Hello everyone!!
The episode starts as……
At 11:00am in the farmhouse,
Everyone had woken up and had breakfast together. They sat together outside in the lawn and decided to play something.
Sejal: Let’s play something!
Angre: But what?
Riddhima: Why not write about each other?
Ishani: What do you mean?
Riddhima: We’ll write everybody’s names in each chit and everyone will pick one chit out, whoever’s name is written in the chit we’ll have to write about them on a piece of paper.
Rishi: And then, we fold all the papers in which we have written about the person and put it back in a bowl.
Aryan: And then, any one of us will pick a paper out and read it out aloud for everyone. We cannot write our name but you have to write the name of the person for whom you have written.
Kabir: Why do you want us to get beaten?
Sejal: Idiot, if your identity won’t be revealed then why will you get beaten? You can pour out all your anger, hatred and love and still not get caught.
Riddhima: But you only have to write the truth! Understood?
Everyone nods. And Riddhima and Sejal sat to make chits.
Ishani: Looks like y’all know this game well! Y’all were completing each other’s sentences.
Aryan: Yes! We mostly play this and it’s fun because till today we don’t know who has written what to us!
Vansh: Y’all always play this?
Aryan: Once a month!
Sia: Why?
Rishi: There are certain things which we fear to inform them personally so we do it in this way. It’s unknowing and we are forgiven also.
Sia: Nice idea, though! *giggles*
Riddhima and Sejal completed preparing the chits and all the chits were placed in the bowl and then it was placed in the centre. Everyone got up and picked out a chit and came and sat at their place. After the last chit was drawn, they opened their chits to see the name of the person. And it goes,
(Name) (About)
Vansh Riddhima
Riddhima. Ishani
Aryan. Vansh
Ishani Kabir
Rishi Sia
Sia Aryan
Angre. Ragini
Sejal. Rishi
Kabir Angre
Ragini. Sejal.
( I am not writing all the chits, just a few)
Hello Riddhima,
It’s indeed amazing meeting you. Being such a joyful person and spreading happiness around. Your presence is also enough to make me smile. There’s something which attracts me to you.
Aryan: Whoever has written this for Riddhima is writing the same thing which I have been telling us since college days. Write something new yaar!
Rishi: You need to shut up! Draw the next chit.
Dear Ishani,
Yours and Aryan’s arguments and fights are something I will miss after moving out from here. I mean, I should praise your flexibility to change the topic to lead to an argument. It’s really worth watching.
Aryan: Even I should praise her for flexibility to change the topic of conversation.
Rishi: Why are you so interested in commenting after every chit.
Aryan(making a face): Draw the next one!
Hello Vansh,
I must say, you really look good with my best friend. Y’all make an amazing pair. To be honest, I feel that you have used black magic over her to make her lose her mind to you otherwise, she isn’t so comfortable with newbies and especially so boring people like you!
Ragini(thinks): Who has written this chit? And with whom are they pairing my Vansh? He isn’t too fond to be around girls. Then? But what if the girl in the chit is me?
Hello Sia,
All I can say is, you have the world’s most beautiful smile. And I really like it when you smile. So please continue!
Vansh: Whoever is trying to flirt with her, Stop!
Riddhima: Stop being over possessive about her! It was a small compliment. Let’s continue! (Vansh’s face softens)
Hello Aryan,
I would definitely miss you, your talks and your arguments after moving out. You are just so happy go lucky person. Your presence was enough to make me laugh and smile. And definitely, I would love to be in contact with you.
Riddhima: Whoever has written this chit, feel free to adopt Aryan. *smiles*
Aryan(making a face): I am the only child to my parents!
The game goes on and everyone enjoys it and some of the things are new to them. Some secrets are revealed while some confessions were done but overall, it was a happy end.
After the game was over, some went to fresh, some were talking, some were playing among themselves while some were preparing lunch.
At 04:00pm,
Riddhima saw Vansh moving out of the farmhouse. She followed him to know where he was going and they reached near a lake. Riddhima saw him sitting calmly. She approached him.
Riddhima: Hi!
Vansh: Hi! When did you come?
Riddhima: I was following you!
Vansh: Why?
Riddhima: To know where you are travelling without your roommate.
Vansh: Friend!
Riddhima: What?
Vansh: Now we aren’t just roommates, we are friends. And can you sit? My neck hurts!
Riddhima sits besides him.
Riddhima: But why did you come here? Just?
Vansh: Haa! I was too bored to mingle there!
Riddhima: Even I do this!
They had a conversation on different topics which went for hours and they didn’t realise that it was 07:00pm. They got up and walked back to the farmhouse. They didn’t notice anyone around in the living room but they quickly went to their room not knowing that someone saw them entering together, it was Ragini!
Ragini(thinks): Was it Riddhima in the chit? Vansh is so chilled out with her presence. He isn’t as open to her as he’s with us but why is he talking so much to her? I know that they won’t meet after tomorrow, so why am I feeling uneasy? Forget it Ragini!
The post Unknown to Friends (RIANSH) Episode #18 appeared first on Telly Updates.
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