Sunday 6 September 2020

Relations…-Anika Singh Raizada, the only sister of 5 Brothers…living as a middle-class girl (Chapter 4)


In OM,

R: What do I do now?

R: What do I do now?

G: Rudy, What…..Happen?

R: Gauri Di, Why are you here?

G: I…Maid…here…now?…What…You?

R: Oh…that’s good di now we can see each other…I am just tensed…

G: Why?

R: di, My gym trainer left his job….he said he is leaving Mumbai….and I want to hire a new trainer as soon as possible……

G(think): He is getting tensed for this small matter…I can play cupid for Ruvya…..*smirking*

G: Rudy…I…Help…

R: How di?

G: Bhavya…Trainer, help you…

R: Really….then please tell her to come tomorrow…

R(think): In that way, I can spend more time with her too…..*smiling*

The next day in Oberoi Industry,

S: You are so excited…


S(think): So cute

S(think): So cute…

S: Why?

A: You will know…

S: Now I am curious…..

A: aree, Wait naa…I will come in a bit…..

Anika goes towards the Receptionist(Nita),

R: Good Morning, Anika

A: Good Morning, Nita…..In a few minutes, the Mr.Arnav Singh Raizada will come along with his brothers…Let them in without calling Shivaay…Even if he is busy Ok?

R: Ok

Suddenly Shivaay gets a call,

S: Ohh…She reached


S: Let her in…


When Anika came,

S: Anika, They came…but I don’t understand why you told me to accept Raagini’s idea…

A: You will see…Just stretch the conversation as much as you can…

There is a knock on the door,

S: Come in…

(along with Naagini)

(along with Naagini)

S: Hai…You are…?

Raagini: She is Romi Singh Raizada…..

S: Oh…Nice to meet you miss Raizada…

Romi: Nice to meet you too Mr.Oberoi…I heard you want my Brothers Appointment…

S: Yeah…

Romi(think): Raagini told me to talk rudely with him so that he will say that he doesn’t want the appointment…

Romi: Whom do you think you are to get my brother appointment…

A: Excuse me…Miss Raizada…Are you a Raizada….?

Romi: Why?….*sweating*

A: I heard that the Raizada Princess never came in front of anyone to hide her identity and you came here without any problem……

Raagini: Because…I told her to…Who are you to question her…?

S: She will question her if she wants, Ragini…Do not Forget Whose office this is…..

Romi: She is just a middle-class girl….Mr.Oberoi…

A: Hmmm…Talking about the middle class…..If you are a Raizada then why does your dress look so cheap…

Romi: Are you insulting me…?… HOW DARE YOU?

Person 1:Excuse me…

Romi: Who are you now…

Person 2: May I know Who you are first…

Romi: I am Romi Singh Raizada….

Romi: I am Romi Singh Raizada

Person 3: That’s Strange…

Romi: Excuse me….and Who are You?

A: Now I am sure, You are not a Raizada……

Romi: You…….

Just when Romi was about to slap Anika…..Someone came to stop her and gives her a tight slap…..

S: How dare you try to slap my PA……

Person 4: And how dare you pretend to be Our Sister…

Romi and Raagini: You are……

Arnav,Arjun,Kartik and Mahir: WE ARE THE RAIZADA’S……

Arv: How dare you pretend to be our JAAN

Kar: And trying to Slap employees……using our Jaan

Mah: You and your friend…..

Arj: Be ready to face the consequences of using our JAAN

Kar: You will face the wrath of Raizada’s for this…

Romi: We are sorry…Please leave us, sir…

Ragini: Please…We won’t repeat this…

Anika: It’s a small issue…I think its better if you leave them…

Arv: Fine…..Get Out…

Arj; Are you okay?

Anika: Yes, I am…Thank you Shivaay…

S: No need of thanks Anika…..*smiling*

Arv: Hello Mr.Shivay Singh Oberoi…I am Arnav Singh Raizada..and these are my brothers…..

S: Nice to Meet You Mr.Raizada…You can call me Shivaay…

Arj: Ok…Shivaay…

S: If that was not your sister then how did you all come here today…..

Kar: Your PA Miss. Anika called us…….

S: Thank you, Anika….*smiling*.

A: Welcome Shivaay….*smiling*

Shivaay and The Raizadas discuss business-related matters and the Raizada’s went From the Oberoi Industries,

S: Thank You so much, Anika…Finally, I was able to meet The Raizada’s because of you…It means a lot…

A: No need of Thanks Shivaay…You deserve this….So…What did the Raizada’s tell you…

S: The Raizda’s told that they are going to collaborate with an Indian Company soon…But we have to do a Presentation……*tensed*

A: Why are you tensed?

S: There will be Khurana’s too…What if they get to collaborate with Raizada’s…..

A: Trust me…You will win the Presentation, OK?

S: OK….*smiling*

In RM,

Khushi: Did you meet Baby…

Arv: Yeah…

Shivanya: How is she…?

Kar: She is perfectly alright Bhabhi…

Naira: Tell na…What all happened…

Mahir: (Explains what all happened)…..

Neil: What she tried to slap our JAAN…I should have also come with you…

Arv: Trust me, Neil…Even I was very angry when she tried to slap our JAAN….but when I saw how Shivaay stood up for her…..I knew that she will be safe…

Arj: Yeah…Even I feel Shivaay is a gentleman…

Neil: I know Bhaiya…I worked with him when his family was in a case but he surprised me…..

Kar: What do you mean, Neil?

Neil: Kartik, When I got transferred to the Mumbai Police Station there was a case in which a person wanted to kill the Oberoi family members…..Shivaay risked his life to save his family…He can go to any extent to save his loved ones…and he is one of my Best Friend….he doesn’t know I am a Raizada…..

Arv: In business too…I can say that one day he will be one of the best businessmen in the whole world…I wish someone like that would marry our JAAN…

Mahir: True, If he can go this extent for his Family….then what about his wife…

Avni: Neil…Is he married…

Neil: NO Avni, he doesn’t even have a girlfriend till now…Girls go crazy for him…after all, he is India’s most eligible bachlor….but he doesn’t mind them at all…

Arj: Now I want him to marry our JAAN…

Bella: We can’t say what all will happen in these 6 months…You know…

Naira: But…If after this 6 months if Baby gets a boyfriend how will you guys react?

Neil: If its Shivaay I will be very happy…I know him he won’t play with any girls feelings…

Arv: Anyhow she will have to marry someone…So I think I will be okay with it…And after today’s incident,  can say that if its Shivaay I will be very happy like Neil…After all, he is Neils Best Friend…

Kartik: Even I am Fine….

Arj and Mahir: Me too…

In OM,

B: Di told me you need a new gym trainer…..

R: Yeah…Can you be my Gym trainer…

B(think): Of course I can…..*smiling*

B: Well……

R: Please Bhavya…..

B: If you take me out then I can think about it…

R: Like a date….*smiling*

B: If you want we can make it a date..*blushing*

R: ok…then we can go on a date…..🤩

While Anika came to OM to get Shivaay’s signature in an important file,

Dadi: Who are you?

A: Hello maam, I am Shivaay’s new PA, Anika…*takes blessing*

Dadi: Oh…Shivaay’s is in his room…Om…..

O: Yes Dadi…

Dadi: Show her Shivaay’s Room…

O: Ok Dadi

A: Thank you maam

Dadi: You can call me Dadi,Anika…

A: Ok Dadi…

Dadi(think): All the three girls I saw in Temple know my grandson’s…who knows if my wish would come true…

While going to Shivaay’s Room,

O: Anika, Can I ask You something?

A: Sure…

O: Does Gauri like anyone…

A: Gauri like Everyone Om…

O: Not like that…..Like love someone…

A: No…You like her…?

O: Yeah…..*blushing*

A: But she is a maid and also an illiterate in your house even after that you like her….?

O: I don’t care Anika…..I love her just the way she is…Don’t tell this to her…Ok?

A: Ok this will be our Secret and Om…You can call me Ani…OK?

O: Ok Ani….and I know that you like Shivaay…..

A: I…..I…..😳

O: Even he likes you…I can see that…This is his room…..Maybe your room too in future…Bye Ani…

A: Bye….*blushing*

In Shivaay’s Room,

S: What happened to your face, Anika?

A: Noth…ing…Shiv..aay*still blushing*

S: Your face is Red like a Tomato, Do you have a fever?

A: N….no I don’t…☺️

S: Why are you Stammering….and why are you not looking at me..?

A: Shivaay you have to sign these papers…bye…I am going…

S: Wait…Anika…*pulls Anika*

Both Shivaay and Anika fall on Bed with Anika on top of Shivaay they share an eye lock……but was disturbed by……

Avneet: BHAIYAA…..

S: Avi…When did you come….?*blushing*

Av: When you were busy romancing with my to be Bhabhi…Bhabhi, What is your name?…

An: Anika…*blushing*

Avi: You both are so cute, Bhabhi…

A: Shiv…aay…I will go then…Bye…

S: Bye…

Avi: You both love each other…

S: I love her….but I am not sure about her….

Avi: I am sure she loves you…

S: How?

Avi: She didn’t deny when I called her, Bhabhi and Look how she blushed even you are blushing Bhaiyaa…

S:No….I am not….😳

Avi: Let me meet Om Bhaiyaa and Rudy Bhaiyaa…Byee….

(Ignore the dress

(Ignore the dress…OK?)

S: Bye…

In Kitchen,

G: OmkaraJi… Why… you…here?

O: I thought to help you cook

G: No…need…OmkaraJi…

O: I am free anyway…so Please…

G: Ok then…

O: Ok what should I do…First…

G: Take….flour…above Shelf

O: Ok…

The flour falls on to Om, Making him covered in flour

The flour falls on to Om, Making him covered in flour…Gauri laughs her heart out 🤣

O: Gauri…Help me, Some flour went inside my eyes…Ahhh…

Gauri blows in his eyes when they share an eye lock….but was disturbed by,

Avi: Hayyeeee…My second Bhabhi…..

O: Second Bhabhi…?

Avi: Haa….First Anika Bhabhii…then,Bhabhi,What is your name?

G: Gauri….*blushing*

Avi: Can’t believe I got 2 Bhabhi in One day, But I am sure that I will get my next Bhabhi too…Rudy Bhaiyaa…

O: I will just go…


In Rudra’s room, Ruvya were chatting while sitting on the couch,

B: I was thinking to come every day to train you, are you okay with it?

R: Yeah, I don’t have any problem…

B: Then let’s start from today itself…

Bhavya stands up but was about to fall when Rudy caught her pulling her towards him, again an eye lock😉

Avi: I knew it…

R: Avi…When did you come..?

Avi: Leave all that bhaiyaa…..What is my Bhabhi’s Name…..

R: Bhavya…

B: Bhabhi…?

R: Haa….Avi, This is your Bhabhi…*Smiling*



AniRivya’s brother in OM

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