
And yes Tanya do tell me it’s up to you na??

The post Riddhima’s parents mystery..#Riansh OS by Aayu.. appeared first on Telly Updates.

5/24/2021 10:14:00 amFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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