Saturday, 10 December 2022

Ajooni 9th December 2022 Written Episode Update: Shikha traps Aman in her lies too


Ajooni 9th December 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Bebe asks Shikha to go and light diya in the mandir. Aman helps her in doing aarti. Ajooni is hurt. Shikha tells Aman that I did wrong with you by marrying Harvindar but I will pay for it. I will give my baby to you, all are shocked. Shikha swears on diya that she will give her baby to Aman, that baby will call her mother and she will be her sister. Aman takes diya from her and hugs her. Ajooni angrily leaves. Shikha smirks.

Ajooni comes to her room and cries. She tells Rajveer that we couldn’t stop Shikha, she even fooled Aman. Rajveer says you did everything you could, if Aman has accepted her then we can’t do much. Ajooni says she is using Aman’s emotions. Rajveer says I know that but we can’t do much now. I am always with you so don’t worry. Ajooni smiles and hugs him.

Bebe tells the family that Aman has accepted Shikha, this is good. She asks Aman to prepare for her face-revealing ceremony. She asks Aman to prepare the gold bangles that they got for Shikha. Aman nods. Bebe asks Shikha to cook her first meal. Shikha asks Aman to come and help her. Aman goes with her.

Chanku comes to the kitchen and asks Aman if she knows how to cook? Shikha says yes, just leave. She leaves from there. Aman is helping Shikha in the kitchen. Shikha acts like her finger got cut and cries in pain. She says I can’t even cook now. Aman rushes to her and says don’t worry, I will cook. Shikha says thank you, you are a queen of this place. Aman keeps the house keys there and starts cooking. Shikha hides the keys and leaves from there.

Shikha comes to the room and opens the safe, she wants to steal the bangles they got for Shikha only. She smirks seeing it and steals them. Ajooni comes there but Shikha hides before she can see her.

Bebe comes to Ravindra and says I know you don’t like Shikha but I want to see an heir before I die. I will be very sad if I don’t get to see my heir. Ravindra says don’t cry, if you want to keep Shikha here then fine. Shikha comes there and says the lunch is ready. Ravindra ignores her but Bebe asks him to come and have lunch with them. He nods.

The guests come to meet Shikha. Bebe says Shikha cooked for the first time today, it was delicous. Aman brings Shikha there. All guests praise her beauty. Bebe says lets do the ritual. she asks Aman to bring the bangles. Aman finds the keys gone and whispers to Bebe that I don’t have the safe keys. Bebe asks her to take the 2nd keys from her room. Aman nods and leaves. Bebe asks Ajooni to bring tea. Ajooni brings it but Dolly puts her foot in front of her so Ajooni slips and tea falls in front of Shikha. All are shocked. Bebe glares at her and says you are useless, clean this up. Ajooni looks on.

PRECAP – Ajooni tells the family that I didn’t steal anything, I am sure the bangles are in Shikha’s room only. Bebe says we will search your room first. They find the bangles in Ajooni’s room. She is stunned.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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