Sunday 20 December 2020

My dream and mera dream (Episode 5)

Guys I am trying to make story interesting.

Tej reaches the room

Tej: guys food

Arivand: tej come let’s eat food

Tej: no I already ate. You continue guys.

Tej thinks of Sam

Rithvik: what happened to tej suddenly ya

Vin Rana : IDK you eat food

All of them sleeping.

Tej is restless and thinks of Sam ( yaayum song from saga plays)

Arivand sees Tej restless

Arivand: Tej are you not sleeping. Are you tensed of the complain.

Tej: no I am not. Arivand: then sleep ya don’t get something into your head.

Phone rings of Arivand.

Arivand: who could be at this time. Hello!

Some one in phone: is this Arivand?

Arivand: Ji haan who is this ?

The person says something that which shocks Arivand.

Arivand: What! I am coming. Arivand wakes up tej.

Tej Tej ( in a worried tone) can you do me favor

Tej: of course ya but at this hour..

Arivand: ya its emergency.

Tej drops Arivand.( which I will tell this in few mins)

Next morning.

Vin Rana and rithvik wakes up. But didn’t see Arivand and Tej

Rithvik: where the two of them gone?

Tej comes after drops Arivand.

Vin Rana : tej where are you been? And where is Arivand?

Tej: yes Arivand mother has been admitted in hospital🏥

Vin Rana: What!

Tej: Relax guys I will tell you later.

Its time ups we to have reach collage.

Vin rana : yes

After few couple of hours.

Tej and his friends reaches the practice hall. Where Sam is busy with arrangements

Tej dumbstruck after seeing Sam ( tum hi ho BGM plays🎶🎶)

Sam: Tej is boys arranged.

Tej comes to Reality

Tej: ah these are the boys( he shows his friends)

Sam: Tej but there are only 2 of them.

Tej: oh yes they is another person because of some personal issues he has not turned up

Sam: totally 3 of them. Another one.

Tej: of course me ( in a happy tone)

Sam: you( in a surprise way)

Tej: of course I have done so many dance🤸 performance in school times. Can I join the team.

Sam: OK of course you can let me introduce my friends.( sneha, and harini)

Her friends are in cloud in nine after seeing Tej

Tej: Hi I am Tej

Her friends: we know you ( with a full of Happiness)

Tej: ah(did you say something)

Sam: kuch nahi tej control guys. This is the reason I haven’t tell you.

Her friends: so you know(little shocked)😲

Tej: Sam can we start practice?

Sam: yes.

Scene freezes.

In hospital🏥

Arivand is worried about her mother ( who is in OT)

Doctor comes out of OT

Arivand worried asked Dr isha is my mother fine?

Dr isha: she is in a very critical condition and by the way what’s your blood group

Arivand: B+ve why Dr .

Dr isha: there is no blood circulation in your mother’s body.

Arivand: then arrange it doctor? Or else I will give my blood.

Dr isha: no your blood group will not fit your mother Because her blood group is O+ ve very rare group .and there is no stock in our blood banks we have called other blood banks also. and try on your also. But quickly she is in a very critical condition.

Arivand: oh god what to do.ah let me call Sam

Scene shifts to dance practice hall.

Arivand calls Sam

Sam phone rings📞 Sam: excuse me tej. Arivand bhai

Sam: hello ! arivand bhai

Arvand: hello Sam( while crying)

Sam: Arivand bhaiya what happened y are u crying😭

Arivand tells Sam what doctor has told ( which shocks Sam)

Sam: ok bhai I will try to get from friends .Don’t worry bhai. Nothing will happen to aunt. I am coming

Sam calls all are friends for blood.

Tej sees Sam worried.

Tej: Sam what happened why are your so worried

Sam: tej what is your blood group?

Tej: Kay. Sam: tell me tej its very urgent.

Tej: O + ve why

Sam: oh that’s great come with me

Tej is little confused

Sam and Tej reaches hospital

Tej: why hospital is any one serious here?

Sam: haan

Sam and Tej reaches doctors cabin

Sam: Tej wait out side the doctor cabin. Tej: OK

Sam: Dr isha I am Sam arivand’s sister and also final year medical student

Dr isha: OK is it donor ready?

Sam: haan he is outside

Nurse asks tej are you come with that girl ( shows Sam )

Tej: Ji haan

Nurse takes tej’s blood.

Tej: nurse but y ur taking blood from me

Nurse: is it because her(Sam) aunt is in OT

Tej shocked

Sam returns after taking details of her aunt report but didn’t see tej .she search’s tej

Tej: I am here. What are searching

Sam: oh god come with me

Tej: Oh ! Relax I have already denoted blood.

Sam hugs tej in a emotional way. Tej hugs backs to console her.

Tej: oh my strong lady its okay relax

Sam: But you are great. For whom you don’t know ( denoting blood for strangers

In a emotion.

Tej: what are you talking if she is your aunt means she is my aunt also.

Sam: What! Now what did you say?

Tej in mind voice: oh god tej what have you done ya.

Sam: I am waiting

Tej: no nothing. This is my reposnbility Go and see your aunt. I will leave.

Sam: no no that shows your humanity you come with me I will introduce my brother.

Tej: no I am very tried now. Because of denoting blood I am weak. I haveto get some drinks. You know as a medical student ( in a funny way)

Sam: OK take care bye.

Tej leaves and some card falls down.

Scene shift to Arivand.

Sam: bhai all the formality has done and also blood denoted and operation started .

Arivand : what are your telling is it true? Sam: haan

Arivand goes towards OT . arivand tearyd eyes

Sam : bhai don’t worry aunt will be fine.

After few hours

Doctor comes of out the OT and tells Arivand

Your mother fit and fine. You can go and see after shifting to normal ward.

Arivand: thank you so much for saving my mother life.

Dr isha: thank who has denoted the blood at a right time .

Arivand: turns and thank Sam ( in a teary eyes)

Sam: its okay and thinks bhai I am not the one who denoted the blood. That is tej.

Nurse: sir your mother has shifted to normal ward you can go and see.

Sam: go arivand bhai see aunt I will be back soon.

Arivand: OK come fast.

In a reception

Sam: can I get the bill of patient who is in 202?

Receptionist: of course here is your bill mam.

Sam: thank you

Nurse calls Sam

Nurse : Excuse me mam the one who has come with you has missed this card.

Sam takes the card and thanks the nurse( it is blood donation ID card)

Sam: blood donation card( of tej) in a surprise tone .

Sam thinks tej your very caring and sweet.

Sam: tej your very special person I met in my life( to her self) and smiles😀

Per cap: Tej and Sam starts feeling for each other.😍👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨

Author note: guys blood donation is a good cause thing especially in this COVID -19 times

The post My dream and mera dream (Episode 5) appeared first on Telly Updates.

12/20/2020 09:14:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments