Hello My Dear Readers, Thanks alot
So finally from today the core plot ,the crux of this ff will begin.
I hope you all will find it interesting.
Actually being a twinj fan it was not easy for me also to craft twiraj scenes
N i didn’t want to disappoint any of u.
So I decided in order to reach to the main plot asap I should skip twiraj scenes
N directly speed up
So the story has taken a leap of 6 months
Just a small Recap
Twinkle,Kunj, and Yuvraj were pursuing their MBA from same college.
Kunj fell in love at first sight with twinkle
He was about to propose Twinkle but on same day he realised that yuvi and twinkle love eachother
A heartbroken Kunj after giving his final exams of MBA left immediately for Canada.
Six months latter
A Glass Building is shown.
A young girl is sitting in centre of bed
Her hair is covering her entire face
She has a needle in her hand
With that needle she is trying to draw something on her other hand
She is actually pricking the needle in her skin
Drops of blood start to flow from her hand
A nurse notices this n rushes to call doctor
Nurse collides with leela-ur daughter is mad psycho hain puri she has pricked her own hand With needle and it is bleeding
Leela is shocked to hear this
She rushes to room
To see blood flowing from twinkle’s hand
(That girl is twinkle )
Leela goes n snatches the needle from her hand
Leela (yells)-Twinkle have u gone mad what r u doing
Just then a lady doctor comes in
(She is Tisca chopra and will be essaying role of Dr Injana a psychologist)
Dr Injana -no No Mrs Taneja Donot scold her pls .U pls go outside I will talk to twinkle
Nurses urges Leela to leave
Leela is weeping
Dr Injana lovingly takes twinkle’s bleeding hand in her own hand and does dressing
Twinkle -No No pls no I was making a heart on my hand.if u will apply medicine It will get spoiled. I need to write yuvi’s name in it ,so that he should come to know how much I love him.
Dr Injana (gently )-sweet heart ,this is not the right way, u know if yuvi will come to know that u have hurt urself u are in pain he will feel so bad.Do u want to hurt him??see ur mom is also crying. No one who loves u can see u in pain.
Twinkle (tear filled eyes)-Then that means yuvi doesn’t love me???y y y? ???
She starts crying loudly
Dr Injana hugs her tightly
She pats her back
She tries to make her calm down
Twinkle keeps saying yuvi Yuvi n keeps sobbing.
Twinkle is crying inconsolably
Scene shifts
Kunj is shown to be working in a cabin
He is typing something on his laptop
His hands begin to tremble
He starts to sweat profusely
Somehow he manages to drink water
Kunj’s pov-why does this keep happening to me?why do I feel as if twinkle is in pain at regular intervals? ??why do I feel so restless? ??why do I feel she needs me??
Kunj is confused
“Ae dil hain mushkil “plays in Bg
Scene shifts
Leela is sitting in Dr Injana’s cabin
She is crying
Dr Injana offers her water
Leela (with lump in throat )-my kudhi ,my twinkle was such a happy girl.when will she become like that again??I cannot see her this way…what should I do??she keeps hurting herself.why cannot she forget that Yuvraj
Dr Injana-Mrs Taneja I can feel your pain.
Leela (in a very distressed manner)-Dr pls tell me Is my twinkle really gone mad??nurse was saying so
Dr Injana -No No not at all.Twinkle is perfectly fine.See Mrs Taneja She is suffering through bipolar depression. and such kinds of extreme mood swings are very common in such patients.Actually she needs lots of love now.someone to treat her like a small child. Mrs Taneja Does twinkle have any cousin, Friend whom she is very close to.Somebody who will be around her age. Somebody who will be very patient and loving towards her.I know that u are there for her.but she misses her father and also feels very lonely.
Kunj’s face Flashes before leela’s eyes
Dr Injana -Actually while talking to twinkle. I have realised she misses her friend Kunj. She repeatedly takes his name also.she says he left without even saying a good bye to her.Can he come over here???
Leela gets thinking
Scene shifts
Kunj is in cafeteria
He tries to eat food
He is unable to
Kunj’s pov-should I call bebe once n ask about twinkle but then she will get upset.
What do I do??I am feeling so so so restless today.
Kunj’s phone rings
He is surprised to see Leela’s name flash
Kunj picks up
Leela narrates something
Kunj is dumbstruck
He cannot believe
Kunj-I was having no idea about all this Aunty.
I will immediately come to Amritsar.
Leela-Beta we donot stay in Amritsar.beta it is a long story I will tell u everything once u come over here pls.
Kunj (confused)-ok Aunty
Leela -Beta I will send u the address on whatsapp n pls pls Don’t tell anything to anyone from ur family pls.
Beta I didn’t want to disturb u but….
Kunj (interrupts)-Aunty ,pls pls Don’t say so.Aunty twinkle is going through so much..
..I feel so guilty that I was not with her.u pls take care of urself and please don’t worry I will come immediately.
Leela feels better
Kunj quickly rushes back to his residence
He makes some calls
Scene shifts
Twinkle is sleeping keeping her head on
Leela’s lap
She is caressing her hair
Leela’s pov-I am sure Kunj will definitely make my twinkle fine like before
She looks at her bandaged hand
She kisses it
Kunj is in flight
He is very upset n sad.
Kunj’s pov- what might have happened? Why didn’t bebe tell me anything? Why did she hide that yuvi n twinkle broke up?why did twinkle n Aunty leave Amritsar?twinkle has gone through so much n I was clueless. I wish I would have called her once.my gut feeling so many times indicated that may be twinkle isnot fine.still I didn’t call her once also.such a big fool Iam. Idiot stupid….
Precap-Nurse tries to give juice to twinkle
Twinkle in anger throws the glass
Nurse pushes twinkle and calls her psycho
She was about to fall
But lands in kunj’s arms
Twinkle’s eyes glitter with joy seeing Kunj
She hugs him tightly
Twinkle -Kunj I missed u so much.everyone has troubled me alot.why did u leave me alone like this y ???
Twinkle is crying
Seeing tears in her eyes kunj’s eyes too well up with tears.
The post Ishq-E-Kismat Episode 16 – A New FF Tashan-e-Ishq appeared first on Telly Updates.
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