Monday 22 June 2020

Ishq Mein Marjawan FF # Ishq Nahi Aasan ( Chapter 41)

Hey guys , here comes the new episode. Do feel free to give your opinions about the episode. Hope you like this episode.


Episode 41:-

Samika and Kashyap family’s mystery unfolds !

Six years ago, Shimla.

Samika describing the incident..

‘ It was really strange that the person I believed the most has turned into a devil…. I really wished that it was a nightmare…. But that was the time when I woke up from a beautiful dream…’

Coming back to the Dev’s rudeness towards Samika.

Dev ( Arjun) blocked Samika( Alisha ) . Samika gets afraid. He holds her hand and takes her from there and pushes her to the sofa . Dev – “ Where are you going? Don’t want to hear the truth?”. Samika is crying. Trisha ( Nia) keeps her hand over Dev’s shoulder.

Trisha- “ Dev, How can you be so rude to her? See, she started to cry … Oho, Poor Samika !”. Samika takes her phone. She tries to call. Menaka Raichand takes the phone from her. Samika becomes helpless. Menaka Raichand gives the phone to Dev. Dev calls John , and ask him to throw it near Samika’s house.

Samika- “ Dev! You are really .. “. Dev – “ Yes, sweetheart… Iam like this . This is the real face of Dev Raichand”. Samika gets up and tries to run but Dev holds her hand. Samika is getting hurt by Dev holding her hand strongly.

Dev threatens her by saying that – “ You can’t escape this web of mine . Less you resist , less pain”. Samika- “ How could you ?” Dev – “ I can do anything. Don’t make me do things which Iam not interested to do. Tell me where are those things “. Samika- “ Do whatever you can , I won’t tell you what you want to hear from me “. Trisha gets angry seeing her courage.

Dev and Samika look each other. Dev – “ Aren’t you done with these tortures ? You want me to turn into a full devil”. Samika- “ Even now , You aren’t less than a devil. You are a cheater, You are heartless, You are a Devil. You cheated me all now. You cheated my family who considered you as a part the family . You are a murder. What else is necessary to make you more devil?”. Dev looks her with a stern look. Dev – “ I can do more”.  Samika- “ You have done so much … You betrayed me and you broke my heart. Now nothing is more than that. Even death seems to be less than that “. Trisha- “ WOW! What a dialogue! Superb “. She claps . Trisha- “ Your life is at great danger and you are not backing out from delivering heavy and dramatic dialogue “. Dev – “ Samika, Iam asking you for the last time… tell me where are those evidence ? “. Samika- “ I won’t tell you”. Dev gets angry and drags her to a room . He lock her from outside. Samika bangs on the door repeatedly.

After a while, they doesn’t hear any sound from the room. Thus they think to check . Menaka Raichand opens the door. Menaka Raichand doesn’t see anyone . She goes inside. Samika is standing behind the door. Samika tries to go but Menaka Raichand spots her . Menaka Raichand come to grab her but Samika waves her off. Samika runs . Menaka Raichand shouts – “ Hey, She is running away”. Trisha see this and she calls Dev. Dev see this from upstairs and he comes fast . Meanwhile, Trisha and Samika has fight when Trisha tries to stop her. Samika pushes her away . Samika unlocks the door but before she could go. Dev injects something to her. She falls unconscious.

She finds herself in a mental asylum after gaining consciousness. Samika gets up . She is in shock. Dev is standing outside her cell. Dev – “ This is a mental asylum.. This is really far away from your house. It will be  tough for you to live here. If you want to get out from here , you should speak about the evidence “. Samika- “ Iam not going to tell you about that. Try hard to make me suffer but it won’t work “. Dev – “ My dear, Wifey! You are trying to behave as a tigeress, but the fact is that a cat can behave as tigress but can’t be a tigress”. Samika- “ You will reprimand for your bad deeds . One day, you will get to taste your own medicine of betrayal “. Dev smirks & says – “ Oho, please don’t curse me Samika… I can’t hear that from your mouth “. Dev laughs. Samika shows courage. Dev – “ Let’s see … Who is going to be in trouble? If you feel to give my answers , just ring a call “. Dev walks away.

Samika gets tortured by other inmates of asylum. Samika tries her hard to cope up. Samika gets hurt from attack of a violent inmate. Samika is worried about her family’s safety. Dev comes often to check whether she is willing to open her mouth. But he goes back every time with disappointment. Trisha comes up and taunts her a lot.

1  & 1/2 month pass away…

This time Dev came with a news that shocked Samika. Mr.Kashyap and Samrat is in jail , it is the result of Dev’s conspiracy . Dev tries to make a deal . He ask her to tell him about evidence and in return he will free them from jail & will also take her home back. Since Samika knows that Dev can’t be trusted , she doesn’t agree to that . Dev goes back angrily by saying that – “ Aren’t you fed up by tortures from here? Don’t make me so angry that I do something that will destroy you fully”. Samika doesn’t get afraid.

A inmate becomes her friend and that lady pity on Samika’s situation after hearing her story. She agrees to help her to run away from there. She gives some information about the place. She also gives some information regarding the escape after getting out the asylum. A nurse also agrees to help them. Samika thinks to flee as soon as possible to help her father and brother to come out of jail.

One night , the psychiatrist there tries to misbehave with Samika but she hits him with the water pot . She harms him with that . He goes away.She gets hurt too.  After two days , the doctor isn’t there. Her inmate and a kind nurse helps her to escape.

She escapes from there and also inform the friend of the her inmate to rescue her from asylum in return of her favor. On the same day, Mr.Kashyap and Samrat gets bail & comes home after 10 days. A lawyer helped them.

In evening,

As Dev gets to know about Samika’s escape he goes to her home to see whether she reached or not. He ask his men to look for her. Mr.Kashyap and Samrat welcomes him and talks to him casually. Samrat see Dev getting hiccups and tells looking towards the kitchen- “ Please bring a glass of water “. Dev is looking down . Samrat – “ Have some water, here it is “. Dev looks up and gets shocked seeing Samika with a glass of water. Samrat and Mr.Kashyap looks at Dev’s shocked face. Mr.Kashyap – “ What you thought ? My daughter will not come back “. Samika stands there with a brave face. They gets up and  Dev gets up too. Mr.Kashyap give tight slap on Dev’s face. He gets shocked.  Samrat catches Dev’s collar and gets angry. He shouts at him for betraying his sister and cheating their whole family. Just then police arrived and arrests Dev. Dev gets shocked. Dev controls his anger and confidently says – “ Don’t think that you are getting me behind the bars forever , you will see me outside next morning . I will see you then sweetheart “. Samrat hold her towards him to make her comfortable and secure.

Samika goes to her room.  She gets disturbed by remembering cruelty of Dev.


Samrat comes to see her. Samrat apologizes to her as he couldn’t help her before. He tells her that they tried really hard to find her out. But Dev was misleading them always. Then her father, mother and younger brother Chotu also comes to her room. Her father cries holding her hand for trusting Dev and turned her life upside. Samika tries to make them understand that it wasn’t their fault. They all have a  family moment after a long time. No one of Samika’s family member could sleep well after Samika’s missing. They all comfort each other.

Samika- “ I thought, that every tensions were over. But it wasn’t..

There came days of  high tension …. “

Dev got out of jail and the inspector was transferred to another place. Samika’s Family wasn’t aware of it. Samika couldn’t talk to Samrat in personal about Dev looking for the evidence. Only Samrat and Samika knows about it. But they never checked it as they weren’t aware of that being evidence. Samrat and Mr.Kashyap went to see their lawyer.

Samika and her mother was there in their home. Chotu went to school.

Someone rings doorbell and Samika thinks that it’s Samrat and her father. She opens it fastly. She gets shocked seeing Dev on door. Dev smile and says – “ Good morning, sweetheart “. Samika gets tensed. She tries to close the door but Dev hold the door . He gets into the house. He hold her hand and locks the door from inside . Samika ask him to leave her hand . Mrs.Kashyap comes from kitchen hearing Samika’s cry. She gets shocked. Dev see her – “ Hello, Sasumaa., Don’t dare to make any noise or call anyone “. He takes out his gun and points at Samika. Samika tries to free herself from his clutches. Samika’s mother plead him to leave her daughter. Dev – “ Iam not here to hurt my dear wife.., I want to know something but she isn’t giving me answers. Now tell me, Saasumaa … Isn’t it wife’s job to help her husband when he gets into trouble? But your daughter is behaving irresponsible towards her sweet husband”. Samika- “ I won’t say ..”. Dev drags her to a room and locks it from inside. Dev goes close to her. Samika gets worried. Dev holds her hand close to him. Samika looks away from him. Dev looks her for a few seconds. Dev – “ Why are you getting shy ? Is it first time Iam coming close to you ? Afterall Iam your husband “. Samika tries to free herself. Samika’s eyes fills with tears . Dev looks her. Suddenly, he  leaves her . Samika gets surprised. Dev – “ See !! Samika, it’s not a small thing. You are playing with fire , a fire that can burn your whole family”. Samika- “ I know that you want to get us all behind the bars after you get those evidence… but I won’t give up”. Dev gets shocked hearing that. Dev – “ Ok. Let’s make a fair deal. You give me all those evidence in return I assure you that you and your family won’t go behind the bars. No one will harm you ever on this case. That’s my word. I won’t back out”. Samika – “ Your word! I won’t believe you . You are a liar and you are not trustworthy”. Dev gets angry and pins her to the door. Dev ( in low tone ) – “ Try to understand , No one can get you all from this mess accept me … You don’t know what is happening… Please don’t get into this game further… Iam saying this for your betterment “. Samika with tears- “ You wish for our betterment? What a joke?” Dev – “ Iam saying this genuinely… If don’t trust me .., you will get know about it in the coming days”. Dev pushes her to the bed and opens the door. He leaves angrily. Samika’s mother comes to her and hugs her. They cries.

Samrat and Samika talks to each other about the evidence. The former inspector assured them that if he gets the evidence, he will surely get the culprits behind the bars. Samika has kept the evidence in her bank locker. Samrat and Samika decides to deal with it . They finally reveals it to their father. Samrat and Samika decides to get it from the bank locker the next day. There are Dev’s men who is watching them everytime they goes out. Thus they plan to get it home using a trick . Dev gets to know that Samika is going to get those evidence. Everyone becomes alert. Samika and Samrat gets the things safely after tricking Dev’s men. Samrat and Samika opens the carton . They get to see some property papers , a memory card and a mobile phone. They view memory card clips and gets shocked seeing Maheshwar and his wife’s murder happening . A man ( Dilip Raichand) and women ( Roma Raichand ) is shown along with a young lady ( Trisha ) and young man ( Daksh ). It’s the visuals of cctv footage. Then they get to see a mobile video in which Trisha killing the caretaker of Maheshwar’s house outside the house. Everyone gets shocked and turns sad thing about them.

(Murder was happening because Maheshwar tried to expose Raichand’s evil deeds . Maheshwar once went to Mumbai for a getting a deal which was eyed by Raichands. But Maheshwar got it. Actually it was government project, Raichands tried to negotiate with Maheshwar . But he didn’t agreed.

Daksh tried to woo Manya through online chatting.They met each other and Trisha pretended as Daksh’s sister. Daksh tried her against her parents and to marry her to get her all wealth. But she told about her affair to her parents. They asked Daksh to meet them. A day before that Daksh called Manya to meet personally . He tried to get close to her but she didn’t agreed to it. Manya felt that he isn’t a good guy . Then she saw Roma Raichand’s photo on his phone when his phone ringed. She knew her as her Dad shown her picture before and she understood that he is a fraud. She threatened him to expose him. Trisha tried to stop her. But accidentally Manya fell down and her head hit on the floor hardly. They got panic after knowing she died. Thus they hanged up Manya in her classroom .

They confessed it infront of Maheshwar before killing him and his wife. )

Mr.Kashyap decides to get justice for late Maheshwar and his family. Everyone agrees to it. They contact the former inspector. Inspector ask them to wait and assures to collect those evidence after 4days. They agrees to it. But they starts to get attacked in different ways. This makes Samika scared. On second day,  some goons forcefully gets into their house. They hurts them and threatens to kill . Chotu gets hurt . Samika understands that it getting worse. It’s tough for them to live there.

Samrat and Samika thinks that they should leave from Shimla , to secure their lives. There is no one to help them. Riya’s family is out of town as Riya’s grandfather died . They don’t want others to fall in trouble. Their house is now completely isolated in their area , eventhough they have a neighborhood house which is little away from theirs. Samika finally decides to do something to secure her family.

Samika calls Dev to talk. But without the knowledge of her family.  Dev and Samika meets at public library. Dev is surprised to see her . Samika- “ Iam ready for your deal. I will give you those evidence but I want no disturbances from there on..  “. Dev smiles and says – “ Now you understood what I meant… nice. But unfortunately the case is worse. I could have helped you before but now it’s not in my hands”. Samika- “ I knew it.. but still I thought that there is little humanity left in you .. it’s my mistake “. Dev- “ Who asked you to expect that ? It’s risky now , as Iam not alone here, there are some other. If you need my help, there is a change in the terms and conditions. I will safeguard your family but I want you “. Samika gets shocked hearing that . Dev smiles and looks her . Samika doesn’t understand him. Dev – “ You can do anything to safeguard your family right?” Samika nods. They look each other. Dev takes his eyes off from her. Dev – “ I want a culprit to be presented in court …. Can you take all those charges upon you?” Samika gets shocked. Dev – “ If you are ready for that and you give me those evidence, I will help your family to escape from here and get them all into a safe place”. Samika thinks for a while . Samika agrees and Dev gets surprised. Samika- “ I can do anything to safeguard my family. I wish you don’t betray me this time “. Dev agrees.


Samika- “ I came back to home, I told everyone about the deal I made with Dev. But hid that I agreed to be the culprit. At first , no one agreed. But I convinced them. Bhaiya asked me how can you trust Dev after all this. I convinced him some how. Dev told me that he has arranged a vehicle for her family and he asked me to join him in his car. He booked tickets to Indore for my family, he will get them safely into the train without getting spotted by his other fellow mates. After that, I have to give those evidences to him and I should surrender myself to police .

I don’t know what Iam heading to …

All I know is that Iam some how responsible for all these…

If I didn’t fell I love with Dev…

I would have been different…

I hope this time Dev doesn’t betray me…

This time I saw a concern in his eyes but still Iam afraid to believe him fully... “.


Back to present…

Sameeksha (Alisha) flips the page .. It is the last line wrote in Samika’s diary. After that it is left empty. Sameeksha takes out a newspaper cutting from a file.

‘It is the news of Kashyap family’s death due to short circuit . All of them are dead, it’s on the same date on which they decided to go away from Shimla . It happened on the night. Samika Kashyap’s dead body was found in the forest near the road. Thinks that she died off in an accident and was thrown in the forest”.

Tears start to roll from Sameeksha’s eyes. She gets up in frustration.

She wipes her tears. Mrs.Chowdhary is present there. She see Sameeksha in anger. Sameeksha – “ Samika was a stupid to believe Dev Raichand, he betrayed her once again.. Result – Whole Kashyap family was killed, Samika was also killed…. “.

Mrs. Chowdhary- “ It wasn’t her fault, that was the only option left before her. It was the circumstances which was against her”.  Sameeksha becomes silence.

Mrs.Chowdhary – “ Why are reading it many times? Whenever you read it , you get angry “. Sameeksha – “ So that I can focus on my goal without being distracted”. Mrs.Chowdhary – “ Samika was victim , it’s Raichands who needed to be punished for their evil deeds. Do I need to say further?”

Sameeksha – “ No. I know . I will destroy their family like they destroyed Kashyap family. I will make them suffer to maximum before they get destroyed completely”. Mrs.Chowdhary – “ Sam! Cool down.. If emotions controls your mind you can’t achieve what you wish to get. Control their mind , then play. Iam sure that my daughter will be able to get justice for Kashyap family “. Sameeksha – “ I will complete Samika’s diary with the destruction of Raichands . Dev Raichand try hard to save your family. You won before Samika but this time you are facing Sameeksha Chowdhary. I don’t take anything less than victory”. Sameeksha gets more determined.

Precap :- Sameeksha is in music club . She is listening to song and she is talking to someone. Dev Raichand is watching her without getting spotted by her.

In Raichand Mansion, Trisha and Daksh gets into talk about Dev and Samika. Trisha fumes in anger. Daksh (thinks )- “ Sorry, Trisha. I have to do this to get Sameeksha.

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