Sunday, 2 February 2020

Naagin Season 4 2nd February 2020 Written Episode Update: Dev marries Brinda, Vrushali kidnaps Manyata

Naagin Season 4 2nd February 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Vishaka thinking about the climax of the last season, when she tells that she came to know from where Naagmani will come out from the shivling after 50 poornimas. Fb ends. Nayantara takes ashes in her hand and says now her mother will know that I can go to any length to win my mother, it is my revenge to take my mum’s revenge and can do anything to win my heart. Vishaka thinks you don’t know who you are for me and what you will do for me. She asks her if she wants to meet her mother? Nayantara says I am dead for her. Vishaka asks her to come. Dev asks Brinda how did she fall down? Brinda thinks he won’t let any of her plans and tells that Rajat…Dev asks what did Rajat do? He asks her to tell. Brinda asks why you care for me? Dev says you are my best friend. Brinda says she is just a servant in badi maa and everyone’s eyes. She says I was Rajat’s fiancé, when you left me in the mandap and ran behind Nayantara. He says if I have stopped then we would have married and tied in a relation. He asks Brinda if she has no problem with the marriage and asks her to tell. Brinda thinks of Nayantara and Manyata and asks herself to tell. Dev asks her to say? Brinda tells that she doesn’t know and tells that rajat used to love her a lot, but when he came in their life…She says Rajat pushed her down. Dev says why you call him good and says if this is his good work. Brinda says he doesn’t love me and used me like others. She says there is nothing like love and I don’t want to enter in this feeling, but…..Dev asks what? Brinda says when you left Mandap, I felt strange and can’t tell you what I felt. She says it was strange for me, you left mandap and I was dying inside. Dev says I know what you are feeling and says even I am feeling the same since few days, which can’t be express in words, can be conveyed by looking in the eyes. He asks her to respond her and asks will you marry me? Brinda looks at him.

Nayantara comes to Manyata while she is unconscious and calls her Maa. Vishaka thinks she is precious, I have to protect her. Manyata gains consciousness and gets happy seeing her. She says my Nayantara came back to me, I knew this. Maha pandit is coming there. Vishaka becomes half naagin and takes Nayantara with her tail. Maha Pandit comes there. Manyata says Nayantara is alive and had come to meet her. Maha Pandit asks her to rest.

Vishaka takes Nayantara to a secret place in the temple. Nayantara asks what is this secret place and tells that my mum doesn’t know about it. Vishaka says every naagin knows about it? She says your mum waited for you to become naagin, but you didn’t become naagin and that’s why she didn’t tell you. Nayantara tells that she can’t leave her mother and says she will not support her. Vishaka asks if she wants to die then she will call the men who tried to kill her. She blows air on Nayantara and makes her lock in the room. Nayantara asks her to come fast and says she don’t want anything to happen to her mother. Vishaka locks the door.

Brinda tells Swara that Dev wants to marry her and even she wants to marry her. Dev tells Vrushali that he wants to marry Brinda. Ketki says she is our servant. Dev says he can’t hear anything like that against her. Vrushali says she is against the marriage too. Dev says she is his childhood friend. Rasik and Madhav tell that they can’t approve his sayings. Dev says he remembers everything about Brinda since from their childhood and knows what she likes or dislikes, when she gets happy and angry. Swara asks Brinda, why she wants to marry him and tells that she will talk to Rajat. Pandit ji says the same. Brinda asks them to approve her marriage else she has to go ahead without their permission. She says you used to say that I shall marry with my choice, like you married Baba. Swara asks what are you saying? Brinda says one day you will say that my choice is right. Swara says Vrushali will not agree.

Vrushali says she will not agree. Dev says I agreed to marry Nayantara on your sayings, keeping my feelings aside for brinda. Vrushali asks him to elope and marry then. He says I am not rebelling and is talking to you standing here and not running from here. He says I am sure of my feelings and is confident. Vrushali says that girl have done magic on you. She says that girl is not good, she was with you in the closed room although she has her fiancé. Dev asks her not to say that and gets angry. He says you don’t have right to accuse her wrongly, atleast infront of me. Vrushali says I won’t let her become my bahu, I don’t agree for this alliance. Baa says Dev said that he likes Brinda. Vrushali asks Akash to take his mum inside and says this matter is between my son and me and I will not let your mum interfere in my decision. Akash asks if she will let Dev’s father interfere and says I always took the backside and let you take decisions. He says you are misbehaving with baa and suppressing your son’s feelings. Vrushali says what shall I do, shall I let him go and marry. Dev says if I had to do that, then I wouldn’t have asked your permission. Akash says he is requesting us and tells that only baa has the right to take his decision. He asks Baa to say what is right for Dev. Baa says I want Dev to marry, whom he loves, who gives him love in return for his love and this girl is brinda. She asks him to marry Brinda and make her bahu of the house. Baa hugs Dev.

Brinda and Dev are seated for their marriage. Brinda asks herself to control her anger. Dev holds her hand. She recalls Nayantara’s death and looks at the guys who was responsible for her death. She recalls Nayantara asking her to save her. Baa says she is coming to our house, so it is our duty to tie the ghatbandhan. She ties the ghatbandhan. Baa tells Swara that she will love Brinda more than Khyati. They start taking rounds.Brinda recalls how they killed her father and his family. She says they will be killed in exchange of the murders. She recalls how Manyata fell down. Dev thinks when his family understands her then they will love her. Brinda thinks to take revenge for Manyata’s tears and will break his family. Dev thinks he will tie her with his family and will support her. Brinda thinks he is involved and snatched Nayantara from her mother, so she will snatch their relatives from her. Rasik tells Madhav that they are getting Servant for free. Dev takes vermillion in her hand and fills her forehead with it. Brinda recalls Manyata crying badly and her swear on her blood. He ties mangalsutra around her neck. Pandit ji says the marriage is complete now and asks them to take the blessings of all the elders. They take everyone’s blessings. Vrushali blesses them unwillingly. Swara gets emotional. Brinda asks Swara never to leave her. Swara hugs her. brinda cries. Swara says I am your mother and will always be with you.

Baa asks Dev to keep Brinda happy else..Dev says you will beat me. He says lets go, from today, our life will have our new beginning. Brinda thinks he will die with this beginning.

Nayantara hears someone coming and thinks what is this sound. She thinks if Vishaka came back, if my maa is safe. Maha Pandit hears someone coming and hides Manyata behind the idol and tells that someone came. He sees Vrushali coming there? Nayantara manages to open the door and comes out. She recalls Vishaka’s words. Vrushali asks Rasik and Madhav to search Manyata. Maha Pandit comes from outside. They ask about Manyata. Maha Pandit tells that she is collecting her daughter’s ashes behind this temple. Vrushali and others are about to go behind, when Manyata sees Nayantara and comes out. Vrushali and others come back. Vrushali puts vabhoot on her to control her and asks everyone to pick her up. Maha Pandit comes infront of them and asks them to leave her. Vrushali says ok and pushes her. Madhav hits Maha Pandit with axe and leaves.

They bring Manyata home. Vrushali asks them to take her to store room. Baa tells Vrushali that Dev loves her a lot. Vrushali says whatever you wanted, has happened. She signs them to take Manyata inside. Baa is about to look at Manyata, when Ira pushes Ketki to divert Baa’s attention. Rasik and Madhav take Manyata. Vrushali asks baa to ask Brinda to regard her as her saas as she got them married.

Dev cleans the flowers off the bed and tells that it is old decoration when I was about to marry Nayantara. Brinda says I guess she would have been saved from heart ache..He says I couldn’t meet her for last time. I wanted to meet her, but. Brinda thinks he is lying and says don’t know when the meeting becomes last. She says who knew that we will become husband and wife. He touches her and she feels current. She thinks it is the same vabhoot and al naag and naagin feel helpless. She sees the places where vabhoot is kept and thinks she can’t kill him here. She becomes angry and gets scaly skin. Dev asks what happened to her face. Brinda looks at him and smiles, before going out. She says this is the start of my revenge, I know you will not make it easy. She says Dev’s mother used vabhoot to save him, and that’s why I will do what my mother does in this situation. She blows air from her mouth heavily and asks bholenath to help her. She says she wants to kill Dev now itself. She reads om namashivay. Just then it starts raining, Dev comes out and asks her to come inside. Brinda thinks vabhoot shall be washed out from his hand and then she will kill her biggest enemy.

Precap: Maha Pandit comes to Brinda. Brinda thinks Dev can’t win from her. Someone drags Manyata while the latter is unconscious. Nayantara comes inside the temple and is about to take the naagmani kept near the shivling.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

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