Wednesday 8 April 2020

Twinj: My Lifeline: Episode 9

Hello everyone! A big thank you for all the love and appreciation my work is getting. It’s pretty evident that the stories aren’t really doing well, so I’m thinking of finishing them up soon. But all three stories haven’t even gone far enough to finish in an episode ot two. It’ll take some time to end them, please bear with me till then. Happy reading!

Twinj: My Lifeline: Episode 9

A quick recap: Kunj invites Twinkle to a café where he reveals the truth to her, which leaves her broken. She ends up crying herself to sleep, leaving Chinki worried for her.

Twinkle slowly opened her eyes, and sat up in her bed, looking around, when she recalled her meeting with Kunj earlier that day. She found herself in a dilemma, her mind and heart at constant battle with each other. She was lost in deep thought when she heard an urgent knock on the door. She got off the bed, and opened the door to find Leela and Chinki outside, looking worried for her. She smiled at them and brought them inside. “Twinkle, is everything alright?” Leela asked in a concerned tone, and added, “You went to meet Kunj, didn’t you?” There was pin drop silence in the room, and Twinkle didn’t respond at all. “Twinkle, there is nothing in the world that matters to me more than you do. All I want is your happiness. If you don’t want to marry him, it’s alright, I’ll deal with it, but please say something!” Leela urged. The idea of pushing Kunj away hurt Twinkle in a way she didn’t even know was possible, and suddenly, she knew what she had to do now. The path ahead appeared crystal clear to her. “There isn’t anything like that, Ma! I want this wedding to happen.” She spoke firmly, shocking Chinki, while Leela let out a sigh of relief.

An hour or so later, Twinkle finally gave in to Chinki’s pestering, and explained all that Kunj had told her, leaving her speechless. She tried to convince her bestie to call off the wedding, but Twinkle seemed to made her stand firm. No amount of attempts by Chinki could make her even rethink her decision. Twinkle warned Chinki to keep all that to herself, for if Leela ever found out, she would never let princess do something that could probably ruin her entire life. “What happens when Alisha recovers and gets back?” Chinki asked finally, hoping she could knock some sense into her hopelessly in love best friend. Twinkle gave her a sharp look, but didn’t utter a single word. That question was the one that frightened her the most too. What will happen of her life, her marriage, her love was something she had carefully avoiding thinking about, lest she would weaken in her resolve.

At night, just as she was about to go to bed, Twinkle heard her phone ring. “Kunj” It read. Unknown to herself, a bright smile appeared on her face. She immediately received the call. “Hello?” She spoke, trying her best to hide her excitement. “Kunj here.” He replied, his voice very low, but even before she could respond, he said, “I know it’s really ruthless of me to ask you of this, especially after all that I told you about this morning, but I really, really need your help. Please don’t back off from the wedding!” There was an awkward silence for a minute, Kunj had begun to give up any hope of an affirmation, but what he heard next brought a rush of unknown emotions to his heart. “Kunj, if nothing else, you’re my friend, and you’ve asked for a favour. I don’t see why I should be denying. Don’t let all this stress you so much!” Twinkle was saying. He let himself smile a little, knowing that now he wouldn’t be fighting the battle all alone. He thanked her a hundred times before wishing her a ‘Good night’ and ending the call.

Twinkle walked to her balcony, and looked up at the stars and the moon, shining brightly. “I know it’s going to be hard” She whispered softly to herself and sighed deeply. “But I love him, it’s the least I can do for him. After all, his happiness has mattered more than mine to me for years now” She spoke in a daze, silently praying that things would get better soon, and asking the skies to bless her with the strength to carry out her purpose well.

On the other hand, Kunj was sitting beside Alisha’s bed in the hospital, where she was lying unconscious. The doctors had given him a few minutes to meet her before they shifted her to the rehab facility. He was holding her hand gently in his, and narrating all that had happened after her accident to her. He paused as he thought of Twinkle. He smiled, telling Alisha that Twinkle was a gem of a person, and that in her, he had found a huge fan and a fierce friend. He realised that Alisha never was a friend to him. They had met at an event, and gotten attracted to each other at the first instant, and their equation had always been so. He slowly put her hand down, wondering if he would ever have been able to speak to her as freely as he had let loose his thoughts with Twinkle that morning. He stood up and walked to the window, and watched the moon, his mind repeatedly reminding him that Twinkle was everything Alisha wasn’t, and no matter how much he tried to deny it, he had found a solace with Twinkle that he had been missing with Alisha, who always treated him like a celebrity. With Twinkle, things were different, he observed. Although she had gushed about how big a fan of his she was, she treated him like a normal human being, listened to him when he spoke and gave honest responses. She had not, even once, tried to get any share in his fame, but now as he thought of it, Alisha indulged herself in his fame.

Kunj didn’t know for how long he had stood at the window. He was jerked back to reality when Usha called him from behind, informing him that the doctors had come to take Alisha away. Being the doting mother that she was, it didn’t go unnoticed to her that something was different in her son. He didn’t seem to be as blinded in Alisha’s love as before. She knew the time was ripe, and sent a message to Kunj’s manager that the wedding would happen in a week from now. She was too happy for words now, her son had finally taken a step in the direction she had always wished him to. Away from Alisha that is.

That’s it for now guys. Hope you liked it.

Lots of love!

The post Twinj: My Lifeline: Episode 9 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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