Heya..here i’m with the next episode of..my ff…
So without any delay..let’s start…
Riddhima is talking to mishra while all of sudden vansh comes
Riddhima: yes vansh..you want something…
Vansh: yes…in my cabin now…[in a bit angry voice]
Ridhima: vansh..
Vansh: noww…..
Riddhima: ha ok…
Vansh; don’t you know that there is much more work in the office then chit chatting with that mishra…
Riddhima: vansh…calm down…i wasn’t chit chatting just talking to him…
Vansh: office is not a place to talk..come on start with work…
Riddhima: started arranging some paper’s [thinking…]what happened to him all of sudden…just leave it riddhima…i just now don’t wanna talk to him..
After a hectic day they reach home…no one speaks in the car..
After coming they see everyone…in the home..present..
Sidd: hey..gaura..
Riddhima; haa…hiii
Ayan: [come to hug her but she jerks…]not now…
Sidd: vansh…did something happen..
Vansh; nahh…
Sidd: she doesn’t react like this….
Shivangi: haa..she is just energetic…and today she is just different..or may be work load…
Sidd : may be…let’s see..
[dinner table]
Everyone is down leaving ridhima..
Shivangi: where’s gaura??
Sidd: making weird faces…don’t know…
Ayan: I haven’t seen her since she had come from the office…
Shivangi: haaaa..
Sidd: waitt…..vansh…did someone scold her..or insulted her…
Vansh : noooo…no one could do that…
Sidd: hmm..ok…so i don’t know but she has started her silent toucher..
Vansh: Silent..toucher…
Sidd: haa…yesss…it’s her way…whensome one close to her insults her or scold her she doesn’t talk to them for as longer she want’s
Ayan: ha might be 1 or 2 days na….
Sidd: nah…she is not that type..til the person doesn’t say her sorry..
Ayan; what???
Sidd haaa..
Ayan: leave it….she will be fine…
[after such a long time this is for siya fans…]
Siya: heyaaa.
Sidd: heyyy…
Ayan’; hi diiii…
Siya: we are leaving for goa evening…
Ayan: what???
Shivangi: not possible…
Siya: Why not…your luggages are packed…
Ayan: what..
Siya: haa and dadi is already ready..so no excuses.and you[pointing to siddharth…]you i’ll also come…
Sidd; ohk….
[next evening they leave..]
[again vansh and riddhima are alone at home]
Vansh; [goes to the room and thinks about what happened and just remembers the way he talked to her…]oh my god..???no no no…..vansh rai singhania…will not say sorry..no but i have to…after all she is upset because of me…
[vanhs goes to riddhima’s room and sees her sitting near the window..
Vansh; heyy…
Ridhima: what work i have to do….
Vansh; do you? I should come to you when I have work…
Riddhima; i f you don’t have you can go..i wanna be alone..
Vansh: but..
Riddhima: plzzzz…gooo
[vansh comes To his room…i have to plan something….]
Precap: will you be mine???
now your turn to comment and predict i know today’s epiosde was short but…is lenghty tommorow…
be happy…
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