Wednesday 17 June 2020

Pyaar ka Afsana ~~ Qubool Hai – (Episode 10)

Hey guys, here comes the new episode . Please do tell me your suggestions and opinions about the episode in the comment section.

Episode 10:-

Sanam sees Aahil!

Afeeza and Sanam comes out. Sanam is disappointed. She is walking silently. Afeeza – “ Hey, Sanam. Chill na. It’s ok . It’s just time of 2 months . We can manage“.  Sanam – “ How? You don’t know how is my current situation, Iam worried about how will I manage my family expenses”. Afeeza hold her hand to make her relax. Afeeza- “ Don’t worry, let’s look for some other job till then. Iam assuring you that I will help you get one”. Sanam  remembers Aahil burning her Dhabba. Sanam – “ That ‘Jhallad ‘ is the root cause of my all problems. I wish I never met him”. Afeeza gets curious and ask – “ Are you referring to your ex boyfriend as  ‘ Jhallad’?” Sanam gets shocked and say – “ What ex- boyfriend? I never had any till date”. Afeeza- “ Then , Who is he?” Sanam- “ A man who is really sick because of his bank balance.. That’s long story”. Afeeza- “ Since I have enough time today , I don’t mind hearing long story . Tell me only if your comfortable”. Sanam- “ I don’t have any problem to share that “.

Afeeza – “ Ok fine , let’s go somewhere”. Sanam – “ But where?” Afeeza- “ Just come “. They take an auto.

They reach before a park . They get down . Afeeza sees an ice cream seller and takes Sanam . Afeeza- “ Let’s have icecream, which flavor do you like ? “ Sanam- “ Iam not in a mood to have ice cream. You have it “. Afeeza- “ Its best to change your mood, now stop your drama and tell me your flavor “. Sanam – “ Butterscotch “. Afeeza ( to seller) – “ Bhaiya , 1 Butterscotch and 1 Strawberry ice cream “. Afeeza pays for it. Sanam tried to give but Afeeza stops her. Afeeza- “ Don’t think that Iam so kind , you have to give me big treat once you get a job. Save this for that day”. Sanam feels good the way Afeeza tried to support her without making her self esteem low. Afeeza gives ice cream cone to Sanam. They go inside the park. They have ice cream while walking. Afeeza- “ Now tell me the story while walking “.

Sanam narrates the story from first they had fight on road that reached till burning of Dhabba and her burning his car. She explains what circumstances led her to Bhopal.

Afeeza gets shocked hearing that Sanam burned his car in anger. Afeeza looks at her in surprise. She stopped having ice cream . Ice cream starts to melt. Sanam see that. Sanam- “ Your ice cream is melting “. Afeeza gets back to her sense and have it fastly. Then she takes a deep breath and ask – “ Sanam , you are really brave. You burned his car to take revenge, that’s so amazing! “. Afeeza pays on Sanam’s shoulder. Sanam stands with blank expression. They walk some more and decides to go. They comes out. Afeeza gets a call. She ask Sanam to wait for a while. Sanam agrees.

Sanam see Aahil standing some distance away of her road .


But Aahil doesn’t see her. Aahil is over his phone. He is checking messages. She gets angry.


Sanam – “ Took the name of the devil just sometime before, here he is “. Afeeza is also with her. Afeeza is looking at another direction while talking with someone over phone. Sanam fumes with anger and  thinks – “ He is the reason of my problem, I will show him “. Sanam heads towards him without informing Afeeza while Aahil is over phone. Afeeza  turns and gets to see Sanam going with a her clinched fist and Afeeza gets worried. She hangs up her phone and goes behind her.


Sanam is about to reach him. Aahil is turns but doesn’t see her as Afeeza pulled Sanam aside to a shop on that road side. Aahil thinks – “ I felt like someone came … “.

Sanam- “ Why did you pulled me?”. Afeeza- “ What were you upto? You were going like to hit him with clinched fist. What is wrong with you?”. Sanam – “ Yes, I was going to hit him. It’s because he is the one who I talked about”. Afeeza – “ What?”       Sanam – “ Yes, he is that one. It’s all because him , …. “. Afeeza – “ He came here, what if he came in search of you ? Maybe for taking revenge, what if he harm you?”. Sanam – “ Harm me? He won’t even touch me, if does anything I will show him the power of a Punjabi Girl. Iam really strong”. Afeeza – “ I don’t doubt in your martial art skills but tell me one thing did you came her for hitting him or to make yours dreams true?” Sanam stays silent. Afeeza – “ Past is Past, Leave it. Don’t let your anger conquer your future “. Sanam – “ But .., “. Afeeza- “ I understand your feeling but what is the use of hitting him now? Focus on your dreams. What if he is a resident of Bhopal ? If that’s the thing , what if you meet him again?  And  if you let your anger come out like this , you will only have time to fight and you won’t able to make your dreams true”. Sanam thinks about Afeeza’s words. Afeeza looks out and see whether he left or not. She see him going in his car. Sanam – “ Why are you looking out now?” Afeeza- “ He has left , come . Let’s go ?” Sanam – “ You were checking that? Iam not afraid of him, I haven’t done anything wrong”.  Afeeza – “ Advicing you like drawing a line on water. What did I said just now ?”. Sanam stands silent. Afeeza – “ Come now, I have some shopping “. Sanam and Afeeza leaves.

Afeeza does some shopping for her parents. Sanam helps her too even though she isn’t much interested in shopping. Afeeza and Sanam meet someone who is going to Afeeza’s hometown and she gives him the packages.

They reach back to their house. Sanam is upset . Afeeza see this . She sits near Sanam. Afeeza – “ Sanam, I have talked to some of my friends. I work at Dominos and I take tuitions in a tutorial. I asked them too. But currently there is no vacancy. But there is a job .. “ . Sanam – “ Job?  What job ?” Afeeza – “ Do you know driving car ?” Sanam – “ Yes, I have a driving license . I know to drive car, truck , scooter “. Afeeza – “ Really , that’s great. Then your problem is solved. There is a vacancy for a female driver . It’s like a cab service”. Sanam – “ That’s absolutely fine. I can do it”. Afeeza- “ Ok , let me talk to them “. Afeeza places a call. Afeeza goes to talk.

Sanam gets call from Seher. Sanam takes the call. Sanam explains about the whole scenario. Seher – “ See now , what did you told me before? What is the need of learning driving? Finally you understood, I can foresee everything “. Sanam – “ I admit you did a right thing “. Seher becomes happy and says – “ Oho my god ! Appreciation from Ms. Perfect ! Iam done . I don’t want anything else”. Sanam – “ Are you all doing well? How is Badi Ammi and Haya? “. Seher – “ Both of them are good. Iam outside right now. They are at home . Why are you not asking about me?” Sanam – “ Because I know you well, I can understand you from the way you talk. I don’t need you to speak, to understand you”. Seher – “ Oho! But must say that Iam missing fighting with you,  irritating you , your food , your presence.. “. Sanam – “ I do .. miss you “. Seher – “ See , even now you don’t speak your heart full, you are always in a scarcity of words”. Sanam – “ You are just impossible, whenever I think to speak well you start  this ..  I admit that Iam not interested in giving emotional speech or cheesy dialogues.., What is your problem ?” Seher – “ Now Iam feeling better after having a fight with you”. Sanam – “ You were doing this intentionally!” Seher – “ Even I need some entertainment. Leave it. Take care , focus on your goal .Don’t worry about us, we are all doing good “. Sanam – “ What else I have to think about,  other than my family? Anyway take care. Please don’t get into any troubles , since Iam not there to rescue you “. Seher ( comically ) – “ Ok savior ! I will follow your instructions “. Sanam – “ Ok my dear follower. I will call you back after sometime “. Sanam hangs up the phone. Sanam – “ Crazy girl !” .

Aahil ‘s house.

Rehaan and Aahil is sitting on the couch placed in the living room. Rehaan – “ Aahil Bhai, We have to make the legal documents again . Since you lost it that night”. Aahil – “ Yes. Because of that Dhabba Wali , I lost my favorite car , documents of that deal , my passport, a carton of my favorite drink and many things .. Rehaan, I swear if she comes infront of me again, she will get to know that what I can do ?” Rehaan – “ Aahil Bhai , Leave it,  na. I admit that you had loss. But just think from her side, what if that Dhabba is her only source of income? What if she made it with lots of effort? May be that triggered her anger”.  Aahil – “ If that was her only income source , she should have taken the money I gave her as compensation. But No! She burned my car “. Rehaan – “ Can I ask you something? What if someone destroys your office and gives you some  money as compensation ? Will you accept that ?” Aahil – “ Not at all “. Rehaan – “ But Why ?” Aahil – “ I do have my self respect “. Rehaan- “ You said that . Same happened that night. She may have felt same “.

Aahil remembers the way Sanam looked her with anger . She held her head up and looked into his eyes with pride.

Aahil – “ It was just oversmartness. Rehaan, are you on her side or mine ?” Rehaan- “ Iam in your side Aahil Bhai , that’s reason why Iam trying to make you understand the other side of the problem. I don’t wish , anyone saying ill about you “. Aahil understand his care .  Rehaan always stood with him in every bad time since he became a part of his company 5 years ago . Aahil always considered Rehaan as his family. He has always felt closeness and affection towards him.

Aahil- “ I think , we should not talk about this further. Let’s talk something positive. You were roaming around in that bazaar of Punjab . What did you purchased ? “. Rehaan – “ Nothing special. Some show piece and some sweets. Sweets were for our staffs, I got a mirror with nice work around it. That was nice”.

Aahil remembers seeing a girl’s eyes in a mirror when she went to get pendrive from Rehaan in that market. Aahil really wished to see her face though he couldn’t see. He  forgot about that due to his busy schedule. Now he remembered it when Rehaan told about mirror. A smile appeared on his face as he remembers her . Rehaan see this .

Rehaan – “ You are smiling , what is the reason?” Aahil who is lost in the thought just say – “ Those eyes … “. Rehaan – “ What ? Those eyes … of ?” Aahil comes back to reality. Aahil – “ Nothing. I was thinking something else. Leave let’s do our work “. Rehaan- “ Ok “.

Afeeza’s house, Night.

Afeeza and Sanam is having dinner. Afeeza- “ I have work tomorrow , so I will take you to their office. You just have submit some copies of your basic documents like aadhar , driving lisence etc.”. Sanam nods. Afeeza – “ Its actually a private firm, it’s name is  ‘ Wings ‘ cab service. It’s basically for women travellers. During day , it is open for both men and women. But after 5pm it’s exclusively for women. Like to provide a safe journey for women at night. Do you have any problem?” Sanam – “ Not at all. In fact , it’s really good “. Afeeza- “ Salary is according to the rides you take. But there is a fixed amount of 3000 . Addition to that will be according with how many rides you get.  Your timing will be from 10am to 7pm. Are you ok with the timing?” Sanam- “ Yes, But how did they agreed to give me the job? “. Afeeza – “ The owner is one of my  college friend’s sister. I do have some contacts here. But one condition, don’t let your short temper nature pop out during the working hours “. Sanam looks her and Afeeza smiles. Sanam ( reluctantly )- “ Mm”.  Afeeza – “ Nice “. They finish their dinner and goes to bed early.

Aahil’s room,

Aahil is having a peaceful sleep . He starts to see a Dream . He is walking , he get to see the girl with her face covered but her eyes weren’t.

(Junoon Tere ishq played )

The eyes which captured his mind in that busy bazaar of Punjab were right infront of him. He went near her but she ran away . She was laughing, he went behind her . She stops and he went near her . He just want to see the face of the person . To know who is she. She was about to remove her the shawl with which she covered her face. Aahil was curious to see her.

But Lateef wakes him at the right moment. His dream is broken and he couldn’t see her face.

Aahil gets up angrily. Aahil- “ Why did you wake me up at the correct time? Why ?” Lateef – “ Allah ! Iam happy that I woke you up on the correct time”. Aahil ( irritated tone )- “ What was the need? Otherwise you would make mistakes. Today you came at right time “.  Lateef becomes confused. Lateef – “ But Aahil Baba , you told me to wake you up at this time. You told me to bring black coffee for you as you have meeting with someone abroad “. Aahil- “ Yeah , meeting with Mr. Jake . I remember. Ok fine . You may leave“.  Lateef leaves.

Aahil scratches his head and smiles. Aahil thinks – “ Silly me !”

Precap:- Sanam is working as the cab driver. It’s night . She goes to pick a lady customer. She see Aahil with her and she gets shocked. Sanam thinks- “ What if he see me ? What if we end fighting? Why ? Why did you brought him infront of me now? “. Aahil walks towards the taxi. Sanam see him on rear view mirror.

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