Hey guyss, I’m back!!!!
Recap – Aarav tells Sayi about Virat and Paakhi.
Chapter 26
Virat – If this is your important matter. Then I’m not the right person to tell. You go talk to your parents, they’ll give a better choice.
Paakhi – You can’t do this to me! Do you have any idea why I lived in that stupid house all this while? It’s only for you, just for you.
Virat looked puzzled.
Paakhi (wipes her tears) – Virat, look at me. I’m ready to do anything for you. Just give one hint, and I’ll live my whole life with you. I want to live only with you. Or else, let’s elope. Let’s go somewhere and stay, let’s not tell anyone about this. Not even Samrat and Sayi. We’ll anyway divorce them. And after that, maybe badi mami would make Sayi and Samrat as a couple. Only after that, we’ll come back. By then everything will become calm and quiet.
Virat looked at her in disgust.
Virat – I shouldn’t have asked Samrat to marry you! Instead, I should’ve told him the truth, then he would’ve never made such a mistake. I regret telling him about you.
Paakhi – Exactly, good that you realised it now.
Virat – I regret going to the yoga retreat also! I regret meeting you Patralekha!!!
Paakhi looked shocked.
Paakhi – wh…what..what are you saying? You regret meeting me?
Virat – Yes. You didn’t let me live my life for the past 1 year.
Paakhi (angry) – It’s no me Virat. You weren’t able to live your life because of Sayi. The moment she stepped in, the happiness in your life just flew away. You biggest happiness, ‘Me’ you let me go away from you. And now you’ll only be suffering.
Virat (shouts) – Enough! Not a word against Sayi. You have no right to blame me about my happiness. I found my true happiness when I went to Gadchiroli. Though in the beginning, we did argue and fight, later we started understanding each other. We became each other’s strength. We never reminded each other about the deal. Though Sayi did tell in the beginning, but not now. She understands me truly and completely, and that’s where I proudly tell that I’m Sayi’s husband. She’s only 19 years old, and she acts to be very matured girl. Whereas you, I feel ashamed at times!
Paakhi (shouts) – Enough Mr. Virat Chavan, you have no right to compare me with that low class gi….
Virat (shouts) – Baassss…Enough of degrading Sayi. She’s my wife, I’m saying it again, She’s Virat chavan’s wife. She’s Sayi Joshi Virat Chavan. Do you get that?
Paakhi looked shocked and breaks down. Virat didn’t show her any emotion.
Virat – I’m leaving.
He walks away, Paakhi looked devastated. Virat reaches home and goes straight to his room. He freshens up and checks his phone. He found Sayi’s missed call. He smiles and called her back.
Sayi who was studying saw the caller id and smiled.
Sayi (smiles) – Hello, Dr. Sayi Joshi Chavan speaking! Who’s this?
Virat (chuckled) – Arey waah, so fast you changed your name. I’m proud of you dear.
Sayi – Ahem..I’m still married only!
Virat – I know I know… That’s why I’m teasing you.
Sayi – Were you outside?
Virat – Yes, 15min back only I came back.
Sayi – Oh, alone?
Virat (hesitated) – Ye…Um..No.
Sayi – Oh, wanted to have some ‘me’ time.
Virat – Yes yes.
Sayi – Had dinner?
Virat – Nope, going to have.
Virat remembers his conversation with Paakhi and seems bit lost. Sayi notices his change but pretends to not to notice it.
Virat – Are you studying?
Sayi – Yes. I’m having my exams tomorrow.
Virat – Btw, Sayi you planned to tell something important right?
Sayi – Arey haan, I just forgot about it. But still, I want to tell it when I meet you in person. The topic is little dense.
Virat nods.
Sayi – Virat sir, did you really go to part alone?
Virat (unknowingly) – Arey na baba, even Paakhi was there. We were talking
He realises what he said and closes his eyes.
Sayi – liar!
Sayi ends the call and pouts. After sometime she continues studying.
Virat was embarrassed of what he did now. He decided to apologise but then dropped it thinking that next day he’ll meet her.
Paakhi is her room and looks at Virat’s pictures.
Paakhi – What mistake did I do Virat? Where did I go wrong? When did Sayi take my place? Did I even have a place in your heart?
She cries hysterically and hugs the phone. She gets a message.
“One more day, and I want to hear your decision. – Samrat”
She cried more badly seeing the message.
Paakhi – What shall I do now?
Next day in Rathore mansion.
Aarav saw Sayi having her breakfast in hurry.
Aarav – Sayi come, I’ll drop you to college.
Sayi – No no, I’ll go in bus. And I do know the routes.
Aarav – I’m dropping you because I need to meet someone over there.
Sayi – okay, then.
She finishes her breakfast and goes out with Aarav.
Aarav – Sayi wait near the gate, I’ll bring my car.
Sayi nods and walks towards the gate.
Sayi notices a familiar car but then ignored it. She sees the driver and gets annoyed.
The guy comes out from his car and stands opposite to her.
Sayi looks away..
Virat – Sayi….
Sayi ignores him.
Sayi – I don’t talk to people who lie.
Virat – I’m sorry Sayi. I’m really very sorry. I didn’t mean to hide it, it’s just that I didn’t want to tell.
Sayi (satisfied) – No mistakes next time! Samajla ? (Understood)
Virat (smiles and nods) – Samajla.
Aarav calls out Sayi.
Aarav – Sayi, come let’s go.
Sayi – Okay.
Sayi just turned, when Virat held her wrist. She turned back to him.
Virat – Why do you think I came here? Just to see you?
Sayi – You have some other purpose also?
Virat nods.
Sayi – Then go do that na. I’m already late!
Virat – I thought of meeting you and also dropping you to college. I do have to meet someone in that way.
Sayi – Arey what a coincidence, even Aarav has someone to meet there. That’s why he’s dropping me there. Else, I would’ve taken a bus.
Virat – Come with me na, let’s also go for a drive.
Sayi looks at Aarav, he nods and she happily hugs him.
Virat – Ahem, we’ll leave then!?
Sayi nods and they leave.
Aarav goes back to the house only to see dadu staring at him angrily. He walks goes and sits near her.
Aarav – She wanted to go with him.
Dadu – But she’s your fiancee.
Aarav – She loves him dadu.
Dadu – No way. She can’t make the same mistake as Ashwini. I’ll make sure that this time history is not repeated.
Aarav nods.
Precap –
Virat – What did you want to say?
Sayi – About your family!
Virat – My family!?
Sayi – Yes. There’s something which is unknown to us.
Virat looks on.
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