“So, darling, how are things going between you and Miss Mehra?” Uma asked at brunch the following Sunday.
Vansh glanced up, fork halfway to his mouth. “Well enough, I suppose.”
His mother flashed him a smile as he took his bite of food. “So, does that mean there will possibly be wedding bells in the future?”
Vansh nearly choked on his eggs. “Mom!”
“Uma, please.”
“What?” she asked, looking innocently between her son and husband. “I’m only asking because this has been the first girlfriend you’ve had since-” “I know how long it’s been Mom. Thank you,” Vansh interrupted, wiping his mouth with a cloth napkin and tossing it on his plate, his appetite now lost. “Besides, Ragini is not my girlfriend. We’ve gone out to dinner twice, but that doesn’t mean we’re in a relationship.”
Uma frowned. “But Chanchal said that Ragini was gushing about how swimmingly things are going with you two. We were hoping you would hit it off and-”
“Trust me, I know exactly what you two have been thinking,” Vansh growled, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Vansh, don’t use that tone with your mother,” Ajay said warningly.
Ignoring his father, Vansh looked to his mother again. “Why are you in such a hurry to marry me off? Can’t you just be happy for me about where my life is right now?”
“Oh, Vansh,” Uma said, placing one of her manicured hands over his. “Darling, of course I’m happy that you’re happy. But you’re halfway to your thirties and soon all the eligible women will be taken.”
“Mother, there are literally thousands of women in Mumbai-”
“Yes, well, not ones that are like us though,” she said primly.
Vansh narrowed his eyes. “Meaning?”
“Meaning that there are only a select few women within our circle, and you should be thinking about grabbing one up before you’re stuck with a commoner like a bookstore clerk or a… a teacher or something.”
Vansh’s mind immediately thought of her. “And what would be so wrong with that? Marrying a ‘commoner’, as you put it?”
Uma sighed. “I just mean that you’re used to a certain lifestyle. Your partner, your wife, and the mother of your children should also be in such a way.”
Vansh looked between his mother and father, disbelieving what he was being told.
“I don’t have time for this,” he stated, scooting his chair back and standing. “I have actual work to do, so, like always, it was a pleasure having brunch. I’ll see you next week.”
He rounded the table, kissed his mother’s cheek, sent a nod to his father, and quickly walked towards the entryway.
“So, what’s her name?”
Vansh sighed and cursed himself as he turned to face his father who had followed him from the table. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Don’t give me that rubbish, Vansh. I’d like to think I know my son better than that,” Ajay said, raising a brow.
Vansh grumbled and sat down on a bench seat near the door. His father joined him and waited patiently next to him.
“It doesn’t matter,” Vansh said finally.
“And why not? If you like this girl, you should go for it. Don’t let your mother-”
“She’s one of my clients,” Vansh stated, finally looking at his father.
“Oh… Well, that’s… unfortunate,” Ajay said, frowning before giving Vansh a stern look. “You should know better than that, son. If word got out, it could be damaging for your career.”
“It’s not like I did it on purpose! Besides, when I met her, I didn’t know she was engaged and she surely didn’t say anything. And now,” he chuckled lowly, “I’m helping her plan their wedding.”
“I see,” Ajay said, shifting in his seat slightly to look at his son. “So tell me then, why are you so adamant about not dating Miss Mehra? Are you hoping this other girl will call things off?”
“No, I just… I don’t really know. I don’t feel a connection with Ragini.”
“But you did with this other girl?”
“I thought I did. Apparently I was wrong,” Vansh said, standing again.
Vansh looked to his father. “Like I said, it doesn’t matter anymore. I’ll see you next week.” He opened the door to walk out, but not before looking over his shoulder at his father once more. “And she’s a doctor. I’d say that’s a pretty good profession for a commoner .”
As he walked to his car, his phone pinged, and he glanced at it as he entered the vehicle.
Kabir : Hey, bad news. I have to go out of town for about two weeks for work. Will it be alright if just you and Riddhi go to the next venue without me?
Vansh : Sure, no problem.
Vansh groaned as he rested his head on the steering wheel.
These next two weeks were going to be hell.
“We need to talk,” Riddhima said as she walked into his office the next day.
Vansh lifted a brow. “Okay.” He walked around his desk and leaned against it casually. “What would you like to discuss, Miss Kapoor?”
“I wanted to say I’m sorry,” she stated. “For the whole park, uh, incident. I should have told you I was engaged, and I most definitely shouldn’t have danced with you. It sent the wrong message and for that, I really am sorry.”
Vansh dipped his chin in a single nod. “Thank you. And I should apologize too. My behaviour as your wedding planner hasn’t been very professional. I apologise.”
This time, Riddhima raised a brow. “But not about the fact that you have a girlfriend and were still very clearly flirting with me?”
Vansh chuckled and shook his head. “Ragini is not my girlfriend. We went out to dinner a few times, yes, but that’s it.”
Riddhima bit her lip as she blushed and averted her eyes. “Oh..”
Vansh pondered her for a moment, before straightening up. “Let’s start over.” He held out his hand. “Hello, I’m Vansh Rai Singhania, wedding planner extraordinaire. And you are?”
Riddhima grinned at him as she shook his hand. “Riddhima Kapoor, pediatric specialist and currently engaged to my long-time boyfriend.”
“Note taken,” he said, giving her a wink. “So, are you ready to go check out this next venue?”
She smiled widely. “Absolutely.”
Vansh and Riddhima walked around the path that led them through the gardens of The Emerald, Juhu. Making sure to keep enough space between them, he stayed silent as she looked around the property with awe.
“This place is beautiful,” Riddhima finally commented. She glanced at him and nibbled her lip. “And you’re sure Kabir and I can afford this place?”
Vansh gave a small, reassuring smile. “If you were planning a summer wedding, I would say no. But they drop their prices during the winter as they aren’t nearly as busy.”
“I see… And you’ve verified that the date we want is available, right?”
“Of course. Does this mean you’ve made your final choice?” Vansh asked.
Taking one last look around, Riddhima smiled and nodded. “Yes. Let’s go book it.”
When they stepped out of the office a half-hour later, venue booked and security deposit paid, Vansh glanced at his watch.
“Well, since we’re done so early, what do you think about setting up your wedding registry? We can start it today, and then you can bring Kabir when he comes back to add more if needed.”
Riddhima grinned. “I’ll never say no to a shopping trip-especially where I’m not actually buying anything. Lead the way!”
Registry shopping was always Vansh’s least favourite part of his wedding planner duties. Usually, he would help the couple start off the process, then go to a nearby coffee shop until they were done, or simply go back to the office if they drove themselves.
With Riddhima, though, he didn’t feel like this was a chore at all; in fact, he was actually having a good time. She would ask his opinions about certain brands or colours and took his comments into consideration.
“We don’t need much,” she explained as she scanned a vase, adding it to her registry. “We’ve lived together for nearly six years and have most things. But some are in need of replacing and others are things we’ve been meaning to buy but just haven’t yet.”
When they passed the department store’s book section that was set up as its own little store, Vansh could sense her yearning to stop and take a look.
“Let’s take a break,” he suggested, guiding her into the book store area. “I’ll grab us something to drink. Any preference?”
Already heading towards the books, Riddhima nodded and said, “An iced coffee, please.”
Shaking his head in amusement, Vansh went up to the small bistro counter and ordered two beverages.
With drinks in hand, Vansh took a seat at one of the small, round tables and pulled out his phone to check his emails and messages from his other clients.
“Vansh? Vansh Rai Singhania is that you!?”
The familiar, girlish voice sent dread to the pit of his stomach.
Looking up, he saw her .
Ahana Gupta.
His first crush.
His first girlfriend.
His first love.
His first… everything.
She looked the same, he noted, as he stood and watched her weave her way around the tables to greet him. Her hair was still cut in a short bob, her nose was small and round, and her smile… It was infectious.
It wasn’t until she threw her arms around his neck that he noticed she was also very much pregnant.
“Ahana,” he finally said when she pulled back. “It’s been… a while.”
She giggled. “It has, hasn’t it? How’ve you been?”
“I’m doing-”
“Ahana? Oh, there you are. You just ran off, and I didn’t see where you went.” A man stepped up behind Ahana, and Vansh’s face hardened.
“Sorry, darling. I saw Vansh and just had to say hi. Vansh, you remember Manish, right?” Ahana asked, looking up adoringly at the other man.
Manish Vardhan. How could he forget? After all, it was his arse Vansh saw in the bed he shared with Ahana all those years ago when the perfect life he thought he had was shattered in an instant.
“Of course,” Vansh said with a curt nod towards the man. “Vardhan.”
“Rai Singhania.”
“Manish and I are expecting!” Ahana blurted out excitedly, ignoring the tension between the two men.
Vansh’s gaze shifted over to her and down to her slightly protruding belly. “So I see. Congratulations.”
“So, what brings you here?” Ahana said, sitting down at the table, leaving no choice but for the two men to sit as well.
“Well, actually…”
It was at that moment Riddhima returned, carrying a pile of books and dropping them on the table with a thud . “Sorry I took so long. You wouldn’t believe all the different kinds of books they have here! And-Oh. I didn’t see that you were talking to someone. I can go if you’d rather-”
“No!” Vansh blurted, snatching her wrist before she could walk off. He looked around as he cleared his throat. “I mean, no, that’s alright. I was just catching up with some old friends, that’s all. Ahana. Vardhan, this is Riddhima Kapoor. She has her own paediatric clinic in Mumbai near my building.”
At that information, Ahana perked up. “Paediatric? Manish, wasn’t I just saying that we needed to find one soon? I know we still have a few months left, but I’d rather be safe than sorry,” Ahana giggled.
Riddhima gave Ahana a tight smile. “Well, whenever you have your little bundle of joy, please call my office and my assistant will book you an appointment.” She turned her attention to Vansh. “I think I’m done with the wedding registry for now. Unless there’s anything you think we should add?”
Before Vansh could answer, Ahana let out an excited gasp. “Vansh Rai Singhania! You didn’t tell me you were getting married!”
Vansh groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling a headache coming on. “She’s my client, Ahana.”
“Oh…. I see. I just thought with the coffee and the books that-”
“Ahana, we really should get going. Mom is expecting us for dinner,” Manish interrupted.
“Oh! Yes, you’re right, darling. Vansh, it was wonderful to see you! I do hope we can properly catch up some time. And, Riddhima, is it? It was a pleasure meeting you as well.”
Giving air kisses to both Vansh and Riddhima, Ahana finally left the little bookshop, Manish in tow. Riddhima stood there, seemingly stunned into silence.
“Sorry about her,” Vansh said, scratching the back of his neck. “She’s a bit… much.”
Riddhima snorted a laugh and finally sat down. “Who was she anyway? A friend of yours?”
Vansh watched as she took a sip of her drink. “Yeah. Something like that.”
He listened as Riddhima talked about the books she found, though part of him was still thinking about his run-in with his ex.
“Hey,” a small hand covered his, and his attention was back on Riddhima who was looking at him with a worried frown. “You all right? You seem to have gone somewhere else for a moment.”
He gave her a tight smile. “I’m fine. Running into Ahana just brought up old memories.”
“Would you like to talk about it?” she offered.
Yes . “No, it’s all right.” He glanced at his watch. “We should probably get you back to the office so you can head home.”
The drive to the office was quiet, with Vansh lost in his thoughts about his past and Riddhima staring out the window. When he pulled up next to her car, she thanked him for driving her around and told him how much fun she had.
“You know,”she said, biting her lip,”you can always… text me if you need to talk to someone. I won’t mind.”
Vansh gave her a small smile and nodded once. “I’ll be sure to remember that. Goodnight, Riddhima.”
“Goodnight, Vansh,” she breathed out softly.
He watched to make sure she got into her car safely and gave a wave as she drove off.
He was not going to text her, he told himself.
At least not about Ahana… Or his past.
It will be purely wedding related.
His phone pinged.
Riddhima : Want to get drinks? My treat.
Vansh : Would love to, but I have a wedding tomorrow. Wouldn’t be good for my reputation to show up hungover. Raincheck?
Riddhima : I suppose that’s a good enough excuse. Raincheck it is. Have a good evening and don’t let Ahana get to you. You were too good for her anyway.
blo*dy hell, he was falling in love with Riddhima Kapoor.
The post Rainsh FF : Vansh Rai Singhania: Wedding Planner Extraordinaire : Chapter 4 appeared first on Telly Updates.
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