Thursday, 16 September 2021

Anupama 16th September 2021 Written Episode Update: Baa’s Unjustified Demand


Anupama 16th September 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Bapuji warns Baa to stop. Baa asks if she cannot question. Toshu backs Baa and says Baa is not shouting at least. Samar warns him to slow down. Toshu shouts back and says because of him, Anuj/AK entered their house. Samar asks when he had gone to pent house, why he returns daily to watch dramas. Toshu says if he had not come here, he wouldn’t have know how strong AK and Anu’s friendship has grown. Anu shouts at him to shut up and asks Baa why didn’t she question when Kavya visited their house for 9 years as Mr Shah’s friend, Toshu used to praise Kavya and celebrate her birthday, she used to prepare tiffin for her, then why didn’t anyone question; friendship wasn’t a bad word for 9 years and now suddenly why it became bad; AK is his friend and was just studying in her college; what is wrong if AK offered her business partnership, even Mr Shah supported Kavya in office for 9 years and saved her from many mistakes. Vanraj says he has gone through this kind of friendship and knows its consequences. Anu says fake coin thinks all coins in piggy bank are fake. Vanraj says truth won’t change with these explanations. Samar warns him to behave with his mummy. Vanraj warns him to behave with his father. Kinjal says mummy is right. Bapuji backs Kinjal. Toshu asks when AK is just a college friend, why he comes here everyday. Baa says AK and his uncle are always eager to visit here. Toshu shouts all because of Samar. Samar says AK saved him. Toshu says maybe AK organized that accident to enter this house. Kinjal says this is not a movie scene, AK risked his life and saved Samar’s life, Toshu is doubting AK just because he is mummy’s friend. Toshu says its not a coincidence.

Bapuji says AK got camera fixed around their house and noticed when he left the house, went to meet his friend, and stopped to buy jalebi fafda; Toshu should use his brain at least. Toshu says he is forgoing truth. Samar says truth is Toshu, Mr Shah, and Kavya cannot handle mummy’s success. Kavya says his mummy didn’t become a PM to be jealous of her success. Kinjal says mummy’s one step ahead is enough for Kavya’s jealous and right now mummy is miles ahead of Kavya. Toshu says its because of AK’s favor. Samar says mummy succeeded with her hard work. Kinjal says AK is not a bad man. Samar says every person is not like Kavya’s husband. Vanraj shouts. Kavya says Samar doesn’t know to behave with his father. Kinjal says only Kavya knows behavior, they should speak to only sensible people here, at least they will understand sarcasm. Bapu shouts at everyone to shut up. Baa says asks Anu not to work with AK as its not good to work with a stranger man. Bapuji says Baa’s thinking is too cheap. Baa insists Anu. Vanraj with an evil grin on his face says once karkhana is sold, he will give her a place for Anu’s dance and anyways AK has given her ghungroo, she should just say no. Anu asks him to check a calendar and remember that he is not his husband anymore. Baa says she is mother and is ordering her to say no.

Update in Progress

Update Credit to: MA

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