Saturday, 6 May 2023

Falling in love again : Sai Joshi!! Part 30


Since they had very less time for the wedding preparations and also since Sai, Swathi and Samaira were pregnant , all the clothes and other shopping was done by calling some of the best designers home and selecting the dresses. Later Vikram suggested that all the youngsters could  leave for the villa earlier so that they could spend some time together as well as make it a memorable trip….Everyone agreed and Dadi Ma announced that not only youngsters even the elders would join them as they also wanted to spend time away from the daily schedule…..Everyone cheered up for the plan and went to their respective rooms to pack their bags. In Vikram and Sai’s room , Vikram asked Sai to sit on the bed and told her to guide him in packing their bags but before starting the packing he asked her to quickly gulp down the fruit juice he had bought for her. She smiled and quickly and drank it.

Looking at the empty glass Vikram smiled and then started packing , initially he packed her clothes……one was the regular pair of clothes that she used to wear and the other suitcase contained clothes that she would wear for the wedding….keeping in mind that she would feel extremely hot too and had started wearing his shirts and shorts he packed a few of them too in the suitcase. Later he packed his regular wears  and his dresses that he would be wearing for the wedding  ,  by the time he finished his packing and looked up …He found Sai had already slept. He quickly placed the blanket over her and kissed her on the forehead. He then placed his hand on her belly and kissed it too and spoke …Heyy junior I am excited to meet youuu…..but please don’t trouble mummaaaa soooo muchh……I know u too are excited to come out and meet us ….but please be patient ! He patted her head and adored her while she was sleeping .At that moment Sayantani and Vijayendra entered and admired their children….Vijayendra then teased Sayantani and told that during her pregnancies too he used to admire her as the glow on her face and the smile she carried on her face had a totally different aura which captivated his heart. Sayantani blushed and told that he should grow up as now they were going to be grandparents of three small cuties.

Satvam and Swathi’s twins and Vikram and Sai’s child…….Vijayendra smiled looking at his wife blushing and told that his heart was still like that of a teenage guy and would not change even if he were a 100 years old…..Sayantani smiled and walked to Vikram, Vijayadashami followed her …….Vikram was surprised looking at his parents in his room and asked if they needed anything……They nodded a  no and told that they were relieving their days when Sayantani was pregnant and the way Vijayendra used to take care of her. Sai just woke up and was surprised to see Ma and Papa in the room she tried to sit up but Vikram helped her……at that time she requested Ma and Papa to sit and that’s when Sayantani showed Sai and Vikram,  Vikram’s childhood pictures …..Sai enjoyed looking at Vikram’s baby pictures……Sayantani and Vijayendra kept telling Sai about Vikram’s naughtiness and his childhood stories……Sai laughed hearing about them ……Vikram was happy looking at Sai laugh……..his entire world revolved around Sai and her happiness and now that there was an addition t9 it and that was his junior who was on the way. Later during lunch Sayantani and had prepared some light food for Swathi and Sai as they weren’t able to eat properly owing to  their nausea sensation and vomiting.  Later Vikram took Sai outside to give her a small surprise……..He had put a beautiful a sticker of BABY ON BOARD on his car and had bought a few chocolates for her knowing that she loved chocolates. She was sooo happy and quickly kissed him on his cheek. They walked back to the Palace where he took her to their room and they pulled put their wedding album and kept teasing each other regarding many of the funny moments in their wedding……Later they switched on their Laptop where they opened their Honeymoon pictures and were enjoying watching them……They had gone to Europe for their Honeymoon and they both enjoyed it……….infact the best part of their trip was when they were in Switzerland and ate too many icecreams…….it was freezing cold outside and our cuties were busy eating icecreams in the room. They were laughing recollecting funny incidents in their Honeymoon and didn’t realize when they both fell asleep

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