Greetings everyone!! Thank you for the shower of love and affection that my stories have been receiving! Although, what I don’t seem to understand is that it appears like you guys require a constant reminder to tell me what you thought about the episode. Anyways, happy reading!
Twinj: When I Fell For You: Season 2 Episode 19
A quick recap: Simmi and Twinkle surprise Kunj with a well planned celebration at midnight. Amaya’s baby is named Pihu. Twinkle is annoyed when Misha turns up at the naming ceremony, and evidently, nobody seems to like her, while she tries to get closer to Kunj.
Kunj was amused when he heard Simmi groan when she saw Misha join them for breakfast. “I sit here!” She said, rushing to save a chair on Kunj’s left when Misha pulled it for herself. “And Mumma sits there!” Simmi said quickly, when Misha had just glanced at the empty chair on Kunj’s right. “I’ll sit beside you then!” Misha told Simmi as she bent down to pull her cheeks. Simmi freed herself, turned to Kunj and frowned, smiling at everyone else who had been watching her with stifled laughter. Amaya sighed when she watched Misha try to initiate friendly conversations with Kunj, but he dodged each possibility with a single word in response. “I didn’t know you had shifted back, Misha!” Usha said, trying to make her family look more welcoming than their hostility towards her depicted. “I think I’m done with the States! It was beginning to get boring there you see, Maasi? Besides, this is the only family I have, and even Kunj is here!” Misha answered, her tone taking ups and downs like a roller coaster as she spoke. Usha smiled at her warmly as she recalled Misha’s mother, who was her sister. Misha was a cousin to her kids, nevertheless, whenever she had turned up at their place, Usha had never treated her any differently from Amaya or Kunj, although she knew that Misha had a crush on Kunj from as long ago as she could remember, and was never ready to take ‘No’ for an answer.
“You had been away for so many years! You missed so many things, including Kunj’s wedding!” Manohar said, passing Usha a knowing look. He had never appreciated the fact that Misha tried to cling to Kunj, always having believed that she was a spoilt child, and hadn’t mended herself to the world, living in her own imaginary land where everything she wanted was hers. He knew she wouldn’t do anything dangerous, but he felt a deep resentment towards her that had remained unaltered over the years. “I’m aware of that! But you see, had I been here, Kunj would have chosen me over Twinkle gladly, wouldn’t he, Twinkle?” Misha spoke cheerfully, glancing over at Twinkle, who shrugged her shoulders with the best smile she could give her. “See!” Misha told Manohar, grinning at him while he went back to eating with a disappointed look. “Oh no! What have you done? This was my favourite dress!” Misha’s scream broke the awkward silence that had ensued at the table, and made everyone look at her, to find her glaring at Simmi. “I’m sorry! I didn’t do that intentionally!” Simmi said, as she offered Misha a tissue to clean her dress, but the latter got up and left the table angrily, with Amaya rushing after her. “I didn’t mean to drop my glass of milk on her, Dadu!” Simmi said innocently when she noticed Manohar’s eyes on her, but was surprised when he chuckled with her, quietening down when Usha glared at them. “I did it intentionally!” Simmi whispered to Kunj later, but he was torn between his laughter and surprise to say anything to her.
Twinkle had spent the entire day reminding herself that Misha was their guest, and would stay for only a couple of days, but the moment she got home from work and saw Misha asking Simmi turn on the stove for some cooking experiment that she had come up with, Twinkle felt her blood boil. Simmi had come running to her and hidden behind her, complaining that Misha had forced her to help her out in the kitchen despite her denial, worsening things. “Misha, I’m sorry to have to bring this to your notice, but Simmi is a little child and I don’t think you should be letting her handle the stove by herself!” Twinkle spoke, gathering every ounce of patience she had in her. “Oh I know that, Twinkle! You don’t have to tell me! You knew all along that I was better suited for Kunj than you ever were, didn’t you? Isn’t that why you got married to him when I was away finishing my studies? I’ve known you since we were little kids, Twinkle! You knew Kunj was crazy for you and played with him like he was some toy!” Misha taunted Twinkle, leaving her shocked. “That’s enough, Misha!” Amaya spoke, coming to Twinkle’s rescue as she persuaded Simmi to go out and play. “Do you even realise what you are saying? We all try our best to be sweet and nice to you because you have nobody else to go to, but this is a clear breach of your limits!” Amaya thundered, putting her arms around Twinkle who simply stared at Misha.
Twinkle’s sudden laughter surprised both Amaya and Misha. “I’m sorry, I just remembered that she had always been like this!” She told Amaya who shook her head and smiled back. “Also, I don’t think my marriage requires your certification, Misha! I know this might be news to you, but honestly, neither Kunj nor I care about your approval. So, you might as well do yourself a favour and keep it to yourself!” Twinkle told Misha, keeping her tone even and low, smiling at her, while Misha looked shocked. “You would know better than to drag my daughter into this childishness that you intend to pursue so seriously, don’t you? If I see you trying to get way too friendly with Simmi, well, you already know what I can do.” Twinkle spoke confidently, giving Misha an uninterested look before she walked out. Misha looked at Amaya, who seemed to be having troubles in believing what she had just witnessed. She knew Twinkle wasn’t a damsel in distress who needed saving, but it had been years since Twinkle had last defeated someone to shreds with just her words, and Amaya couldn’t have been more glad since she had got to witness it. “Do you think she’ll push me into the pool again?” Misha’s whisper brought Amaya out of her thoughts as she recalled the incident that Twinkle had made a quick reference to when she had asked Misha to stay away. Twinkle was hardly twelve when Misha had annoyed her despite her warnings, ending in Twinkle pushing her into the pool. Misha had learnt her lesson to stay away from Twinkle ever since, and even now, when Amaya answered in an “I don’t know”, chills ran down Misha’s spine.
Usha almost choked on her tea when she saw Misha quickly leave her place beside Kunj on the sofa just because she had seen Twinkle come there later that evening, while Amaya giggled. Twinkle smiled sweetly at Misha, who hesitantly smiled back, carefully keeping away from forcefully cuddling Simmi like she had done ever since she had arrived, and Twinkle couldn’t be more satisfied with herself. “What did you do to her?” Kunj asked Twinkle as soon as she entered their room that night. “Who?” Twinkle asked feigning innocence, but he raised his eyebrows at her, persisting and she knew she would have to give in. “I saw what happened downstairs!” Kunj said as he pulled her close to himself by her waist. Twinkle giggled, and was about to explain when they heard Simmi come in and close the door after her. As they watched quietly, Simmi angrily walked to the bed and climbed onto it. She then asked Kunj to come to her. “She looks angry!” Twinkle whispered to Kunj as he let go of her and both of them walked towards Simmi. “Why is she here?” Simmi asked, her little eyes widened. “Should I go away and let you talk to Papa alone?” Twinkle questioned, as she and Kunj shared a confused glance. “Not you, Mumma! She’s too smart for you!” Simmi sounded annoyed now, but her parents still had no clue where that conversation was leading to.
“Misha Aunty!” Simmi screamed, tired of trying to get Twinkle and Kunj to understand her references. “Simmi, you shouldn’t be saying such things about elders, sweetheart!” Twinkle tried to convince her, but she was in no mood to listen. “Don’t call me that! I heard her call Papa that!” Simmi protested, embarrassing Kunj so much that he was left tongue-tied. “Simmi, she and Papa have been good friends since they were little! You don’t have to be jealous of her!” Twinkle tried again, and this time Simmi nodded understandingly, although Twinkle wasn’t very sure she had actually understood. “Papa is only my best friend! I hope she knows that, otherwise I will…” Simmi began, but broke off as she thought of ideas, and finally added, “Push her into the pool!” making Twinkle and Kunj burst out laughing at the memory. “You won’t have to do that, Simmi! She’ll be gone in a day or two.” Kunj said, holding her hands in his, feeling proud of her. “Pinky promise?” She asked, and he nodded, smiling at her gladly.
“Tell her not to talk to Papa!” Simmi said when Twinkle patted her to put her to sleep, not completely satisfied. “I will, Simmi!” Twinkle assured her, but she held out her hands towards Kunj, asking him to cuddle with her. “Papa!” She said, snuggling into his arms when he did and he patted her in response, humming a comforting tune to her. Twinkle watched them quietly, so glad that they were that close to each other that Misha’s little games hadn’t put them apart. “She says she’ll push her into the pool!” Twinkle whispered when she was sure that Simmi was asleep. Kunj laughed as he helped her cover Simmi with her blanket.
That’s it for now, guys. Lots of love!
The post Twinj: When I Fell For You: Season 2 Episode 19 appeared first on Telly Updates.
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