Monday 11 November 2019

Shakti 10th November 2019 Written Episode Update: Harak Singh sneaks in the house to kill Heer

Shakti 10th November 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Preeto bringing food for Harak Singh and asks him to eat food. Veeran asks Harak Singh to have food and made food with love. Harak Singh recalls Preeto telling Police that he had killed her bahu. He asks her to kill him. Veeran asks why is he doing drama, everyone is listening. Harak Singh shouts at them and tells that one had killed her son and other will kill everyone. He asks them to go. Preeto and Veeran return home. Raavi asks what happened? Preeto says she has to tell the children about Harak Singh and Soumya, but before that I have to talk to Mahi. She goes to terrace where Mahi is already standing. She tells her that she wants to tell a fake lie to kids and says she wants to tell them that Harak Singh’s car fell in the valley and he is missing. Mahi says you wants to lie to children. Preeto says she can’t let Heer know that her Dadu wants to kill her and Soumya died while saving her. Mahi says truth can’t be hidden. Preeto says that’s why I came to you and asks her to handle Heer and console her. Mahi tells that Heer is not a human, but a Dayan and had swallowed Harman, Soumya and now Harak Singh went to jail because of her. Preeto says a human eats another human, I was wrong and came to you with wrong hope, I will handle my Heer.

Gita talks to Gayatri and they see Soumya is shifting from the hospital to the govt hospital. Gayatri asks Nurse to shift her back to the ward and says I will talk to the management. The management officer comes there and tells that they have no responsibility for unknown patient and tells that they will shift her in govt hospital. Gita asks Gayatri to stop them from taking her. Gayatri tells Management that her patient is her priority and she won’t let her taken away anywhere. She makes Soumya sit on the chair. Gita says my mumma is the best doctor of the world as she don’t let patient go without treatment.

Raavi asks Sindhu to call everyone and tell what they shall do infront of kids. Sindhu calls Shanno. Shanno and Mahi come there. Raavi tells Sindhu to tell her. Shanno says we will not do any drama. Sindhu says you have to.. Mahi is about to leave. Raavi asks didn’t you hear what we said. Mahi says she is not affected and don’t care about their drama. Raavi says what kids will think. Sindhu says kids know. Preeto brings the kids there. Raavi and Sindhu start crying while Shanno makes a sad face. Preeto asks why you are crying? Raavi says Bau ji and Soumya’s car fell in the valley. Heer gets shocked and cries calling Gulabo and Dadu. Soham says this can’t happen. Rohan asks him not to cry. Heer cries calling Gulabo and Dadu, recalls moments with them. She hugs Raavi and cries. Tu hi mera khuda plays….. Mahi comes there. Heer runs to her and cries hugging her. She says Dadu and Gulabo’s car fell in the valley. Mahi says we will pray for them. Preeto looks at Mahi.

Harak Singh looks at the tiffin brought by Preeto and asks Constable to give him tiffin. Constable says you had refused to eat food and asks them to take the tiffin back. Harak Singh says I will have food and asks him to bring it. Constable says ok and opens the lock up to give him tiffin, Harak Singh beats him and holds his neck. He then takes Inspector’s gun. He tells Inspector that he will return after doing a small work. He runs from the Police station holding the constable on gun point and then runs. Police run behind him. Harak Singh hides in the bushes. Inspector says Harak Singh shall not escaped. Harak Singh thinks everyone must be sleeping, I will kill her and then you can catch me. Heer cries calling Gulabo and Soumya. Raavi tells Heer that there is a temple near the valley and if they pray there then they will return. Heer says we shall go there. Raavi says we will go tomorrow and says she will make her sleep. Preeto asks Mahi to make her sleep with her. Mahi takes Heer with her.

Soham asks Rohan if Maa will return? Rohan asks did you forget that what she used to say. A fb is shown, Rohan asks Soumya what they will do if she goes sometime. Soumya says I will be with you and if I go anywhere for a long time then close your eyes and remember me, I will come there. fb ends. Rohan asks Soham to close his eyes. Soham closes his eyes and imagines Soumya loving him and telling that she will be with him always. She hugs him. Soham opens his eyes.

Inspector and his team couldn’t find Harak Singh. Harak Singh thinks to divert their attention and throws stone at other side. Inspector and constable runs there. Harak Singh frees. Mahi thinks of Harak Singh’s words and is about to go. Heer asks her to sleep with her and tells that Gulabo used to sleep with her. Mahi says she feels suffocated with her and says she will sleep on sofa. Heer asks her to keep her hand on her head and says she will sleep. Mahi thinks she shall not have any motherly feelings for her and sleeps on sofa. Heer gets up and says I miss you Gulabo. She covers blanket on her head. Harak Singh comes home and enters the hall secretly. He then locks the door. He thinks she must be sleeping with Preeto and comes to her room, but Preeto is sleeping alone. Harak Singh thinks Heer must be sleeping with Rohan and Soham. He comes to their room and find them sleeping. He checks in Raavi and Sindhu’s room, thinks she can’t be in Veeran’s room, so she must be in Mahi’s room. He goes to Mahi’s room and says I will not leave her. Mahi gets up and says Papa ji you are here. Harak Singh says I came to do my work and will return after doing this. He says I will kill her.

Mahi stops him and says I can’t see her dying, I have kept her in my womb for 9 months, just leave her in kinnar’s home. Harak Singh says kinnars have a bad affect and pushes Mahi. Mahi tries to stop him, but in vain. Harak Singh shoots at the bed. Soumya gains consciousness in the hospital. Preeto, Raavi, Sindhu and Rohan wake up hearing the bullet sound. Harak Singh shoots repeatedly. Mahi stands shocked. Preeto, Raavi, Sindhu, Veeram and Rohan come there and look at the bed. Preeto goes near the bed and pulls the blanket. She don’t see Heer there and relaxes. Harak Singh asks where is she? Heer comes to the temple as told by Raavi and tells that she is going down the valley to search Gulabo and Dadu. Preeto shouts Heer and is about to go out. Harak Singh says where is she and tells that he will kill her today. He asks them and aims gun at them. Preeto asks him to shoot all of them and says until I am alive, I won’t let anything happen to Heer. He says I will shoot everyone. Preeto says you shall kill us and then you can get her. Harak Singh loads gun to shoot Preeto. Raavi says no. Veeran asks him to come to his senses and says you want to shoot at your wife. He shoots near Rohan. Rohan is shocked.

Harak Singh says I shot at wrong aim intentionally, but this time I will shoot Rohan. He holds his neck and tells that he is not his blood so he can shoot him. He asks where is that….Raavi says we really don’t know where is she? Harak Singh says I will make you say and takes Rohan downstairs. Sindhu asks Mahi where is Heer? Mahi says I made her sleep and I myself slept. Preeto asks Raavi to close Soham’s door from outside. The kinnars are going back home and they see Heer on the road. They ask her. Heer tells that she is going down the valley to search Gulabo and Dadu. They ask her to come with them. Harak Singh takes Rohan to hall and asks everyone, where is Heer? Raavi says we really don’t know. Harak Singh tells that he will take both Soham and Rohan with him. Preeto tells that Soham doesn’t know Heer’s truth and asks him to leave Rohan. Sindhu says we really don’t know where is she? Harak Singh says it is your responsibility to tell me. Veeran says we really don’t know. Just then door bell rings, Harak Singh looks on.

Roma comes to Saya and tells that they had kidnapped Heer and asks her to leave from there. Saya asks who told you to bring her here. Roma says if you don’t take her from here then she will not be alive so you have to take her. Heer sees Soumya’s pic there and says where are you Gulabo, I miss you. Soumya has opened her eyes, but is still not in her senses.

Update in Progress

Update Credit to: H Hasan

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