Sunday 20 December 2020

Made for each other..(Part-14) #IMMJ2

Riddhima came back to her room.She changed her dress and went to sleep as she couldn’t have enough sleep last night.

Vansh was driving back home.He was lost in his thoughts as he was reminiscing the moments of last night.It was evening time and there were few vehicles on the road. Vansh was lost in his own thoughts to such an extent that he didn’t notice the truck that was coming from front.The truck driver honked the horns several times,but because of the weight of the goods that he was loading, he lost control and the truck bashed straight into Vansh’s car.The collision was so massive that the car tossed around several times and it caught fire.Vansh,who got unconscious due to the accident,was burning in the fire.

“Vansh”,screamed Riddhima.It was her dream.(sorry guys,for one more dream sequence).She got up.She was sweating and her breaths were heavy.She was not able to understand anything.She immediately dialed Vansh’s number,but to her surprise he didn’t pick.She tried again but in vain,he didn’t pick.She was becoming restless. First the dream and now these unpicked calls were making her more restless and tensed.She grabbed her phone and bag and was about to leave,when her phone rang.It was Vansh’s call.She immediately picked the call and lashed out at him,

Riddhima: Vansh are you fine?Have you reached home?Why…

Vansh(interrupted): No Riddhima,I’m on the way.What happened?Are you fine…Actuallly…

Riddhima(angrily): Shut up!!Why were you not picking up my calls.Where were you busy?how many times I called but you didn’t even bother to pick up.How much worried I was….Are you fine?I..

Vansh: Riddhima,relaaxxx.I am absolutely fine nothing has happened to me.What happened,why are you so worried?

Riddhima narrated her dream to Vansh.Even while narrating her words trembled.

Vansh(surprised): Riddhima,are you a wizard or do you have supernatural powers?

Riddhima: What rubbish! are you in your senses?

Vansh: Yes,I am in my senses.Actually….umm….wait…I’ll tell you but promise me that you won’t say anything to me or scold me.

Riddhima: Vansh!…acha baba ok,I promise.

Vansh: Actually when I was driving,I was really lost in my thoughts and…and this is the reason I couldn’t pick you call.But your last call broke my trance and when I turned,I saw a truck heading towards my car.The truck driver had lost control over it and it was about to collide with the car,but I controlled the situation in the nick of
time and…..and now I’m safe and fine…If you wouldn’t have called,I might have…

Riddhima: Chup(quiet)..never ever try to bring such a thing on your tongue…

Vansh(trying to divert the topic): So this is the reason,why I was asking you that whether you are wizard…So that you can see our future..(he bit his tongue)…umm… nothing, forget it.

Riddhima: Whatever….listen now drive safely and text me after you reach home…Bye.

Vansh: Bye bye.

Saying this they hanged up the call.Riddhima tried to forget about the dream.Even the thought about it made her feel horrified.She tried to indulge herself in her studies.Vansh,on the other hand,reached RS Mansion and sent the text to Riddhima.He came inside and saw that all the family members were watching TV.Vansh went and greeted them.They again wished him birthday.He settled down beside dadi and hugged her from back.Dadi patted his head and informed him that Pranati had already reached farmhouse and was managing everything.They would also be leaving in an hour.So he should go and pack the necessary stuff.Although he nodded but went into thinking.

Vansh(thinking): On every birthday occasion of any family member,we all go to farmhouse to celebrate and enjoy together but…but this year,I have to celebrate my birthday without Shonu di and bhai.This would be the first time…But they didn’t even called me or wished me.I know they are not in India and are busy in their project,but still,they could have atleast wished me.Now when they’ll call,I’ll pretend to be angry….umm..let me ask dad about it.

He was about to ask Abhay about Dhruv and Ishani,when he felt someone’s hands over his eyes.He was surprised at first but then spoke,

Vansh(excited): Shonu di,I know it’s you…I missed you soooo much.But I’m not talking to you.

After the person removed the hands,Vansh turned.He was determined that he would remain angry but when he turned,he saw Ishani,standing in front of him,making a cute puppy face.Vansh couldn’t control himself and hugged her.Ishani too hugged him back.Tears started to flow from their eyes.After sometime,they backed off.Vansh wiped Ishani’s tears.

Ishani: Happy Birthday my lil bro….(And she kissed his forehead)

Vansh: Thank you di!!…But you suddenly here.You didn’t even inform….I was angry that you both didn’t wish me.I thought that you were so busy that you even forgot my birthday.

Ishani: Sshhh! We can never forget your birthday…we actually wanted to surprise you.So we didn’t even call and…


“Why…didn’t you like our surprise?”, came a voice.Vansh looked towards the door,from where the voice came and saw Dhruv standing there.Vansh had a broad smile over his face.Dhruv came near Vansh and said,

Dhruv(firm): You didn’t like our surprise?

Vansh: No bhai.It’s the best surprise ever.

Dhruv came forward and hugged Vansh.Vansh too reciprocated.

Dhruv: Happy birthday bro…

Vansh: Thank you bhai….and how was your proj…

Dhruv: Vansh,it’s your birthday.So no discussion about work…We’ll talk about it tomorrow…..(to Ishani)..Ishani,give him.

Ishani took out a box from her bag and giving it Vansh,she said,

Ishani: Hide these from Pranati….(and she smiled)

Vansh opened the box and upon seeing the gift,he hugged Ishani.

Vansh: Thank you di..these are my favourite chocolates…love you.And yes,I’ll definitely hide them at a safe place…..umm..but I am thinking that I can 2-3 chocolates to her.(winked)

Dhruv(laughing): Vansh,that would be huge loss for you….don’t worry I have bought for her as well.Athough it’s your birthday,but she is working hard to make it memorable.

Vansh smiled and nodded.

Sumitra: Dhruv,Ishani we are also here.Will you not meet us?

Dhruv and Ishani smiled and went near dadi to take her blessings.After they had met their parents,Abhay spoke,

Abhay: Mom,Sumi,kids,go and get ready,we’ll be leaving soon.

Everyone went to their rooms and got ready.After everyone came down,they left for the farmhouse.They were enjoying the whole way and finally they reached the farmhouse.Pranati was already waiting for them.She came to them and met Dhruv and Ishani.They all went inside.They were amazed seeing the decorations and arrangements.All patted Pranati’s back for the wonderful job that she did.

After they were refreshed,Pranati brought the cake,that was cut by Vansh.He made everyone eat the cake from his hands and then served it to all.Then they had their dinner.After the dinner,they made a circle around bonfire and settled themselves.They spent a memorable time together.They played games,sung songs and pranked each other.It was 3:00 am,but the siblings were not at all sleepy.The elders went back to their rooms,while youngsters decided to stay awake for some more time.Pranati told Dhruv and Ishani about Riddhima and how Vansh and Riddhima were lost in each other’s eyes and embrace.The trio started to pull Vansh’s leg.They had fun.After around an hour,they also decided to sleep.They also went to their rooms and dozed off.

In the morning,everybody woke up late.Elders were already awake and were having breakfast,Dhruv and Ishani also joined them.But the younger siblings were still sleeping.After they woke up,Sumitra served them their breakfast.After everyone was ready,they left for theme park.They all enjoyed a lot.Although dadi didn’t take any ride,but seeing her children enjoying and happy,she was also happy.After coming back from theme park,they had their lunch and then they drove back to RS Mansion.


So guys,this is it for today,hope it was lengthier than the previous part.
And a good news for you guys:-Soon,Riddhima will come to know about Vansh Raisinghania…
So stay happy,healthy and safe.

The post Made for each other..(Part-14) #IMMJ2 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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