Tuesday, 2 May 2023

Main Hoon Aparajita 1st May 2023 Written Episode Update: Disha makes a deal with Mohini


Main Hoon Aparajita 1st May 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

Scene 1
Akshay tells Disha that she won’t go to the office from now on, she asks why? Akshay says I don’t want you to work with Arjun anymore. Disha says you trust Niya’s love but you are this much insecure and why should I sacrifice my work for her? I will go there and work for sure. Akshay says I will get you some other work, you don’t need to work there anymore. Disha says you should get a father of the year award. Akshay says you are crossing a line. Disha says no, you are making me sacrifice something that is mine, I can’t allow you to do that, I will go to the office, she leaves.

Arjun tells Disha that we should run away and get married then your father will agree. Disha says Maa would never want me to run away, I want to face this situation heads on.

Mohini looks at the wedding card and calls Niya, she says why does it have Aparajita’s name with Akshay’s name instead of me? Niya asks her to calm down, just let me get married. Mohini angrily ends the call. Disha comes there so Mohini asks if her mother sent her? Disha says I am here on my own, I am tired of fighting and I know only you can remove Niya from our path.. She folds her hands and pleads with her. Mohini says its nice to see you begging. Disha says please don’t snatch my Arjun from me. Mohini says I can separate Niya and Arjun but what’s my benefit in it? Disha says if that happens then my mother will leave Akshay’s life. Mohini says how should I trust you? Disha says Aparajita doesn’t know that I am here. Till my mother is here then you will have no worth in this house. If I get Arjun then I will go to Mumbai with him, I will take my mother and sisters with me, you can keep Akshay then. She shows her Mumbai shop papers. Mohini says how will that happen? Disha says you should say no Arjun and Niya’s marriage then I will put condition in front of Aparajita to come to Mumbai with me, she won’t be able to say no to me. Mohini says I accept.

Chhavi looks at the papers and says Disha has rented a shop in Mumbai and even got Asha admitted there in the school. Asha says we are shiting to Mumbai? Disha says yes. Chhavi says how can you decide this alone? Disha says I have done a deal with Mohini, she will allow Arjun to be with me if we all go to Mumbai. Chhavi says have you gone crazy? you can take this decision alone, you didn’t even discuss with Maa. Niya hides and hears them. Chhavi says we don’t accept your decision, we will not go. Disha says we all have to go to Mumbai. Niya says this is a good plan, I have to tell mom. She leaves.

Niya calls Mohini and says Aparajita’s daughters are fighting and Disha wants to shift to Mumbai. If that happens then Arjun is mine. Mohini thinks it means I can have Akshay, everyone is selfish in love.

Chhavi tells Disha that how could you deal with Mohini, you put Maa’s relationship on line to get Arjun? Disha says I had to do it to get Arjun. Chhavi says there is a way, if I convince papa to accept you and Arjun then you won’t go to Mumbai? Disha says he will never accept. Chhavi says give me time and an opportunity.

Chhavi comes to Akshay and says I want to talk. He says you seem upset? Chhavi says I thought only Disha, Arjun and Niya are suffering but now I feel like Niya and Arjun’s marriage can destroy this house. Akshay asks what do you mean? Chhavi says Disha wants to shift to Mumbai with all of us, she thinks you only care about Niya. Akshay says I don’t know what to do. Chhavi says I also feel like our papa only loves his one daughter, he can do anything for her happiness. You need to fix this house before getting her married, I trust you completely, I know you won’t break hearts of your 3 daughters for your one daughter. Akshay thinks if he is doing the wrong thing?

Chhavi comes to Disha and says I talked to papa, he is thinking about his decision. Disha says he is a man, his ego is bigger than his love as a father. He will do what he wants so I will do what I want. Chhavi calls Aparajita and says Disha did a deal with Mohini. Aparajita says told her to do so, Niya is on the wrong path and we have to make her believe that Mohini is selfish and using her. Disha says now Mohini will be exposed, she will try to break Niya and Arjun’s wedding. Aparajita says Niya will see real face of Mohini now. Chhavi says why didn’t you tell me before that it was all acting? Disha says you helped me by talking to Akshay.

Akshay thinks about Chhavi’s words. He goes to their room but they are not there. He says I want them to know that I care for them like Niya so I won’t fix the marriage date for sometime. Disha comes there so Akshay says I want to talk to you. Disha sees Mohini calling and says I have to take this, she leaves. Akshay goes from there. Chhavi comes there and says he left already?

Mohini calls Disha and says I have convinced Niya. Disha thanks her but Mohini says you have to pay the price for this. If you get Akshay to sign the divorce papers then Niya will break it off with Arjun. Disha says I just talked about leaving the house with Maa. Mohini says I want her to divorced from Akshay and then we will talk.

Akshay calls Disha and Chhavi. Mohini comes there so he asks what is she doing here? Mohini calls Niya and says I have taken a decision for my daughter. Aparajita comes there too. Akshay asks where is Amma? Aparajita says she stayed back and I am here to tell about my decision. Mohini says my decision is that Arjun and Niya won’t get married. All are shocked hearing that.

The episode ends.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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