College after class
Adi and Pankhuri step out of the department and walk towards the department of Payal. Thats when they run into Rubel who is standing infront of Payal’s class door
Adi: Pankhuri…see there
Pankhuri: Rubel is there Adi..
Adi: He is really into Payal I guess…
Pankhuri: What about Payal?
Adi: Thats entirely her decision. If he forces or troubles her Ill be the first one to break his jaws
Pankhuri: And if she is interested too?
Adi: Then Ill get my friend back from Latika’s evil plans
Pankhuri suddenly silences Adi as Payal steps out. Adi and Pankhuri hide behind the tree and peep to look what’s happening
Meanwhile Payal comes out and stops on seeing Rubel
Rubel: Hello Payal
Payal: Hello
Rubel: Woh,,sorry for coming are always surrounded by Adi and his friend thats why I came here…if you don’t mind can we go for a coffee?
Payal bites her lips in hesitation on thinking about her plan with Adi and Pankhuri. Thats when she remembers Adi telling her about Rubel’s feelings for her
Payal in mind: If I have to sort out my feelings for him I must go for this coffee..only on talking I can sort it out..Adi and Pankhuri will understand me..
She types a message as quick as a lightning and sends it to Pankhuri and Adi.
Payal: Okay Rubel lets go
Rubel leads the way and Payal follows him still contemplating her feelings for him.
Adi and Pankhuri see this
Adi: She is going with him…
Their phones buzz with Payal’s message
Message: Hey!! Rubel asked for a order to understand my feelings for him I have to go on this..if its a negative result I must tell him so that he doesn’t get into it a lot..if it’s positive
Adi: Whats that wink for?
Pankhuri: Thats a girl thing…
Adi: Yaar tum bhi
Pankhuri : Now focus on this..I made up my mind to have ice creams and thats cancelled bad luck
Adi: Who said that its cancelled? Im coming and we are having icecream come..
Adi takes Pankhuri with him. The scene freezes.
Vadhera office 4pm
Jeevika gets to the cafeteria for a break. She returns after sometime and finds the office in a buzz. She finds Tanya standing near the door with a smirk. Neha runs to her
Neha: Jeevika see this message it has been sent to all of us
Jeevika sees it and is shocked
Jeevika: Yeh..toh,,
Tanya: Viren’s direct enemy and you are with you are working for him..spying for him right
Viren comes out
Viren: You traitor..why are you here? Leave right now
Jeevika is shocked at Viren’s word and his stare
Arjun: Sir she …she…
Viren: She is with my enemy…Arjun..she is a traitor
Arjun: Sir…please dont send her out…she is not with Virat..its just because of her sister’s accident..I enquired about it and it was Virat who saved her sister thats why
Viren: I know that
Arjun: Then why are you sending her out?
Viren: Hey idiot..I did not ask Jeevika to go out..I asked Tanya to
Jeevika is shocked and bursts into happy tears…Neha and Radhika hold her
Rishabh: Sir….woh traitor
Viren: Tanya is the traitor man..I trusted her and let her in as the intern but she tried to bring downfall to this company by spoiling Jeevika’s presentation..thats why I sent her she is a traitor right..thats why I used the word traitor…even after sending her out she is not stopping her work..followed Jeevika and clicked this picture..if I had not gathered the information already..I would have misunderstood Jeevika and sent her out and lost a valuable employee of our company
Jeevika: Sorry sir..when you asked I should have
Viren: Jeevika..I understand your may have feared that if you mention his name I may fire you
Rishabh: Sir you and Arjun know everything?
Viren: My business rival is attacked and you expect me to not know..Now you are going away forever..dont try any other stupid activity
Viren pushes Tanya out
Jeevika to Arjun: How did you know?
Arjun: Arrey Fir has been filed and we were enquired as we are rivals of Virat.
Viren comes to them
Viren: Jeevika police came here and we got to know the involvement of you as you have signed the form for your sister
Jeevika: Sorry sir for..
Viren: Arrey no issues..your sister will recover soon. If you need anything you can ask me
Jeevika: Thats so great if you sir
Arjun: Sir who could have done this?
Viren: may be
Jeevika: Sorry for talking in the middle sir..when we were at the hospital someone named Karan called Virat and claimed the attack
Viren is shocked at the name . He soon hides it and walks inside
Neha: Chalo Jeevika lets go home now..
Radhika: This Tanya is worse than I thought
Rishabh: She is much worser yaar
Voices in background: This is the first time Viren sir is favouring a girl this much.
Jeevika is stunned to hear this . The scene freezes
Icecream parlour
Adi pulls Pankhuri and runs inside
Adi: Jaldi chalo..jaldi…
Pankhuri: Haan haan
He grabs two icecreams and gives one to her
Adi: Icecreams can beat any stress
Pankhuri: Such mein Adi
They enjoy the icecream.
They hold the umbrella and get lost in each others eyes. Time passes. None of them blink..the air around has something else other than friendship. And here comes a spoiler..Adi’s mobile rings
The post Dil Dhadakne Dho Na Episode 10 appeared first on Telly Updates.
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