Sunday, 20 December 2020

Love, Romance, and Revenge. #Riansh (Episode 9)

The episode starts with Riddhima and Vansh being in the child’s room waiting for him to gain consciousness. They were working in some stuff till the child wake up so Riddhima decides to take a big courage to thank him for what he has done to her.
Riddhima: Dr. Vansh can I say something?
Vansh: Yes say, I’m listening.
Riddhima: I want to thank you for what you have done to me and how you supported and trusted me. I know that it isn’t easy for you to trust someone easily and I know that I still didn’t gain your trust, but I’m grateful that you supported me.
Vansh: You don’t have to thank me Dr. Riddhima. You were faced a horrible situation and you haven’t done anything wrong and I was responsible to support you and give you the place that you deserve.
Riddhima: Thank you Dr. Vansh
Vansh: Actually, I want to praise your abilities in managing the surgery with me. Your abilities are not the abilities of a new comer doctor! Do you are really a professional doctor with a unique talents or there is something else that you are hiding?!
She really can’t imagine that he is still doubting her as she thought that he starts to trust her so she was getting from her place to not sit with someone who is doubting her, but when she was tend to get from her place and leave she has lost her balance and she falls in his lap. They were staring at each other as if they wish they could stare at each other forever. Then he found that her hair is not arranged properly so he tries to arrange it with a romantic way. She was super shy so she stands up and tries to calm herself.
Riddhima: I thought that you start trusting me, but I’m really surprised that you are still doubting me till now! I really don’t know if I could bear your doubtable attitude or I will sacrifice my job just to not feel that I can’t deserve your trust. I can’t work at this mood. I thought that after what have happened between us and the common feelings that we share so I thought that there is a bond starts formed between us and so we can make a unique things together in our job, but you proved to me that I’m wrong. I will leave now as you can see the child has already gained consciousness and he has to have some rest.
She was going to leave, when he stopped her by holding her hand and making her close to him.
Vansh: Feelings?! What feelings do you mean?
Actually she didn’t understands what she has already said. She doesn’t know the reason of saying that word. What feelings she owns to him?!
Vansh: You will not go to any place Dr. Riddhima. As in Vansh’s life everything happens the way he wants. You can’t leave the hospital after you have entered it by your choice, as entering the hospital is your choice but leaving the hospital is my choice and that what I’ve said during your first day in the hospital. So you will complete working with me in the hospital and about the common feelings that you were talking about we will discuss its matter later as I will not forget this matter. About the idea of doubting or trusting you, let’s start a new beginning. I will give you the chance to prove to me that you deserve my trust as you know that Vansh Rai Singhania’s trust is a valuable thing so I can’t give it to anyone and when you will know me better you will know the reason behind doubting everyone and not trusting anyone easily. By the way, you are the only one who will have that chance. So you have to know that giving you a chance is a valuable thing, I hope that I’m giving it to the right person.
Riddhima: So it seems like a challenge right?
Vansh: Think about it the way you want. Let’s see what you will do to gain my trust!
Riddhima: It’s my pleasure. Thank you for giving me that chance and I hope that I could win your trust one day. I accept the challenge Dr. Vansh.
He doesn’t know the reason of that smile that has come on his face. Actually, he is amazed of the change in his own attitude. How he merely gave her a chance to be trusted?!
Vansh to himself: How you changed me Riddhima in just a short time?! I really can’t understand my own feelings, but at least I can know that she feels the same special feeling that I feel. Let’s see what else you will change in Vansh’s life Dr. Riddhima Anupam.
At the other hand, Riddhima was very happy that she took that chance and because of her happiness she wasn’t concentrating while walking so she has crushed with Sejal.
Sejal: Ouch! You have to be more concentrating while you are walking Riddhima. Just a second, why you are so happy like that?!
Riddhima starts telling Sejal about everything have happened.
Sejal: Wow! You have changed Vansh’s attitude in a really short time. The great Vansh Rai Singhania will give you the chance to trust him. Interesting! But I want to ask something, do you were sad because your supervisor isn’t trusting you or because Vansh isn’t trusting you? And what about that common feeling that you were talking about?!
Riddhima: I really can’t understand anything, but what I’ve noticed that he also share the same feeling, confuse, and being not understanding this feeling!
Sejal: Since when you become so emotional Riddhima?! Anyway, let’s see what will happen next. I will leave now as I’ve a lot of work with Kabir and wish you all the best. I hope that you could win Vansh’s trust as soon as possible.
Afterwords, Vansh was discussing with Angre about Riddhima and how he decided to give her a chance to win his trust.
Angre: I’m really surprised! The great Vansh Rai Singhania is giving a new doctor a chance to win his trust! I’m actually speculating if you are giving her a chance to win your trust or she is already won your trust?
Vansh: Just stop it Angre. Don’t confuse me more than I’m already confused. I really don’t know what is going on and I don’t know the reason of what I’ve done, but I really wish that she could win my trust and don’t ask me about the reason. Because I really don’t know the reason behind that wish.
Riddhima and Vansh were both happy, but they didn’t know what Aryan is preparing for them as he will not leave them living their lives happily!
Actually Riddhima was surprised to see Sunny in the hospital.
Riddhima: Oh my God! What you are doing in VR hospital?
Sunny: What a doctor would do in a hospital?! I’m a new comer doctor here, but I’ve been working in Dr. Siya’s team and then I have been transferred in Dr. Vansh’s team. So that means that we will see each other a lot.
Riddhima: And we will have the chance to work with each other!
Sunny: It’s a good thing right?
Riddhima: Yes, it has been a lot since we met the last time.
Sunny: Yes, after you left the orphan institution we didn’t meet because I also left the city and came to here as I took a scholarship in a famous university here. And look at the coincidence, we have met in VR hospital! It will be an interesting thing working with you. We will have a lot of fun!
Vansh was watching them talking and having fun and he didn’t know why he felt uncomfortable. He was so angry on that guy who was talking with Riddhima. He doesn’t understand why he is jealous, but what he understands that he doesn’t want her to be with that guy. He was super angry when he called her.
Vansh: Dr. Riddhima come to me fast!
She didn’t know the reason of his angry attitude so she hurries up to see what he wants from her.
Riddhima: Yes Dr. Vansh. Does something wrong have happened?
Vansh: Do you are coming to ask me?! No doctor, I’m the only one who is allowed to ask here. No one is allowed to ask me. So answer my question, do you are coming here to work or to have fun and chit chat?!
Riddhima: No Dr. Vansh, I’m coming here to work.
Vansh: So why you were leaving your work and chit chatting with that guy? As he was pointing on Sunny.
She was surprised with his attitude and she was annoyed from his tone as she doesn’t allow anyone to interfere in her matter.
Riddhima: Regardless that I don’t allow anyone to interfere in my life even if this person is my supervisor, but I will tell you just because I will not give you the chance to doubt me again. This guy is Dr. Sunny, a new comer doctor, who was working in Dr. Siya’s team, but he told me that he has been transferred to your team so he will be working with us. And before asking me from where I knew him, I will tell you so we can end this discussion. Sunny is my childhood best friend as we were raised together in the orphan institution. I hope that I have ended your doubting. So you have asked me a question that is related to something that isn’t related to the work, can you give me the chance to ask you something?
Vansh: Yes you may.
Riddhima: Why do you care about me and whom I’m standing with?
He didn’t find an answer for her question and he really don’t know the reason of being so angry when he saw her with that stupid Sunny.

The end of the episode. I hope that you like it and tell me your suggestions of the upcoming updates and tell me your feedback it the comment section below.

The post Love, Romance, and Revenge. #Riansh (Episode 9) appeared first on Telly Updates.

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