The episode starts with Vansh and Riddhima being arrived to the house and then they got surprised from what the whole family have prepared for them.
Everyone at the same time: Surprise!
Riddhima and Vansh were surprised when they entered the house and they have found a lot of decorations have made all over the house and they also found a beautiful gifts have been putted on the table and they have also observed a cake written on it “Congratulations for the news of the presence of the lovely baby”.
Anuprya: We thought that we didn’t made a fabulous preparations for the news that you both have arrived to us so we decided to prepare to you both a wonderful surprise so we can all enjoy this news very loudly.
Siya: That’s why Angre and I have been left from the hospital without making you both notice our absence so we can help everyone in the house for preparing this surprise.
Riddhima: You both are also involved in this surprise Siya and Angre?! That’s why I was wondering why I didn’t see you both at the end of the day!
Angre: But you have to admit that you have liked the surprise, right bhabi?!
Riddhima: To be honest, I’ve been liked the surprise so much, what about you Vansh?
Vansh: I have been liked the surprise so much. Thank you all for your effort to make us happy. I’m really grateful to have a very caring and loving family like you all. Thank you so much.
They all have a group hug and then Kabir and Sejal made Vansh and Riddhima stand in front of the cake so they can be able to cut it.
Ragini: Just a second, before you both cut the cake and blow the candles you must make a wish first.
Vansh: It is not a birthday party by the way so we don’t have to do all of those things!
Kabir: Even if it is not a birthday party, why not to make a wish during this beautiful occasion.
Riddhima: Yes Vansh, we don’t know when our wishes will come true so let’s take an advantage from this occasion and make a wish.
Vansh: Okay, I agree. Let’s make a wish.
Vansh and Riddhima start making their wishes.
Vansh to himself: I wish that nothing bad could harm my family and I wish to always see my beautiful wife happy and relaxed and I also wish that my child always be healthy and safe until he/she arrives and my last wish is to get rid of that Ahana, who has came to disturb me. So I wish that I could succeed in knowing her motive and expose her as soon as possible without giving her the chance to destroy my hospital or cause any problems in my life. Please God make all my wishes come true.
Riddhima to herself: I wish that every worry my husband owns to get be cleared very soon. I wish to always see Vansh’s happiness and I wish that my child’s health could always be good and he/she could arrive safely without any problems and I also wish that no one could separate me from my beloved husband. I also wish that we could expose that Ahana very soon and don’t give her the chance to cause any problems in our lives.
After Riddhima and Vansh have made their wishes, they have blown the candles and they cut then they start to make everyone eat from the cake.
Ragini: Vansh, Riddhima you will not tell us what the wishes that you both have made?!
Riddhima: Of course not Ragini as if we have said the wishes, they will not come true so keep it secret until it comes true and of course when it will become true I will tell you about it.
Ragini: And what about you Vansh? You will also say the same thing that your wife has said?!
Vansh: Of course Ragini as I will always support my wife in everything she is saying or doing. Actually, I’m really agreeing with what Riddhima is saying. We must don’t talk about the wishes until they come true.
Sejal: Wow! I can observe that the husband and the wife are always saying the same words as the other. It is really an impressive thing!
Sejal’s words made Riddhima very shy, but she was also feeling very happy being with Vansh and enjoying everything they are doing together.
Then Vansh decides to make the occasion more interesting so he starts to joke with Riddhima by putting some of the cake’s cream on Riddhima’s face.
Riddhima: Vansh what are you doing?!
Vansh starts laughing, but Riddhima didn’t left him and she putted from the cake’s cream on Vansh’s face as well and then she starts also laughing.
Riddhima: Now we are equal Vansh. I have made to you the same thing that you have done to me! * she winks and smiles at him*
Vansh: You will not be saved from me sweetheart!
He takes a part of the cake in his hand and he starts running after her so he can catch her and put the cream on her face like what she has done to him.
They start running after each other and everyone was observing their actions and they were laughing and being very happy seeing Vansh and Riddhima’s happiness.
Rudra: I’m really happy seeing Vansh and Riddhima’s happiness. I’m really happy to see them enjoying their moments together as they are really very suitable to each other.
Anurpya: Yes Rudra you are right. I will never choose a perfect partner to Vansh more than Riddhima. They really share a lot of similarities together and at the same time each one of them has his and her own attitude which make each one of them complete the other. They are really made for each other. I hope that no one could put an eyes on their happiness. I hope that they are always be happy and relaxed. May God bless them and their child and I hope that their child could arrive safely without any troubles.
At the same time, Vansh and Riddhima were still running after each other until Vansh succeeded in catching Riddhima and he has putted the cream on her face so he made her face full of the cream!
Vansh: I don’t leave my right sweetheart. Accept your failure, I’m the one who won! You will not have any other cream to put it on my face! What you will do now?!
Riddhima: Yes Vansh you are right. I haven’t any other cream to put on your face, so you are the one who won.
She was becoming near him when she has finished her words and he wasn’t aware of what she is preparing for him as when he was happy that she has accepted her failure, she surprised him when she has taken the cream from her face and putted on his face!
Riddhima: You have underestimated me Vansh. I’m not that type of girls who will give up easily. Actually, you have forgotten that I’m Riddhima Vansh Rai Singhania who doesn’t give up until she takes her right. So enjoy your failure Dr. Vansh Rai Singhania!
When she was going to leave, he pulled her towards him and he makes her so close to him and he kissed her in her cheek.
Vansh: I don’t care if you won or I won. The success is will still be ours, the most important thing to me is to be with you. I love you so much sweetheart.
Riddhima: I love you too Vansh.
They hugged each other so tightly and he hugs by a way that doesn’t make her legs touch the ground as if she is flying in his arms.
He made her feeling as if she is a bird flying freely, she was really happy and relaxed being in his arms. She was feeling very happy that he is always spreading an unconditional love to her, she can always feel his love and care towards her.
Vansh was also very happy being with his Riddhima. He was very happy to see her happiness. He was feeling very satisfied and comfortable when he is in her arms. He doesn’t feel safe if she isn’t with him.
They were feeling very happy being together and they were enjoying every single moment together.
At the same time, Ahana was preparing for her next move. She was in her house looking at the pictures of the whole family and she was making a big X mark on Vansh and Riddhima’s pictures.
Ahana to herself: I have been missed you so much Vansh. It has been a lot of time since we have been met the last time, but of course you will not know me after what I have changed in my look and attitude!
At the same time, Vansh made Riddhima sleep after he gave her the medicines and then he starts thinking about Ahana’s motive and how he could forbids her from destroying his hospital. He wasn’t able to know the reason that could make her wants to destroy him and his hospital in that way!
Vansh to himself: I can’t sit quiet without knowing Ahana’s motive and forbids her from what she wants to do. I was just trying to not think about this issue while I was with Riddhima so I can enjoy my time with her and don’t make her worry with me because she mustn’t be stressed during her pregnancy. I must forbid this Ahana from causing problems in my hospital. I can’t allow what has happened in the past to be repeated again. I will not allow anyone to destroy or cause any problems in the hospital after that cheat and shameless girl has done to me at the past. I would never make anyone destroy my career and my passion. I just want to know the reason behind Ahana’s hatred to me. Why she would do all of those actions?! Who is this Ahana Mathour at the end?!
At the same time, Ahana was still looking at VR family’s pictures and she starts continuing talking:
Ahana to herself: You will never know who am I Vansh. You will never know that the person who has destroyed your life in the past is returning now and is facing you now, but you can’t notice me. I have returned Vansh to destroy you once again, but this time I will not destroy you and your career only but I will also destroy your career along with your relation with that Riddhima. I will make you all suffer and you will all face a lot of pain after what I will do to you all. No one will be saved from me this time. At the past, my revenge has destroyed Vansh and his father only but this time my revenge will reach to everyone and will destroy the whole VR family. The problems that I will cause it in the hospital will not make you able to close your eyes and you are relaxed Vansh. I will not make you even sleep, I will make you always think about my next move and you will still not know anything about it. In the past, you weren’t aware of my real face, but now you are knowing that I want to destroy you. You just still don’t know my motive and I will not make you reach to my motive and my truth whatever are the circumstances. I will not make you know my identity and who am I. I will not make you know that we already have known each other before and today wasn’t the first day to see each other, I will not make you know that I’m the same girl that has been destroyed your life in the past!
At the same time, Vansh was still confused and he was still thinking about Ahana and her motive so he decided to go to Angre and discuss with him what he is thinking about.
Vansh: I’m sorry if I’m disturbing you Siya from having some time with your husband, but I just want Angre for some time to discuss with him a very urgent thing.
Siya: Do you want to discuss with him about Dr. Ahana, right?!
Vansh: How you have known that?!
Siya: Because you are not the only one who is doubting this doctor, I’m also doubting her as I was observing her weird actions and I could be very sure that she has an evil motive by the arrive to VR hospital.
Vansh: Actually, I don’t only doubt her buy I also have been sure that she has a big motive and she wants very much to destroy me and the hospital.
Siya: What?!
Angre: How you got to be very sure like that?! Do you have known something?!
Vansh: Yes.
Vansh starts telling them everything has happened and how Ahana was very shameless as she doesn’t defend herself in front of him and she has approved how she wants to destroy VR hospital.
Siya: So I was true when I’ve observed her weird actions, but what is her motive at the end?!
Vansh: This is the problem! We don’t even know her motive and this is the thing that makes her take an advantage from it so she could be able to do anything she wants and she is sure that we will can’t expose her until we know her motive and collect proofs against her. So we must to be very careful and alert and not give her the chance to cause any problems in the hospital and at the same time we must collect all the information about her so we can know her motive and collect the proofs against her.
Siya: So Angre you must investigate about Ahana and get the information about her very fast as we must really know everything about her.
Angre: Don’t worry guys, I already have start investigating, but this will take some time as this girl is very clever and there isn’t any other thing than what I have told you Vansh about her is available and that what increases our worry and doubt and makes us 100% sure that she is hiding a big secret. So don’t worry Vansh, I will get you everything about her very soon.
Vansh: Please Angre do this very fast as I want a result as soon as possible. I must to know who is Ahana Mathour.
At the same time, Ahana was till talking in front of VR family’s pictures.
Ahana to herself: You will not be able Vansh to know that I’m the same girl who has cheated you in the past. Yes Vansh, I’m that girl who was pretending that she loves you so much and then she cheated on you and left you heart broken. I’m the same girl that was entering your life by the permission of one of your enemies so she can cause a lot of problems in your hospital and this what made your father can’t tolerate it and he died. Yes Vansh, I’m the same girl who made you suffer a lot. Actually, I’m that girl who made you doubt everyone around you. I’m the one who made you can’t love any other girl after what I have done to you actually I’m really wondering how that Riddhima made you love her and stop doubting the people around you. She made you rise again, that stupid Riddhima have destroyed everything I have made. I thought that after what I have done to you that you will be shattered and will not arise again, but that idiot has destroyed everything. But don’t worry Vansh, I have returned back with a new face and a new name. After I have known that everything start to be very good in your life, I decided to make a plastic surgery and change my face so I can enter your life without knowing me. Your bad time starts now Vansh Rai Singhania!
The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.
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