Hai friends..here is next episode . Hope you all will like it
The call with Naitik disconnects
Kartik: Naira..something sounds fishy
Naira: I too guess the same..maybe there is something which we don’t know
Kartik: Exactly..Adi would not have got such a shock due to guilt..I think he was scared of someone…maybe the one who set the fire..
Naira: You mean Adi bhai didn’t lit the house
Kartik: Do you believe Shagun bua would be so careless to give candles to him with matchbox
Naira: So we have to closely watch
Kartik: Mr.Shivaay and Anika’s mom too
Naira: Perfect
Naira turns to go inside the room when Kartik pulls her into his embrace
Kartik: Whats the urgency Jaaneman
Naira: Kartik.
Kartik: We are on a mission and I need energy too…
Naira: Shall I give boost
Kartik: He shows his cheek to her
Naira: Whats this
Kartik: Your kiss is the best boost ever
Kartik tightens his grip. Naira kisses him. The scene freezes
Kartik and Naira are at the Oberoi house.
Kartik: Ready agent Naira
Naira: Yes agent Kartik
Kartik: Today you be here with her..after all she invited you here..observe as much as possible
He kisses her forehead and leaves her there.
Naira gets in. Everyone is in a state of panic
Anika is lying unconscious while doctor is testing her
Shivaay: Naira…
Naira: Anika didi invited me over
Shivaay: Oh okay..but
Doctor: Don’t worry Mr.Oberoi she is just scared
Anika wakes up
Shivaay: What happened
Anika: I saw some shadow following me at the garage
Shivaay: Why did you go there..see Naira is here you both discuss your room design too
Shivaay leaves from there. He goes to his MIL
Shivaay: Seems like he is here
MIL: What..why is he back after so many years
Shivaay: We need the new house very soon..with all safety till then you please don’t let her out of site..today it’s good that Naira is here. She will not let Anika go anywhere alone
Naira overhears bits of this. The scene freezes.
Kartik is at the spot with Urvashi.
Urvashi: Kartik can we go out for lunch
Just before Kartik could answer his phone rings.It’s Naira
Kartik: Kahiye Jaaneman.
Urvashi is irritated
Naira tells him what she heard..I mean overheard
Kartik: So he is known to them and more importantly I’m stuck at the phrase he is back after so many years…Naira there is something fishy…and this is related to our families too
Naira: I guess so and Kartik I need to tell something very important too
Kartik: Whats it
FB : After Shivaay leaves Anika’s mom comes to Naira
Anika’s mom: Naira beta… where you and Kartik from..your families
Naira: Aunty we hail from Udaipur..Kartik’s father is Mr.Manish Goenka
AM: Your family beta
Naira: Ji I’m the daughter of Naitik Singhania
Anika’s mom is shocked
Anika’s mom:Kartik left his family business for Cinema
Naira: Haan Aunty Ji
FB ends
Naira: I feel she knows our families too..her tone was entirely different after hearing papa’s name
Kartik: We need to find soon
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