Mehndi Hai Rachne Wali 25th September 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on
Farhad tells Raghav all arrangements are ready, Raghav says my man is ready too let me tell you who it is and whispers go check who is out, Farhad checks out and sees no one, it was Sunny but hides in time and thinks who must be the delivery guy
Farhad on call says I can’t be at two place, there and deliver parcel, parcel delivery is more important it will take me two hours to reach there, Vijay hears all that and says you look stressed, Farhad says one of our shop we caught a customer stealing and manager wants me there also I have to deliver this parcel which is more important, anyways you go inside I will talk to you later, Vijay says give me your parcel I will deliver it for you, Farhad says thank you, and says here is money go by taxi and I will message you details.
Inspector keeping eye on Farhad sees that and informs Laxmi.
Laxmi walks in Pallavi’s shop where she ia doing job, Laxmi says Pallavi I want to talk to you, Sunny following Vijay, and says I knew Raghav is up to something and so he hired Vijay for diamonds. Pallavi asks Laxmi is Raghav fine, Laxmi asks why would you ask that, Pallavi says I don’t see any other reason for you to meet me anyways do you know that man, Pallavi sees Vijay, Sunny watching everything. Pallavi says he is my Baba what is he doing here, Laxmi says look at the bag in his hand, they have smuggled diamonds, Raghav chose your father this time for his work, Pallavi says my Raghav won’t do all this, Laxmi says are you part of this too, Pallavi says I know Raghav would never do this, Laxmi asks constable to grab Vijay, Vijay asks Pallavi what all is this, Laxmi doesn’t let them talk and checks bag and finds papers in it, Sunny surprised too. Laxmi finds nothing, Pallavi says I told you my husband would never do this, you killed a kid and now behind my father, stop this, Laxmi says I soon will send your husband jail.
Vijay asks Pallavi what all was this, Pallavi says you go home we will talk later.
Vijay calls Farhad and tells about incident, Farhad asks him to go rest.
Sunny visits Police station, and offers Laxmi his help and tells about tender, Laxmi asks how Raghav and Pallavi are bonded, Sunny says madly in love.
Raghav scolds Farhad for sending Vijay, Farhad apologise, Farhad says I thought you sent diamonds, Raghav says what do you think about me, anyways my wife doesn’t understand me how will others.
Raghav hands Farhad file and says these are details of Pizza delivery boys, no one checks them and we can do anything with them, I had a chat with custom officer and we have 4 packages and these 4 will work, its a full proof plan, let these pink diamonds reach factory and then Laxmi will be transferred.
Raghav asks Farhad you said Pallavi was with Laxmi, Farhad says Vijay uncle told me, Raghav gets a call from Pallavi, he ignores, Pallavi wants to tell Raghav about warning given by Laxmi.
Pallavi’s manager says police coming to our shop is not good for our reputation, Pallavi says this won’t repeat again. Vijay tells Deshmukh family about whatever happened and says I don’t expect anything good to happen of I work with Raghav, Sulochana says didn’t you find any other job, that man hates you he isnt good, Nikhil says but few days back you said he is like a son to you, Sulochana says I was trying to, Nikhil says stop stretching topic and end it, Amruta says yes and why would Farhad give you something wrong, Mansi says you will support Farhad, Amruta says I am not talking to you ao don’t interfere.
Raghav thinking about Pallavi being with Vijay and starts drinking. Farhad walks in and tells Raghav diamonds won’t be delivered today because Laxmi has complained about corruption in custom office, Raghav drunk thinking about just Pallavi, and says leave me alone go, Farhad leaves.
Pallavi on her way home her auto breaks. Laxmi offers her ride home, Pallavi says I will manage, Laxmi says I know you are upset about today but it was my duty and now I am off duty its not safe to be alone come let me drop you. Pallavi agrees, Laxmi says its so stormy today, Pallavi says I hope there is no damage, Laxmi asks Pallavi where is she fine, Pallavi says Kolhapur, Laxmi asks about curries there and says me and my daughter love that, I am separated from my husband and my daughter stays in hostel because of my work, Raghav is lucky to have understanding partner like you, I wish we could be friends some day, you are a kind person but its okay people don’t want police as there friends, anyways tell me one thing, Pallavi asks what, Laxmi asks where do you get good biryani here, Pallavi smiles and says okay.
Sharda tells Jaya about Vijay’s incident and says Vijay is upset so I wanted to talk to Pallavi, my daughter wants to do things right and tells an incident of Nikhil cheating in exam and passed with good marks but Pallavi informed principal, Nikhil failed and was restigated for a month, she knew this would happen but still supported the truth, Raghav hearing all that and drinking, he sees from window Pallavi gets down Laxmi’s car and gets angry
Pre cap: Sunny says to Pallavi all this won’t work Raghav would never get on right track, Pallavi says Rajan we have a dog in this house, Sunny says dare you, Pallavi says don’t worry I won’t insult dogs by comparing with you,Sunny about to raise hands, Pallavi says don’t even think of it.
Raghav dressed in uniform.Farhad asks what akk is this.
Pallavi is shot
Update Credit to: Tanaya
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