Hi guys,
Sorry guys, I was not well yesterday and so I couldn’t post yesterday. But today I’ll try to post two episodes.
Thank you all for your immense response. Please do keep supporting me like this.
Here the episode begins…
At the hospital..
As soon as riddhima opens her eyes, she sees everyone and…
RIDDHIMA: Bhai, where is vansh? Is he alright? I need to see him.
ANGRE: Riddhu, are you ok?
RIDDHIMA: Bhai first please tell me where is vansh? I need to see him immediately.
SEJAL: Riddhu calm down. Why are you behaving like this?
RIDDHIMA: Guys, please understand I need to see him.
ANGRE: Riddhu, please don’t get panic. I’ll call him, he must be outside.
Angre comes out and sees vansh.
ANGRE: Vansh, what happened? Why didn’t you come in?
VANSH: Nothing angre. Just waiting for a phone call.
ANGRE: Vansh you please come inside first.
VANSH: Angre, what happened? Why are you so tensed?
ANGRE: I’m not, but riddhima is tensed. You please first come in. We couldn’t handle riddhima.
Vansh rushes to see riddhima. As soon as riddhima sees vansh, she begins to cry. None present there couldn’t understand the reason for riddhima’s behaviour and her tears.
VANSH: Riddhima, what happened? Are you ok?
RIDDHIMA: Vansh, I’m fine. Are you ok?
VANSH: I’m fine riddhima. But why are you nervous? What happened suddenly?
ANGRE : Vansh, even we were asking the same to riddhima. But she didn’t answer us. From the second she opened her eyes she was asking you and was very eager to see you.Even she didn’t see us or even didn’t answer any of our question.
SIA: Bhai, don’t know why? She is behaving like this for the first time.
RIDDHIMA: (thinking) Sorry guys, even I don’t know why I behaved like that. None of your questions reach my ears. I was just worrying whether vansh is fine. Even I don’t know why my eyes are constantly shedding tears after seeing him. This is the first time I’m having such feelings.
ANGRE: Riddhu, what happened? Are you in this world?
SEJAL: I think no…
RIDDHIMA: Shut up sejal.
Meanwhile vansh thinks..
VANSH: ( thinking) Riddhu, you don’t know about the level of my happiness. Even none present here knows about my feelings or happiness. Actually riddhu, you don’t know how I was feeling on hearing these words. I know you regard me as only your friend but still, now I’m feeling like flying high in the sky. Actually at present I’m not at all in this world.
ISHANI: Bhai, Now what happened to you. Are you in this world?
VANSH: Shut up…
ANGRE: Guys, doctor said that they will discharge riddhima by morning. Till then I’ll be with her. So you all go and take rest. Come tomorrow morning.
ISHANI: Sure angre…
They all leave. Vansh drops everyone at their respective house.
VANSH: Guys you go in. I have some important work. I’ll directly come to the hospital.
ISHANI: Bhai it’s already 4.00am. Don’t you want to sleep. You must be tired right?
VANSH: Ishani, just understand. The work is so important. I must do it right now.
SIA: Ok bhai, fine. We know if you have taken a decision, then you won’t change it for anyone. So bhai you go and complete your work, but don’t forget that even your health is important.
VANSH: Fine guys, now you all go and take rest. Good night.
ISHANI: Bhai, it’s good morning..
VANSH: Shut up.. Now go and take rest.
Vansh leaves. While driving…
VANSH:(thinking) So, now I have to do something. Even while playing I felt that there was someone around us.
Vansh notices a shadow near the bush while playing with riddhima. Vansh goes near the bush to see but before that, the unknown person escapes. And then the place catches fire.
So, If I’m right, then there must be someone who is constantly watching riddhima and finding every way to hurt her. But whose that?. Suddenly something strikes his mind.. I’m sure that if I go there the I’ll get some clue..
While the unknown person in his house..
UNKNOWN: Vansh, How come each and every time you are saving riddhima? But remember you can’t be her saviour all the time. I’m sure that you can’t find me. Before you reach me I’ll kill riddhima..
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