After 6 years,,,,
Two souls sleeping hugging each but stupid sunlight disturbed them….. They are non- another than Rahul and shreya
(Sorry everyone it’s not Vansh and Riddhima )
On the other hand,
A lady picked up a call
Lady- Hello
Boy- Mumma! See na your dearest husband is forcing me to do my homework first and then play but he doesn’t say those lines to Vanya
Vanya- me mam niver tull tu scool…… Bee..cuz I um a gul gurl eea nsh blo (my ma’am never call papa to school because I am a good girl Riansh bro)
The boy is Riansh
Riansh- Ooh! Just shut up ok I don’t want to hear anything … Mumma when will you come back home ??
Lady- Just turn back…
And what he saw shocked him she was her mother
Riansh- Yippppeee! Now papa will not scold me my mom is back
Lady- Ofcourse I am back and This The Great Vansh Rai Singhania will not do anything to my Riansh
Lady is Riddhima
Riddhima (angrily)- Why you always give priority to your daughter not my son???
Vansh- Because he is a bad boy
Riddhima- So do you think Vanya is a good girl
Vansh- Ya!
Riddhima- Ok so beating someone is a good habit I always get to know that she has beaten someone or the other
Vansh- So it’s because she is beautiful like you and every boy tries to come closure to her that’s the reason
Riddhima- So she will beat everyone
Vansh- But Riddhima
Riddhima- do you what vansh I don’t wanna listen to you and sleep on the couch today
Saying this Riddhima left angrily
On the other hand,
A couple is running behind their 3 years old daughter Ananya
Lady- Plz baby eat na!.
Ananya- No I won’t I don’t want to eat plz
Men- Siya! Give me I will make her eat
Siya- Ofcourse she is only your daughter because she only listens to you not me may I have a boy like riansh who love her mother more
Men- Okay! We will start from night
Siya- Angre!! Not infront of Ananya
Angre- Okay!
It’s night,
Vansh has done preparation to get forgiveness from Riddhima
Riddhima entered their room and saw the preparation… She was shocked and Happy because from fairy lights it was written I am sorry
Suddenly Vansh hug her from back and both started coming closure and closure and end up being one….
Everyone are happy in their respective life they meet each on different occasions, weekends etc. Rahul help Vansh in his buisness and angre also support him equally all are happy and Ahana and Kabir are killed by vansh
(so shocked?? Not to be because in this story also he is a mafia and worlds biggest mafia after he went to America he started with all these stuffs, But Riddhima doesn’t know only Rahul , Nikhil and Angre knows)
The end!
Until next time
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