Saturday 14 December 2019

Haiwan 14th December 2019 Written Episode Update: Amrita shots the real Randhir

Haiwan 14th December 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Randhir finds out there was a shooting going on around the café.

Baby and Nisha watches Redics recharging himself and feels something extremely strange about Redics.
Randhir recalls speaking to the female lead of the shooting. She had recognized him as Randhir Agnihotri. He came out of vanity van in the lead female’s attire, with his face covered in mask.
Nisha and Baby looks into Redic’s room.

Chetan was attracted towards the lead female and goes into her shooting. Ansh was angry over him and drags Chetan outside. He tells Chetan to keep his focus on Randhir only. Gia decides to stay here, while they must go and keep an eye on the backdoor.

Randhir comes into the café. Amrita signals her men. Randhir looks around and thinks Amrita has actually brought the full force. Randhir’s hair wig had flown in the air. The men were attentive towards Randhir.

Baby discusses with Nisha that Redics held the bed with one hand, it wasn’t humanly possible. He is surely a robot.

One of the guests in the café was served with the Wig. He fights with the waiter then the manager. The wig was thrown around Randhir’s chair. A young boy comes there to take the wig, and Randhir had to offer him a treat of ice cream to get the wig.

Gia comes into the café in a veil. Randhir had come out from under the table. Gia goes to Aditi telling her to shoot that veiled lady, its Randhir. Aditi says she first need to confirm. Gia orders her team to come inside and attack. There was an attack on café, and a counter attack from the police force inside. Randhir drags Amrita behind a wall and removes the dancer’s attire. He convinces Amrita he is the real Randhir. She questions how she can be sure. He forces a kiss on her. He says no one else can give her this feeling. Amrita accepts when Redics tried to touch her, it gave her strange feeling. There was blood shed and bullets were exchanged between the security and Gia. Ansh tells Chetan to stay out, while he goes inside to check.

Randhir turns the microwave on, and throws it down. There was a blast. Ansh comes inside. Gia tells him the girl dancer was actually Randhir.

Nisha sits with Redics to make him try multiple drinks. He keeps on sipping from all the glasses. Baby watches this from behind a jar. Randhir falls faint. Baby was happy and appreciates Nisha. Nisha takes Baby to lock Redics. Baby complements that Nisha can be a good assistant of Randhir.

Amrita and Randhir come home to find the birthday decorations. Amrita was tensed that the robot had done all the arrangements. She wished to stay with Randhir all her life. Nisha and Baby come to take Amrita and Randhir to the lock up, the lockup was empty. Nisha says Redics would surely approach them, and they can capture him once again. Randhir wasn’t ready to let him close to Amrita. And it’s good that in the party today, the Shimodra must know there is a look alike.

Ansh discusses with Grewal’s that they need to exchange Randhir with Redics tonight. Govind approved of the plan.

Amrita instructs the team to be cautious, there must be no mistakes.

Randhir fixes the darts with chemicals. He tells Nisha and Baby that he has fixed same darts in the hall to counter Ansh. Nisha and Baby leave while Randhir had to do some work.

Ansh and Gia throw some smoke balls to the balcony. The security guards fall back.

Amrita comes to Randhir. He was happy that there was zero evil solution in his body. Amrita was happy, hugs him and takes him out to party.

Ansh grabs Redic’s collar asserting that Amrita only belongs to him. They have a face off. Ansh leaves to get Randhir from the lab.

In the room, Amrita insists on Randhir to apply a mark on his face so that she can recognize who the real Randhir is. Randhir gives them options such as giving a love bite, or lipstick mark of kiss. Amrita marks a red tillak on his neck and hides it under his collar. Randhir spots Ansh pass by and goes behind him. Amrita and Nisha walk to the main hall for party.

Randhir was trapped in the laboratory by Ansh and Gia. Randhir convinces Ansh that the solution in his room has vanished, and he can treat Ansh as well.

Upstairs, Redics joins Amrita. Nain Tara was inquisitive how they will find out the real Randhir or the robot. Redics shows a red mark on his neck which Amrita had marked herself. He offers Amrita to dance with him. Amrita was uncomfortable during the dance and felt uneasy. He says her doubt was right, he isn’t Randhir but Redics. Amrita tries to back off. He laughs and says he is just joking. Amrita was annoyed.

Ansh blames Randhir for using him, and snatching his love from him. Randhir ruined his life. When he had no one, Gia supported him. How he can’t trust Gia now. Randhir asserts that Gia is only being selfish, and will end Ansh when her terms are met. Gia stabs Randhir at the back of his head. He faints. Ansh holds a dagger.

Gia arrives to the party with Chetan. Amrita asks why Gia is here, she must be here with some solid plan. Redics says its good, as long as she remains in front of their eyes its good.

Randhir wakes up in the lab and runs to Amrita and drags her towards himself. Redics drags Amrita back. Randhir says he sent her with Nisha because he spotted Ansh going to lab. There Gia and Ansh stabbed him. Amrita stood silent. She says last time during their fight, Redics got a bruise on his hand. She demands to see both hands. Redics was reluctant, then shows his hand. Amrita demands him to show left one. Redics recalls Govind healing the bruise. Amrita tells Randhir to show his hand. Randhir shows his hand but there was a fresh mark of bruise. Randhir was clueless how it got here. Redics holds Amrita’s face and says he is Randhir, this is Redics. Randhir recalls Ansh had marked this bruise on his hand with the dagger. Amrita didn’t want any proof. She handcuffs Randhir and didn’t want to hear another word.

Ansh whispers congratulations in Gia’s earpiece. It’s now time for their plan’s last part.

Randhir asserts on Amrita to listen to him, she is again mistaken. He is Redics, a machine and can do any harm to her. A police man shots a bullet but Aditi forbids them, as it may hurt Amrita as well. Randhir says Amrita taught him that trust is most important in love. Randhir curses his fate, his parents, then his friend left him. But he can’t lose Amrita. Amrita twists his arm. He flinches down. Amrita says she must accept Govind’s abilities to create human emotions in a robot. The team takes Randhir. Aditi shows Dev’s photo to Randhir and says Chetan and Gia have held Dev, she can’t prove to Amrita that he is real Randhir. She requests Randhir’s help silently. Randhir nods.

On the way through forest, the police van was attacked by Gia’s new Haiwan and Ansh. Ansh as Haiwan gets Randhir out of the van and throws him at a distance. He says he can’t go to jail; everyone knows about his truth.

Amrita and Aditi reached behind the police van and finds the team injured, while Randhir missing. Ansh dragged Randhir down the road. Amrita calls from behind to stop Ansh. Ansh loudly says he can’t go to jail; everyone knows about his truth.

Ansh tells Randhir that today his good will is taking him to death. Randhir understands Ansh wants Amrita to kill Randhir. Ansh says he will take Randhir’s place. He or Gia won’t kill Randhir, Amrita will. Amrita shots on the floor near Randhir and says she knows this is Redics, not Randhir. Randhir pushes Ansh away. He says he knows Amrita is sure he is Randhir. She won’t shoot him. If she doesn’t trust their love, he is here to welcome the bullet. Amrita still shoots. Ansh tells him to run. Amrita fires the bullet. Ansh turns himself into Haiwan and flees the site. One of the bullets hit Randhir on his arm. Amrita says she needs him alive, at any cost. Aditi fires the last bullet that hits Randhir on his chest. Amrita and team run ahead while Randhir fell off the cliff. His team mate tells Amrita its 200ft high cliff, and impossible for anyone to survive such a height.

Later at night, Amrita was in her room still troubled by visions of killing him. Redics comes to hug Amrita from behind. Amrita says thought it was a robot, still she almost lost herself while killing him. Redics says he was a look-alike only. Amrita says she always feared taking the wrong decision. What if she had gone to the wrong one. Redics gets close to Amrita but her Mangal Sooter fell off.

PRECAP: Govind was furious and Redics hadn’t been able to find the diary. Ansh comes to Redics while he spoke on call to Amrita. Amrita felt someone was threating him.

Update Credit to: Sona

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