Saturday, 2 January 2021

#Love from the heaven.. #4 Ishani shatters


Ishani : You are showing attitude as you are queen or princess, without permission you entered VR Mansion ? You know who I am ? Ishani Rai Singhania , I am Vansh Rai Singhania’s sister , I don’t allow a girl like you to enter VR Mansion..Get out.

Tara : Ishani , you don’t know who is she

Ishani : She must be any vendor , I don’t care..Your parents have taught you these kinds of manners..Well , they must also be like this only, right ? 

Riddhima : Are you done now ? 

Ishani : See your attitude..hh, I am done

Riddhima : Finally, go and search on the Internet Riddhima Verma . Wait, I will only search and tell you. 

She shows her. Ishani’s jaw drops. 

Riddhima : Your brother Mr. VR’s company is 2nd but my dad’s company is 1st , so don’t you dare next time..You have insulted my parents, if I want, I can do anything…My parents are everything to me ..

Riddhima gets a call, she picks it up. 

Riddhima : Hello 

Other person : Good evening Ms. Verma 

Riddhima : Oh, you..

Riddhima puts the call on speaker. 

Mr. Gill : Yes, it’s me

Riddhima : Mr. Gill , any work ? 

Mr. Gill : Yes , I want to meet you 

Riddhima : Sorry Mr. Gill , I am quite busy today , can we meet tomorrow ? 

Mr. Gill : Yes , sure. Take care

Riddhima : Bye , take care.

Riddhima hangs up . .Everyone is shocked. 

Vansh : Mr. Gill ? He wanted to meet you and you refused ? 

Riddhima : It’s a small matter.

Vansh : Mr. Gill ? Small matter ? I wanted to meet him for 1 month , and you delayed..?

Riddhima : You want to meet him , no issues, I will say him 

Vansh : Thanks 

Riddhima smiles. 

Riddhima : I hope now you understood who I am ? Ms. Ishani 

Ishani : Yes..

Ishani shatters. 

Riddhima : Vansh sir , let’s go..

She eyes Ishani and hands over a box to Tara and leaves to Vansh’s room . 

Vansh’s room : 

Vansh : Sorry Riddhima ma’am , Ishani spoke..

Riddhima : No problem at all…I didn’t mind..

Vansh smiles. They both do their work. 

In the hall : 

Tara : Riddhima, these ladoos are delicious , from where you bought it ? 

Riddhima : Aunt ,I made it myself. 

Daadi : Wow, you are a nice cook as well

Riddhima : Thank you Daadi ji. 

Riddhima bids goodbye to them and leaves.

RV Mansion : 

Uma : So, Riddhima, how was your day ? 

Riddhima : It was good..Anyways, I am going to rest..

Uma : Ha

She goes to rest. 

Riddhima’s room : 

Riddhima : Hh…

She then receives a message. (Red Riddhima’s Message , Violet Vansh’s Message )


Hello, who’s there ? 

It’s me , Vansh 

How did you get my number, sir ? 

VR finds what he wants.


I want to say you sorry for Ishani’s behaviour 

I told you , I don’t mind at all..


It’s ok 


Thank you



The conversation finishes . 

VR Mansion : 

Daadi : Tara, ladoo is really nice.

Tara : Yes mummy ji

Vansh : Let me taste too , my friend made it

Tara : Friend ? 

Vansh : Mom, ladoo 

He tastes the ladoo 

Vansh : Really delicious 

Aryan : What ? 

Vansh : So, you are back , Actually , my colleague Riddhima Verma came here , she brought handmade ladoos for us. 

Aryan : Oops , I am late, Anyways, give me

Aryan tastes ladoo . 

Aryan : wow, she has magic in her hands, lovely..

Tara : go in your rooms. 

Ishani : My ladoo ? 

Tara : You insulted her ?

Ishani : Sorry..But ladoo

Tara : Take 

Ishani : Thanks 

She tastes. 

Ishani : Wow…I doubted her..still..

Precap : Vansh : Let’s go to cafe 

               Riddhima : Ha 

 In cafe : 

A girl : Boyfriend ha ? 

Riddhima : Shh 

That’s all for today . Now guess, who’s that girl , keep loving . Do tell your reviews down.  


The post #Love from the heaven.. #4 Ishani shatters appeared first on Telly Updates.

1/02/2021 12:14:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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