Wednesday, 23 February 2022

Kundali Bhagya 23rd February 2022 Written Episode Update: The doctor reveals the reports of Preeta


Kundali Bhagya 23rd February 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Sherlin says what have they started to talk about, Bi jee explains that it was Natasha who has started it all and only wants to know where is her Preeta, Kritika advises how they should not go since Preeta is resting, Karina also says that Preeta only rests but today would have gotten tired since she had to act about being unconscious, Bi jee asks Karina to not talk a lot since she looks nice when she is quiet, Bani Dadi questions why is Bi jee insulting her daughter in their house, Bi jee replies even she came from the house of her in law but since Karina misbehaved with her so she replied, Bi jee calls Mona asking if she knows she is, she explains that she is really strict and doesnot forgive anyone who makes a mistake when the doctor arrives, Karina explains they all should go to the room of Preeta.

Shristhi rushes to the room where Preeta tries to get up however Shristhi assures she needs to rest, Bi jee also sits beside Preeta questioning why did she not tell them about her health when they talked on the phone, Preeta replies it is because till that time she had not eaten the lunch when she had the salad, the doctor starts checking Preeta for her illness, mentioning she was told that Preeta was feeling dizzy, Prithvi informs he has a piece of information which is that Preeta feels she was being poisoned by Mona, Bi jee clarifies that Preeta never lies and she knows if she has blamed anyone then would be telling the truth, Shristhi agrees with her Grand mother assuring if Preeta said that anyone gave her the poison then would be telling the truth, the doctor says it is a big claim since she knows that the duty of a nurse is to take care of the patient and not hurt anyone. Preeta replies how she knows that it was Mona who gave her the poison, the doctor takes her blood sample ordering the assistant to take it quickly to the lab and get it tested.

The doctor informs that she is suspicious Preeta was poisoned when prithvi explains it could have been that she got food poisoning however the doctor mentions she knows what she said and Preeta was poisoned, she asks them to go out and wait, everyone leaves the room while the doctor stays with Preeta, Karan is also standing infront of her looking, he goes into the bathroom.
Mona stops Prithvi questioning why is he leaving because he is the only one who can support her, she has done what no one could do for him, she did whatever he asked and always supported him, Prithvi replies that she did it all for her own benefit and the sake of money, he is giving her the amount which she asked but she must not be worried since the doctor has come but will give them the statement since he knows Preeta is just acting that she was poisoned, he leaves assuring Mona that nothing wrong will happen.
Karan comes out of the bathroom, Preeta questions if he has not believed that she was poisoned, Karan in return questions what game is she playing when Preeta asks what is this as she asked a simple question if he believed that she was poisoned in the salad but if he still refguses to believe her then must wait till the reports come, Karan asks what is going on since she came to this house as the owner and made rules which everyone needs to follow otherwise they would be thrown out of the house, so why is she worried if anyone believes her now, Preeta replies she believed in these relations two years ago but they still refused to believe her, karan says she is the one who changed but he has remained the same and does what he feels like, he was wrong about her as he thought she cared for the family but she only desires to rule this Luthra family, she says he doesnot trust her but did she try that he trust her, Preeta replies she tried a lot to make him trust her, Karan informs she returned after two years but never tried to gain their trust and did she ever say to anyone that she missed them and desired their relations he exclaims his mother is better then her since she expressed how much she missed her but still then Preeta did not say anything to her, and the one who she wants to support her, she did not say it to him that she missed her, Ganesh comes informing that the reports have come, karan leaves but Preeta starts crying thinking she desired to tell Karan but now feels she is better alone.

Prithvi is standing when the doctor is reading the reports, prithvi thinks that soon Preeta would be proved wrong and when everyone is blaming her then he would also say that Preeta desires Mona to be fired since she doesnot want to pay her salary, and this blame would once again make him the favourite of the Luthra family, and after that Preeta would be made the real enemy of the Luthra’s as he is going to use an emotional attack with the name of Mahesh Luthra.

Shristhi questions the doctor to tell what is written in the reports but before she can reveal, prithvi asks her to wait for the person to arrive who has put the blame and if she opens it in front of her then there would not be any scope of mistake, Mona seeing Preeta requests the doctor to hurry up as she knows Preeta has blamed her since she quarrelled with her but if it is proved that Mona did not put anything in the salad then she will take legal action against Preeta as she tried to ruin her career, Karan stops Mona. Preeta sits down saying that she is also going to take hardcore legal action against Mona for poisoning her. The doctor reading the reports think how can she trust her so much, Prithvi exclaims it happens when they trust someone and she trusted Preeta but she was only acting so now should reveal the reports, the doctor replies she was wrong but not about Preeta and Mona, everyone is shocked when the doctor explains she was 99 percent standing with Mona but was also suspicious that Preeta was poisoned, Bi jee asks how can she stand with both the options, the doctor says she meant the poisoning which they suffer after eating stale food, but the poison found in Preeta’s veins is real as someone purposefully poisoned her, Karan in anger is about to harm Mona when Preeta says that she first wants them to go through the belongings of Mona, the doctor stops Preeta saying she needs to first give her the injection.

Prithvi thinks what is going on since he knows Mona misbehaved with her and she was trying to fire Mona but did she really poison Preeta.

Precap: Preeta tells Mona, I am firing you. You are a danger to my whole family. She tells doctor to let her know if she has any objection. Doctor says that she has no objection and in fact she was going to say to fire the nurse as well. Prithvi gets worried. Later, Preeta reveals to Dadi and Srishti, yes, there was poison in salad, but I had mixed it by myself.

Update Credit to: Sona

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