Wednesday 17 June 2020

Ishq Mein Marjawan ff #nextgeneration ep 34

Richand Mansion

Five of them are back in Richand Mansion. They sits down on the sofa or stay standing. Each of them still remembers what happened a few time ago. How Tara got caught finally. What she told. Vani and Lakshya both remembers how Tara told she killed Virat and Aanjali. Akash remembers how Tara torture him in the past when he was young and how she troubled Aarohi and mow Ruhi. Rehan remembers about the time when Tara tried to kill Ruhi again and again. Ruhi remembers how Tara shot Deep and Aarohi. She talks first.
Ruhi- Finally Tara won’t trouble us anymore, we have taken our revenge.
Akash- Did we?
Ruhi gives and questions look. The other looks at him.
Akash- We may have caught Tara but her evil plans are still working. We couldn’t stopped her from passing those information to someone else. Till we manage to stop all that destruction coming because of her, I don’t see how we defeated her. I won’t count that as a revenge. Caught even though inside jail, she still getting get to do what she wants.
Rehan- The matter is out of your hand now. The CBI will hang it from here on.
Lakshya- And the police. Till now we were all working together cause our enemy was one, Tara. Now that she is out of our way I do see the requirements of all of us being together.
By saying that Lakshya went from their calling someone. Vani stand up and says
Vani- He isn’t right. We are not required anymore, and I have caught the murderer of my parents, that’s enough revenge for me.
She turns and takes the stairs to go upstairs. She thinks, Akash is right, till I don’t stop Tara’s evil plans the revenge won’t be complete. She looks at a card. Flashback shows Rehan gave her the card.

Rehan- Thanks for helping me saving Ruhi and Akash last night from Tara. You were pretty good you know. If you ever think of joining the secret service you can contact here.

Fb ends. Vani holds the card strongly and goes upstairs. Rehan leaves from the place, Ruhi comes and stands beside Akash.

Ruhi- You are not gonna let go, right?

Akash- I have come too far to let things go now. It’s a game now for me, between me and Tara, which had started a long time ago. Now the time of ending this game of death has come.

Akash turns and looks at Ruhi.

Akash- Until I undo what Tara has done I won’t win this game.

Ruhi smiles poorly. She thinks, and I have to undo what dad has done. She says

Ruhi- It’s great to see you finally deciding something for your own self, doing something for your own, apart for worrying about me or do something for my well being. It’s been a long time since you do something for your own.

Akash- That doesn’t mean I have forgot about you.

Ruhi- I didn’t mean that….

Akash- Neither did I. What I meant was I know what you are thinking, what’s in your mind. Evenif you think this is your war to fight you should know that till I’m alive Ican’t let you take any hit even if it’s your fight, even if you will bevictorious at the end. Before something hits you I would like to face it. You should get out of here, somewhere safe, far from these destructions that about to happen.

Ruhi takes a long breath and returns to her old attitude.

Ruhi- Just because I have patched up with you doesn’t mean I will still do whatever you say. That’s not going to happen again.

Ruhi leaves. Akash sighs.

Akash- That’s what I guessed.

Then he sees Rehan looking at a file.

Akash- But perhaps there is someone to whom you will listen,someone who will take up my job.

He goes to him.

Akash- Rehan, I need to have a word with you.

Rehan- What? Did you figured anything about what could be inside the actual pen drive?

Akash- No, I’m actually here to talk about Ruhi.

Rehan- Oh ( seems a little bit surprised, leaves the file at the table )

Akash- You know after all we have been through, I still can’t accept this marriage, nor can I put my trust in you. Cause I have seen a person with this face who knew nothing except lie, deceit and breaking promises. It will be wrong to judge you like this but I can’t help it. Still I’m trying to believe you. You will protect her, right?

Rehan- You know Ruhi really treats you like a big brother and loves and respect you like one. It’s important for me that you accept me, and if you feel satisfiction from hearing me then, yes, I will protect her in no matter what.

Akash- People’s word doesn’t make any difference to me anymore. But still I’m ready to put my trust in you cause the hard time is near. You do understand that it’s getting risky for Ruhi around here, under these circumstances. And she is gonna surely try to stop any mishap by herself.

Rehan nods worriedly, these thoughts just crossed his minds.

Rehan- I get your point.

Akash- Good.

Akash turns to leave but stops and looks at Rehan.

Akash- Do you know why Deep bhai and Aarohi di’s relation always got into trouble?

Rehan- Why?

Akash- Deep bhai always used to push away Aarohi di saying he is trying to protect her, which was sometimes true, while Aarohi di always wanted to fight every problem side by side.

Rehan- What are you trying to say?

Akash tries to say something but stops in the mid way and says- Nothing. Then he leaves.

Ruhi comes to Lakshya. Lakshya just cuts the call he was talking. He gets surprised by seeing Ruhi in front of him. Ruhi forwards some papers towards him. Lakshya takes them hesitantly.

Lakshya- What is this?

Lakshya reads the papers.

Ruhi- This is the property papers. I promised you that if you help us catching Tara then I will give you back your property. I have signed the papers. Akash bhaiya signed them a long times ago. It’s now belongs to you and Vani.

Lakshya- I don’t want it anymore. Not like this, out of a deal or something. Tara made me blind with this property that time, I wasn’t seeing the truth out of it. That’s why I said those things. But now nothing important for me then taking avenge from Tara. That’s my sole purpose. I will put an end to her deeds.

Ruhi- Doesn’t matter. It’s yours now. Akash bhaiya never really wanted it. And I only asked for share to give him an answer for hiding the truth from me and to challenge Tara. Now that I’m thinking about it, it was really a bit of childish decision, I really didn’t thought it through, just wanted to take revenge and get my answer. But that was it. I was never interested in this property, nor will I ever be. Do whatever you want to do with. If you want to say my dad had a lot of hard work to make all this, I would say most of the time your dad was making him do it so it’s kinda his hard work too.

Lakshya- I wasn’t going to mention that.

Ruhi- Ok.

Ruhi leaves, leaving Lakshya with the property, papers. He is not sure what to do with it.

Ruhi comes to her room, Rehan is there, looking at the blue prints. She goes to him.

Ruhi- Did you figure something out?

Rehan- Yeah, a lot actually. Most important of it is that you need to leave from here. Better leave the city.

Ruhi- Why?

Rehan- Come on, I figure out that in a few days times there will be a situation like hell around the city and what do you expect me to do? Obiviously warn the close persons to me. To make sure they are safe. That’s what I’m trying to do here.

Ruhi- But I want to help you to stop those bad things.

Rehan- Ruhi, you have to understand, this is not about Tara anymore, this is not about you or any of us. It’s bigger then that. Every person in the city is in danger. You have done whatever till date that was to defeat Tara, to avenge your parents murder, to make sure your safety from her. But this is a new scenario now. Let the CBI handle it. It’s my fight.

Ruhi- That’s what I’m saying Rehan. You have supported me, stayed by my side in my fight. Now is my chance. Let me help you in your fight.

Rehan- You don’t get it, do you? Let me say it in your language then. I supported in your fight the way you wanted it. Now you want to support me in my fight, you have to support me the way I want it. Which is you have to stay far away from these troubles, safe somewhere else, and have faith in me that I will succeed.

Ruhi- So he has talk to you, hasn’t he?

Rehan- What are you talking about?

Ruhi- I’m no idiot Rehan. I have heard those lines all of my life. They are not yours.

Rehan- I just want you to be safe, Ruhi.

Ruhi- I do have faith in you and I know you will succeed, but sometimes everyone needs help.

Ruhi leaves. Rehan sighs at her going. He looks at the blue prints. He receives a call.

Rehan- So all the attacks are happening on the 5th, it’s the final news.

Ruhi hears it in an earpiece from another room. She sees the blue prints and plans on her phone. She thinks no matter how hard you guys try you can’t stop me. I will see the end of it. Vani is measuring a blue print of a mall very hardly. She thinks I have only one shot at this, and this plan is pretty risky. My life could be in danger and I have no resource, no back up. But I won’t back out. Now there is no back out in this. Lakshya talks with someone.

Lakshya- Yes I have figured this out. But don’t share it with anyone. This should be a secret mission, if we succeed then we will be able to stop a big mess.

Akash is seen in the streets, dressing up a bit unusual then he always does, he is in a bike.  Akash comes to a narrow street and stops, there are some goon like people talking with each other there. They get alert seeing Akash stopping there. They measure him carefully. Akash comes down from the bike and comes to them. They ask him who is he and what he is doing here. Akash answers in his old language he used to speak when he was young, when he had met Aarohi.

Akash- I’m Chavanni.

Everyone’s face is shown. Ishq Mein Marjawan plays.

It’s the day when the attack is gonna happen, guessed by Rehan and Lakshya as they have received informations from various sources. Ruhi comes to hall room with her luggage, Akash is sitting there, Rehan is looking at his phone, he is all dressed up to go somewhere.

Ruhi- Where is Vani?

Akash- She left, said she has something to buy. All this days of running and fighting has wasted her precious times, she didn’t get to do shopping in a long time.

Ruhi- She ain’t visiting the city mall today, is she? Blue print of that place was found with the others, so did some other important shopping malls blue print.

Rehan- Relax, she is no idiot to visit that place.

Ruhi- And where is her grumpy brother?

Rehan- He left for duty in the morning, and I’m going now. Since those things have been found and the information that anything can happen anytime both of us are really pressured with work right now.

Akash- But that’s not the point. The point is what’s wrong with you? Why are you here with suitcases and why are you asking about those twins? Are we not enough here?

Ruhi- I asked out of curiosity. Anyway, I’m here to tell you to that you two win and I loose. I’m leaving.

Rehan and Akash stops from what they were doing, looks at each other and then at Ruhi.

Akash- I’m sorry, I didn’t get you.

Ruhi- I said I’m leaving. Just like you wanted, far from here somewhere safe.

Rehan- And where is that to be exactly?

Ruhi comes a little closer to him.

Ruhi- The safe house you chose for me. I took the decision last night, packed my luggage this morning and here I am, ready to leave.

Rehan- You should have decide a little earlier, now I’m leaving for my work. I can’t take you there.

Akash talks while standing up- That’s ok, I will take you there.

But his phone rings in that moment. He picks the call.

– Hello Chavanni.

Akash looks at the other and goes to a side and talks in his style.

Akash- What is it?

-There is a news, someone is going to get murdered today.

Akash- What? Are you sure?

– It’s a confirm news.

Akash returns with his phone. He looks at Ruhi and Rehan.

Akash- I’m sorry Ruhi. I can’t take you there, I have an urgent work to do.

Ruhi- No problem, you go do your job. I will go there by myself.

Ruhi leaves with her luggage even before Akash could say anything. Akash worriedly looks at her going.

Akash- You better check on her. I’m having doubt on her, she can’t agree so easily.

Rehan- Don’t worry, I have a tracker on her, if she goes somewhere else then the safe house, I will immediately know that.

Akash- Well, I don’t think that will be enough for her. She is a bit like her dad, got sensitivity for any sort of bug fixed on her.

Rehan- Don’t worry, I got it all covered.

Akash- I hope so. Call me if there is any emergency, I giving her full responsibly to you for this day, I have an important job to do right now.

Rehan nods. Akash and Rehan both leaves from Richand Mansion.

The post Ishq Mein Marjawan ff #nextgeneration ep 34 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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