Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Namah 11th December 2019 Written Episode Update: Hiranyakashyap To Kill Prahlad?

Namah 11th December 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Devi Laxmi orders Hiranyakashyap to free Prahlad or else Narayan will not spare him if he finds out that his disciple is being tortured. Hiranyakashyap says he doesn’t care as he is god now and not Narayan, neither she is devi now, let Narayan bury himself in Vaikunta. Laxmi asks if he will run the universe who is torturing his own son. Prahlad says his devotion is free of any desires, so she need not worry about him. Laxmi says until the world is there and the bigget devotee is remembered, his name will be remembered always; he should continue seeking help from his god; she disappears.

Kali provokes Hiranyakashyap that he is god and should not be afraid of Narayan, he should punish Prahlad and set an example. Hiranyakashyap orders to call his sister Holi who has an boon not to burn if she dorns a shawl around her. Guard informs Holika who walks to Hiranyakashyap and greeting him explains Prahlad to obey his father and accept him as his god. Prahald says his god is only Narayan and Hiranyakashyap is his father and king. Hiranyakashyap gathers people and orders Holika to sit in fire with Prahlad wearing her shawl. She obeys him and gets burnt instead. Prahlad walks out alive chanting Om Namo Narayan. Holika emerges and

Narayan gets angry seeing this. Laxmi says she is seeing him so much angry for the first time. Narayan says he has to take his Narashima avatar to protect his disciple. Laxmi asks not to lose his control in Narasima avatar. Narayan says his respectable will help him as usual.

Hiranyakashyap ties Prahald in shackles and holding lasher orders him to stop chanting Narayan’s name. Prahlad continues. Hiranyakashyap asks if his god can save him and if he is everywhere. Prahlad says his Narayan is in every atom, he is present in praja, even in pillars.

Precap: Nararayan drags Hiranyakashyap saying he is neither human nor animal, it is neither day nor light, he is holding him neither in sky nor earth, he is killing him without weapon and pierces his nails into Hiranyakashyap’s stomach and kills him.

Update Credit to: MA

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12/11/2019 08:10:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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